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    Looking for Official? 12 Signs He Wants You to Be His Girlfriend

    Sometimes men aren't as obvious as we think. Other times, we're too blind to see what they want. So, here are the signs he wants you to be his girlfriend.

    Maybe you've been hanging out with this guy every day or maybe he takes you out for dinner but doesn't kiss you at the end. And now, you're freaking out, thinking, does this guy even like me? In your head, you already planned which photo you'll post on Facebook of the two of you and where you're going to go on your first anniversary. But maybe he's also planning that in his head as well. It's time you knew the must-know signs he wants you to be his girlfriend.

    The must-know signs he wants you to be his girlfriend

    Women like to think men are easy to figure out. We like to think we know exactly how they work and that the way to their heart is through their stomach *which has yet to be scientifically proven, by the way*.

    But alas, here we are. You sit in front of your computer trying to figure out if this guy likes you and wants a relationship. But I thought he was easy to read? Doesn't look like it. So, it turns out they're just as complicated as women are. Who would have thought? But there are some subtle and blatantly clear signs he wants you to be his girlfriend, ladies.

    #1 He deleted his dating apps. Listen, when I deleted my dating app from my phone, it was a big deal for me. It was a sign I didn't want to look for anyone else and that I'm not interested in hookups. So, if he deletes his Tinder, that is without you telling him to do so, he makes that first step on his own. He's done swiping.

    #2 He asks you things about yourself. There's a specific way we interact with people we only hook up with. That is, we don't really interact with them at all. Yeah, there'll be small talk and shallow conversation, but he's not interested in getting to know more about you.

    He just wants in your pants and then to go home. But if your guy is trying to get to know you on a personal level, he cares about you.

    #3 He introduces you to his besties. Yes, I said besties. If you only use a guy to hook up with, you're not going to introduce him to your close circle of people. This goes the same for guys. They'll have a nickname for you like, “the girl with red hair” or “the one with the mole on her upper lip” and that's what you'll be known as. But if he introduces you to his close friends, he wants them to see you.

    #4 He calls you. I know, this may seem minor, but guys only interested in a hook up are the ones that only ever text you. Sure, they could phone you, it would probably be easier, but then they'd have to talk to you. Nowadays, calling someone on the phone has turned into an act of intimacy. Weird, right? He wants to chat with you about how your day went, etc.

    #5 You talk daily. Now, this doesn't mean you talk all day, but maybe he texts you in the morning or sends you a cute goodnight text at night. The point is, you're the first person that comes to his mind before he closes his eyes at night. That's what actually matters. If he starts and ends his day with you, it's a great sign.

    #6 He spends his weekends with you. Weekends are a precious time in everyone's lives. It's the time where we get to relax and be with the people we haven't seen all week. So, if he's giving you his time from Friday to Sunday, well, then you must be pretty special. Now, if he's spending his weekend days and nights with you, he's into you.

    #7 He takes you to events. Whether it's his sister's wedding or his Christmas dinner, you're his plus-one. Now, this sign is important. Literally, no guy will bring a girl to a wedding or family dinner if he doesn't see her as someone special. He's not going to make himself vulnerable for questioning by his parents and grandparents over some girl that's just a hookup.

    #8 He's not pressuring you. It feels like we've become used to sex on the first date. And for many women, they feel pressure to engage in sex sooner than later. But if he's really into you, he won't pressure you, he just won't. Even if the guy goes wild over you, he contains himself. That is until he gets home in the confines of his bedroom. He's having blue balls, you can't hate him.

    #9 He wants to meet your parents. Most people, in general, do not want to meet the parents. I can't blame them, especially when you're not sure about someone, meeting the parents is a huge step. If he's excited to meet your family, then he wants to see where you come from. It's a positive step for him and he's excited to be a part of it.

    #10 He cuddles with you. Though this gesture is small, it's highly intimate. If you're finished with sex or simply sitting on the couch watching a movie and he goes to cuddle you, it's a great sign. These intimate acts are huge for men as they make them vulnerable. He feels warm and safe with his arms wrapped around you.

    #11 He gives you a pair of keys. Well, this is clearly a huge sign of trust. If he gives you keys to his place and you have your things in his house, then he's completely open to you. He has nothing to hide from you nor does he want to hide anything from you. This is one of the most serious signs that he's into you.

    #12 He told you he likes you. At the end, if he shows these signs and he' telling you that he's into you, well, it's clear that he wants you as his girlfriend. Now, it's just a matter of deciding if that's what you want or not.

    Now that you know the signs he wants you to be his girlfriend, do any match up with your guy?