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    20 Signs He Sees a Future with You or Sees One Without You in It

    Your relationship is going well, but are you wondering where it is going? Here are all the signs he sees a future with you.

    If your end goal is finding a husband, you may always be wondering about the future of your current relationship. Are you wasting your time? Is this going to stay casual forever? Understanding the signs he sees a future with you becomes critical.

    I get it. I've been there. Anyone that wants their relationship to move on to the next level understands the struggle is real.

    Why are you unsure about your future?

    Before we even get into the signs he sees a future with you, let's discuss why you are looking for signs in the first place. If you are hoping for a future with your boyfriend, you should talk about it.

    If you want him to pop the question, there are future topics you should talk about first. Do you both want kids? Where do you want to live? What are your opinions on politics and religion and money?

    Now, I get if you have some trust issues. I've been there. A guy tells you he can't wait for the future with you and goes on and on about it, but then ditches you out of the blue. He leaves you to feed his fish and pack his shit.

    Those are the ladies or gents that these signs are for. But, if you trust you guy fully and have no reason to doubt his word, have a talk. That is the best way to know where his head is at. Signs are fine and dandy, but hearing the truth right from the source will give you the info you're craving.

    Signs he sees a future with you

    Although just one or two of these signs may not mean too much, adding them up says he sees a future with you.

    #1 He brings you around his family. When a guy wants to know that a future with you is an option, he wants you to spend time with the people closest to him. Making sure you get along with people he shares his life with will reassure him that a future with you is a good choice.

    #2 His friends like you. It is one thing for a guy's family to accept you and welcome you as one of their own, but when his friends also like you, he knows how truly rare and special that it. 

    #3 He pays attention. A guy that sees a future with you pays attention to the little things. If you once mentioned that you would love to live in a house with a porch and now he is house hunting for houses with porches, he wants to make you happy.

    #4 He talks about the future. This might seem obvious, but if he brings up when you have kids one day or buying a house, he may be thinking about a future with you more than you realized.

    #5 He isn't afraid of commitment. A guy who committed to you from the start has a better chance of seeing a future with you. He doesn't get scared off when things get serious and makes moves towards the future rather than veering away from it.

    #6 You exchanged keys. If he has given you a key to his place, he trusts you and that is a huge step in any relationship. And if he accepted yours, you are on track to continue your relationship. A guy won't just give anyone a key.

    #7 He cares what you think. He asks your opinion about his job, his plans, even his friends. He takes your opinion into consideration when taking a new job, finding a new place, or even buying a new jacket.

    #8 You share responsibilities. Everything from cleaning, to cooking and caring for a pet together says he sees more than right now with you. A future together means you share everything, the good and the bad. And if he is starting that now, he sees it working out.

    #9 He likes your friends and family. The same way that he wants to make sure you get along with his friends and family he makes the effort with yours. He wants your people to like and accept him. If he wants a future with you, he knows how important those things are.

    #10 He confides in you. He doesn't just reach out to go to dinner or complain about work. He discusses his fears, dreams, and childhood with you. He leans on you and listens to you and this is one of the clearest signs he sees a future with you and respects you.

    Signs he doesn't see a future with you

    Just as vital as the signs he sees a future with you are the signs that he doesn't. Don't close your eyes to the red flags when they are right in front of you. If you are looking for someone to share your future with but your current guy is displaying these signs, it may be time to say goodbye.

    #1 You only spend time together alone. Alone time is great for couples. You can share intimacy and passion. But a relationship also thrives on sharing time with friends and family. If you only ever spend time together in private, he isn't ready to share his whole life with you.

    #2 You rarely go out. Of course, he could just be strapped for cash. But if all you do is hang out on the couch, watch half a movie, and then hook up, he likely sees you as casual. If he isn't putting in any effort to make your relationship move forward, he doesn't see it going there.

    #3 He is private. When someone plans on spending their life with you and can see a future with you, they share everything with you. They will share their past, their future, etc. But if he is private about his exes, family, job, he doesn't want to share more than the surface level. That means he just wants this for right now. 

    #4 He avoids talking about the future. Say you brought up a concert you want to go to in a few months, and he doesn't want to nail down plans that far in advance. He isn't ready for a long-term relationship. If he can't talk about a few months from now, he probably isn't thinking about the future beyond what he's having for dinner.

    #5 You aren't official. If you have been together for a while, but he has yet to make things official, that could be a sign he wants to keep things in the present. Yes, he may not be into labels. But if he's not calling you his girlfriend when you've been together over six months, it is not a good sign.

    #6 He cancels plans or makes loose plans. Canceling plans is a telltale sign he is waiting for something else to come along. Whether he wants his boys to ask him to hang out or another girl on the side, if he is consistently canceling plans or saying, “let's play it by ear,” he isn't taking this seriously.

    #7 Sex is the priority. Intimacy and sex are an important part of a relationship. A well-rounded relationship that has a future has many facets. If more than 70% of your relationship revolves around the bedroom, he has different priorities than you.

    #8 He's lazy. A guy that still eat Pop-Tarts for dinner and has week-old pizza on his counter is not ready for any discussions about the future. If he is too lazy to clean the apartment or take you out to eat, he definitely is not focused on where your relationship is headed.

    #9 He avoids holidays and events. Holidays, celebrations, life events. These are all major moments in someone's life. And more often than not, you share these moments with the person you're dating. If he is a master at avoiding these moments, he does not see a future with you.

    #10 He makes you worry. If you are always worried he isn't ready for the future, that he doesn't have plans, that your dreams don't line up, or that he doesn't take your relationship seriously, he probably doesn't. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but if your gut is telling you something is off, it probably is.

    Seeing the signs he wants a future with you can relieve a lot of curiosity, but there is no sign that is as much of a sure thing as talking to him about it.