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    How to Make a Woman Happy 15 Simple Things that Matter Most to Her

    The best thing a man can learn is how to make a woman happy. Although it might seem tricky to you, it's a lot less complicated than you think.

    As much as you like to think us ladies are complicated, foreign beings, we're really not. In fact, a lot of what makes you happy will definitely make us happy. The thing that's difficult to get around is that understanding barrier between men and women. But once you figure that out you can easily learn how to make a woman happy.

    A lot of it has to do with listening, of course. But even then, men might not be able to pick up on the subtle hints women give them. That's completely fine if you're willing to put in the work to figure out women truly want.

    Once you know how to make a woman happy, it's basically game over

    Many women spend too much time trying to get their significant others to learn how to make them happy. If you know that right off the bat, she'll be over the moon. That alone will make her happier than you can imagine.

    Because us ladies are used to men misunderstanding us. It's kind of annoying to teach someone day after day what they should do to win our favor. We prefer when a guy can just walk in and do the things we love without us having to tell them exactly what to do.

    How to make a woman happy right from the start

    Do you want to impress a woman right away and make her happy from the very first day together? Instead of waiting for her to tell you exactly what she needs, show her you already know by doing some of these things.

    #1 Compliment something abstract about her. Don't just go for the same thing she always hears. I know you want to tell your woman she's stunning, but if she hears that all the time, it starts to lose meaning.

    Plus, that's not something she has control over. Tell her how much you love her ambition or passion. Those are things that'll make her feel a lot happier about herself than a silly compliment she gets all the time.

    #2 Ask about her family. I know you may not want to hear too much about her family aside from whether or not everyone is doing well. Ask anyway. When she knows her family is important to you, it'll make her happier than you can imagine.

    #3 Show her you're listening intently. Don't just act like you're listening, either. Really listen to her and show her by making eye contact and being attentive. Not many women get to be heard like that and it'll mean a lot to her if you just listen.

    #4 Talk about your feelings for her. Guys aren't really into talking about their feelings. We get it. But the thing is, women really, REALLY love to hear about them. We love knowing for sure how our men feel about us. So if you sit her down and just tell her something you truly feel about her, she'll smile bigger than you've ever seen.

    #5 Go with whatever she wants to do. I know compromise is important, but every now and then, if you want to know how to make a woman happy, do whatever she wants. Sometimes she'll only suggest things she knows you'll agree to and that takes the fun out of it for her a little bit. Ask her seriously what she wants to do and then do it.

    #6 Suggest seeing a movie you know she wants to see. Once again, she'll likely not ask to see a movie with you that she knows you wouldn't like. Surprise her and go see a movie you know she's been dying to see. It's a selfless move and doesn't cost you anything but a few bucks and a couple hours.

    #7 Pay attention to the little things. It's not those big days that mean the most to us ladies. It's the little things and smaller moments. When she has a big day at work, making her breakfast could be the one thing that makes it all go smoothly. Telling her you like her hair when she does it different is so powerful.

    #8 Focus on her body language during certain occasions. A woman's body will tell you all you really need to know. If you can pay attention to those things, you'll be able to react in a way that'll make her really happy.

    The next time she leans into you, watch for it. Wrap an arm around her and kiss her forehead. It's likely she wants that but doesn't want to ask for it.

    #9 Do some chores for her without being asked. If she's having a rough day or week, do some of her chores. Wash those dishes, sweep, mop, and even make her bed for her. Do those things you know she hates doing and do it without her asking. She'll be more than happy.

    #10 Bring her home something sweet. If you have a spare dollar and a minute, stop somewhere and grab her a little candy bar or whatever sweet treat she loves. It's very small and simple but it can make her happier than you know. And that's because she knows you were thinking about her even when she wasn't there.

    #11 Give her a small massage without being asked. Even if she isn't having a rough time at work or she didn't do anything strenuous, massage her. Nobody in their right mind would turn down a great back rub. The fact that you're pampering her for seemingly no reason will make her extraordinarily happy.

    #12 Kiss her hand as you walk together. This is a very cutsie thing to do but believe me, women love it. While you're holding hands and walking together, bring her hand to meet your lips and give her a small kiss. It's one of those old-timey romantic things that'll make her smile like an idiot.

    #13 Kiss her forehead in public. There's something very special and meaningful about forehead kisses. When you're out in public, lean into her and give her a soft kiss to her forehead. It'll be more adorable since there are a lot of people around and she'll feel like she means the world to you.

    #14 Tickle her. Obviously, if she's not into being tickled, don't do this. But if you know she thinks it's fun, then do it! Couples often forget about this type of thing when they've been together for a long time. It'll make her think about when you first got together and were all flirty together.

    #15 Whisper something naughty in her ear in public. This is something women love that not a lot of men do. You can whisper something really erotic or something more to her taste. Whatever you know she'll like, say it. Then watch her smile for the rest of the night.

    These may seem like odd things, but if you do them, you'll see just how easy it is to learn how to make a woman happy. It's the simple, meaningful stuff that'll really get to her the most.