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    20 Really Fun Second Date Ideas that'll Make Anyone Want a Third

    The first date impresses the girl. But the second date seals the deal. Here are 20 great second date ideas to make sure your date wants you more than ever.

    Most guys would assume that after they've bagged their first date, they'll be on their way to a happy ending afterwards. After all, you've spent long, agonizing moments planning everything from a good restaurant to your list of conversation topics. The hard part is over, and you've made a good impression. Should you even bother with second date ideas? All that's left is the wait, right? Well, you're wrong.

    During first dates, people are not really themselves. They are so eager to make a good impression that they go “in character” which doesn't reveal their true self. And that really defeats the purpose of dating which is to spend time to get to know the other person.

    Make no mistake; the first date is an achievement. But what really needs your attention is the second date. It is the follow through to a strong start. If you mess this one up, and there's a chance that she'll slip from your grasp.

    What makes the “ideal” second date?

    We bet that you've seen this in every Hollywood romantic chick flick ever made. First dates are not short of a formal affair. It could be a coffee or a dinner date wrapped in suits and fabulous red dresses punctuated with awkward bits of small talk that almost feels like a job interview. Which is not totally wrong as both are testing the waters.

    But come the second date, the couple suddenly seem like best friends just hanging out. They ditch the rigid formalities and appear more relaxed and are genuinely enjoying themselves.

    Even if it came from an overly-used plot device, that, my friend, is how a second date should be. Being prim and proper is forgivable on the first date. However, the next one should be more fun and relaxed, and so you need to try these second date ideas.

    It is the moment where you start making a connection by doing an activity that you enjoy together. So remember the formula. The first date is to leave a mark, and the second *and succeeding dates* is to establish a connection.

    Things you need to avoid on a second date

    #1 Playing the first date all over again.  For the last time, think of something else other than coffee and dinner. You know how you hate re-runs of TV shows? Well, she doesn't need another one of those either.

    #2 Doing something or going somewhere that minimizes communication. Like the movies, a sporting event, or a particularly chaotic concert where you'll have to be focused on something else and not on each other.

    #3 Going on a group date. Seriously? Now that you've managed to single her out on the first date, you're going to revert back to the safety of the crowd? At this scenario, she'll either be distracted, bored, or feel neglected.

    #4 Fast forward to intimacy. If you take her on a date that leads to you expecting sex afterwards, don't. You don't want to gamble all your chips just because you feel lucky.

    Second date ideas that can seriously impress!

    The key to nailing the second date is getting in touch with your common interests. It may not be a similar hobby but something new that both of you have not tried before. Asking her for suggestions wouldn't hurt either.

    #1 Exercise. Invite her for a Jog or some cycling. Unconventional yet healthy. And this will work if she's a health buff. Lose weight and have a bonding moment. That's two birds with one stone.

    #2 Go on a picnic. Safe, classy, and relaxed. There's more room for conversation in this one. Also, this is a good chance to impress her with your cooking skills.

    #3 Volunteer for a local animal shelter. If she has a soft spot for animals, then this is a good choice. This is one of the most unique second date ideas.

    #4 Take her on an outdoor adventure: go hiking. If both of you love the great outdoors, grab your day packs and take a stroll to a nearby nature preserve.

    #5 Go on a food trip and try exotic cuisine. Unleash both of your inner Anthony Bourdain by scouring the city's hole-in-the-wall world cuisine hotspots. Be on the lookout for food parks or roving food trucks that offer unique food items. It's cheap, fun, and a good experience for your palate. Both of you can play food critic on the dishes you've tried afterwards.

    #6 Go on a wine or craft beer tasting spree. After having your fill of world cuisine, wash it down by going on a wine or beer tasting course.

    #7 Learn something new - go to a class together. Whether it is cooking, painting, crafts, a new language, or a new instrument, learning something new together is a date something worth of remembrance.

    #8 Is she the nerdy type? Visit a museum. Museums, especially those with famous exhibitions, will always be interesting for the perpetually curious.

    #9 Or is she someone with a taste for culture? Visit a local art gallery opening. Every city has its own art scene with which is worth visiting.

    #10 Go people watching in conventions like renaissance fairs or comic cons. You need not to be a geek to appreciate these kinds of events. The novelty itself will be your surprise. Bet you never thought this would be one of the great second date ideas, did you?

    #11 Play Jack Kerouac by going on a road trip. Pack some drinks and snacks, grab a camera, and spend the day driving through the interstate while playing a mix tape you made just for her.

    #12 Go on a shopping date by scouring flea markets and thrift stores. Girls have this natural love for shopping, even if they'll end up just looking around. Thrift stores, flea markets, and artisan bazaars will always have something interesting to offer.

    #13 Have a go at a local shooting or archery range. Want to blow off a little bit of steam? Or maybe impress her with your marksmanship skills? Visit a nearby shooting gallery or archery range.

    #14 Want an adventure with a little bit of danger? Go urban exploring. Urban exploration or urbex for short is a hobby wherein people visit abandoned sites like factories, hospitals, schools, and other old city remains for the purpose of documentation, historical value, or sometimes, the paranormal.

    We suggest that you take the safe route by getting a permit, as most of these locations are off-limits.

    #15 Go stargazing. This is one of the most romantic second date ideas. Either she's an aspiring astrophysicist or just loves the idea of spending time observing the heavens, there are nearby observatories or isolated areas for stargazing available in your area if you have your own telescope and tent.

    #16 Ask for her favourite childhood candy and go on a tour of that factory. Because you're sweet in the literal and figurative sense of the word.

    If you put a lot of effort into planning your first date, you should up the ante the next time with these second date ideas. However, the most important aspect of a second date is slowly revealing your true self outside the leash of a silk tie and polite conversation of the first date.