Stunt doubles are the unsung heroes of the acting world. Multiple actors like to say that they “do their own stunts”, but, for the most dangerous stunts, professionals are called...
Hair extensions have become as crucial to the Hollywood beauty industry as make-up and good lighting. Sure, many starlets have naturally gorgeous locks, but at the end of the day,...
Czy zastanawiałeś się kiedyś, co robią twoje ulubione gwiazdy, aby utrzymać formę? Kiedy twoja praca wymaga bycia w centrum uwagi 24/7, nie jest niespodzianką, że dbanie o swoje ciało jest...
Celebrities serve as inspiration in our everyday lives, from the clothes we wear to the things we say, to what we look for in love. Today we're looking at some...
Working in Hollywood is extremely difficult in general, so how do so many celebs manage to do it while also being parents? It's a juggling act that requires a lot...
Każdego roku Met Gala prezentuje się jako noc do zapamiętania, ale kiedy się kończy, nie oznacza to, że gwiazdy przychodzą na noc. After-party to nie tylko czas na kontynuowanie uroczystości...
It's no secret that celebrities are hair chameleons. They get bored of their looks or have to change their hair for a specific role. They straighten their hair, cut it...
Fame and family do not always mix. For as many successful family dynasties and duos that exist within Hollywood, there are just as many who have developed decades-long feuds, ceased...