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    Selena Gomez And The Weeknd Drama 15 Things You Need To Know

    When one celebrity couple breaks up, that always means that one of them is about to start dating someone new. This is how it usually happens in real life… except in the world of Hollywood, things happen about a million times faster. While you may need a minute to recover from heartbreak, that's not the case with celebrities. Maybe they're taught how to heal super fast. Who knows?! In the case of The Weeknd, it seems like only yesterday that he and beautiful model Bella Hadid were a thing, and it also seems like only yesterday that they broke up (since, well, it was). But when news recently broke that the singer had moved on with none other than Justin Bieber's ex Selena Gomez, everyone went pretty much crazy. It's a super juicy tale and we have all the details. But you knew we would be here for you, right?

    Here are 15 things you need to know about the Selena Gomez and The Weeknd drama.

    15 The Weeknd And Bella Hadid Just Broke Up

    As in only two months ago. News broke in mid-November that the couple had gone their separate ways, which was both shocking and not to fans. Sure, they were together for a total of 18 months, which is definitely like a lifetime in Hollywood. Just look at how quickly Taylor Swift's love stories crash and burn. But fans were maybe not super surprised since the pair did break up after 11 months and then they decided to give their romance another go. Sometimes if you're going to break up once, then you shouldn't get back together because it proves that you wanted to split up in the first place and maybe you should just admit that it's time to move on. Needless to say, getting into a new relationship after only two months after breaking up with someone is super fast, but hey, that seems to be what you do in the land of the rich and famous.

    14 Selena And The Weeknd Were Caught

    Selena Gomez has a song called "Hands To Myself" and, well, we have to admit that it doesn't seem like she can keep her hands off The Weeknd. Sorry but we just had to go there. They weren't caught kissing on the weekend (sorry again… there are just too many amazing puns here) but last Tuesday night. They were outside a restaurant in Santa Monica getting super touchy-feely and kissing. So pretty much immediately, everyone knew that they had both moved on from their equally famous and fabulous exes and they were starting a new chapter in their love lives. Did they forget where they were and get so caught up in the romantic moment that they didn't even care if the public saw? Or did they figure that it didn't matter since sometimes you just have to go with the flow and do what you want? What a mystery.

    13 Fans Are In Shock

    Seriously, just check out any social media platform -- but Twitter is probably your best bet -- and look for their names. Fans are freaking out and seem to think that they are a really strange and shocking couple. We don't think they're that shocking since, come on, they're both adorable and they're both singers. So they definitely have all that fame stuff in common and they can relate to each other on that level, which is a really big deal. Okay, okay, so we're not asking you to feel sorry for celebrities or anything crazy like that. But they do live different lives than we do and they do have to deal with insanely busy schedules. When two singers date, it seems like it would work out pretty well since they would both be on the same page schedule-wise. Maybe people just always freak out about everything and anything?!

    12 Bella Unfollowed Selena

    Well, of course, right? Apparently, Bella has dissed Selena in the ultimate way: she unfollowed Selena on Instagram. Ouch. It must be super awkward to see your famous ex date a famous person and have everyone know. We know that we hate following our ex-boyfriend on Instagram since we seem his new cute couple selfies with his new girlfriend and we don't want to follow their every social media move. We also would never want to follow his new girlfriend's Instagram account since that would be basically the very definition of torture. We can totally sympathize with Bella since we know exactly what she's going through. Well, kind of. We don't know what it's like to be in the spotlight and have to deal with a break-up at the same time. But we do know what it's like to have a broken heart and we can say that social media following only ends in disaster after a bad break-up.

    11 Bella Feels Betrayed

    Of course, you feel super betrayed when the person that you loved and cared about and thought would be your one and only forever suddenly starts dating someone new. Even if you have no right to him anymore and even if you are definitely done, you still feel horrible about it. That's not your fault. That's just human nature and that's how absolutely anyone would feel. If you're Bella Hadid, you feel super betrayed right about now, or at least that's what the rumors that are flying around are saying. We don't blame her and we totally feel for her. We wish we could head over to her place with a bucket of mint chocolate chip ice cream and some pizza and a bottle of wine. We think that this kind of situation needs supplies and a break-up survival kit. It must have felt like a terrible shock to see those photos of them kissing.

    10 They Wanted To Stay Silent

    Apparently, Selena and The Weeknd wanted to keep their new relationship on the down low, but random sources (you know, those random sources that are always being quoted in gossip magazines?) are saying that they decided to just let people now the truth. It seems kind of hilarious that they would think that they could keep things so silent. After all, they are kind of famous. They kind of live their lives in this spotlight. You know, just a little bit. It is never a good idea when you try to keep a new relationship a secret. Haven't they watched literally any movie or TV show? People always find out and when they do, they are never happy and it is never a good scene. It is pretty much the worst thing ever. We are wondering if he thought about letting Bella know beforehand or if he just figured that it didn't matter?

    9 He Wrote A Song About Selena

    Well, maybe. People are speculating that his recent song (which was literally just released) called "Party Monster" is all about her. There's really no way of knowing, of course, unless he goes public and explains that it's the truth. We're not holding our breath on that one, though, since we get the feeling that he likes to be kind of mysterious. He's just that cool. We think it's kind of funny though because when we hear the words "Party Monster" we're not so sure that we think of Selena Gomez ASAP. But hey, maybe that's just us. The lyrics literally seem to have nothing to do with her specifically. They're all about getting drunk and waking up next to someone that he supposedly met at a club and feeling like she could be someone that finally and truly gets him. Sure, that could technically be her, but it could really be anyone. Or, you know, it could just be a song.

    8 It Was A Three Hour Date

    Yup. Three hours. When was the last time you had a three hour date? If you've ever had one, hopefully, that guy became your boyfriend because, whoa, that's a long time to talk to someone and hang out with them. We would love to have been a fly on the wall of that restaurant, that's for sure. We're wondering what they talked about the entire time. Did they sing to each other? Or write a song together? Okay, probably not that last one, but we think that would be pretty cool. We're imagining all the fun possibilities of them collaborating in the future. We think a duet would be pretty much the best thing ever. We're wondering if Selena ever had a three-hour date with her famous ex, Justin Bieber? Now we really wish that we knew the answer to that question. Sigh. Why are things always so mysterious with celebrities?!

    7 It Was A Fancy Evening

    Rumor has it that Selena and The Weeknd had a super fancy evening at this restaurant on Tuesday evening. They apparently had a server just for them so it definitely seems like a date fit for two celebrities. Actually, it sounds like a date that us ordinarily people would love to have as well. It's pretty cool that they were able to have a super private date in an area of the restaurant and that they didn't seem to be bothered or in a rush (clearly not when you are on a date for three hours). Can you imagine being the server of this date? We don't think that we would be able to compose ourselves, especially with such juicy news! How do you not run to your phone and immediately text all your BFFs?! Any date that doesn't involve Netflix & Chill is considered a fancy date in our books.

    6 Selena Is Showing Off

    So it seems like Selena is getting super confident these days. That's what love does to you, right? A photo of her basically totally naked circulated this week and everyone went absolutely wild. She's posing with her back to the camera, looking over her shoulder, and she's wearing a gold thong and holding a towel in front of herself. All we can say is whoa. That was definitely a super brave move and it's not something that we would expect from her. People seem to be connecting this to her new relationship with The Weeknd so we can only say that maybe she's feeling pretty good about herself since she's in the honeymoon stage. Is this the new Selena Gomez? Is she going to wear even more revealing outfits on a regular basis? Who knows? The plot thickens. We can only wait and see what happens, but we'll definitely be monitoring the situation.

    5 Bella Fought Back

    goodnight🌙 love and light to you all… happy to be home💛

    A post shared by 🦋 (@bellahadid) on Jan 12, 2017 at 4:32pm PST

    Is it a coincidence that after Serena posted her thong photo, Bella posted a photo with her side boob showing? Probably not. Okay, okay, definitely not. We weren't born yesterday. We get how this goes. We don't think that it's ever a good idea for two girls to fight over a guy -- yes, even an adorable and talented singer -- but hey, who are we to judge? We can sympathize with both of them to be totally honest, even though we're pretty sure that we should be picking sides. It's just so hard since we're fans of both Bella and Selena. Maybe the feud will get so bad that we will be forced to sympathize with one of them more than the other, but for now that day hasn't come and we feel bad for both of them. Bella posted a photo of herself looking super hot in a super hot one-piece bathing suit that showed off her figure on Instagram. All we can say is we totally would love to look like that. Sigh.

    4 People Say It Might Not Be Real

    Oh man. Leave it to the rumor mill to ruin absolutely everything. Apparently, people are saying that Selena is not actually dating The Weeknd at all and that it is totally not real. We do not know what is going on, of course. We are just mere mortals here. But we do not think that makes any sense. The reason that some people are super suspicious? They say that the timing does not seem legit. People are upset because The Weeknd's new single "Party Monster" was released this same week aka the same week that photos of him kissing and cuddling Selena were made public. People think it is just way too much of a coincidence to be real. However, we have to totally disagree. The thing is that he is a singer, right? So why wouldn't he release new music? Plus these things are planned way in advance. We just don't buy that.

    3 They're Not Rushing Things

    According to those same anonymous sources mentioned above, Selena and The Weeknd are not rushing into anything. They are supposedly taking things as slow as they can. We think that's a good idea since, come on, it's crazy to rush into anything. That goes for if you're a normal person or a celebrity. Every time that you rush into something with a new guy, you always regret it because you end up falling for him too hard too fast and that never works out well. You lose your sense of self, you stop hanging out with your friends and family, and your entire world suddenly becomes all about this new guy. That's not smart since then if things fall apart, as they might (because let's face it, not every love story has a happy ending), you have to tell the people that you love that you're sorry that you ignored them. Definitely not a fun conversation to have.

    2 This Started Before Christmas

    The rumor is that these two lovebirds started "talking" right before Christmas and they are now officially together. Oh there's that whole "talking" thing again. It's crazy how we don't say that we're dating these days, we just say that we're talking to someone. It can get pretty confusing. Sometimes it means literally hanging out and talking, sometimes it means chatting on the phone (though most likely not) and it usually means texting a lot. We would love to see their text messaging archives. Do they use emojis like the rest of us? What are their fave ones? Did they flirt back and forth before they finally decided to hang out? Did he ask her out or did she make the first move and be brave and ask him to go for dinner? Was that their first date? Their second? Their third? Oh man, we just have so many questions.

    1 The Weeknd Has Loved Selena Forever

    According to those same sources, The Weeknd has had his eye on Selena Gomez for quite a long time. We have to wonder if that means that he had a total crush on her even when he was dating Bella Hadid? Oh man. Things are getting more and more dramatic and we're sure that this is not the end of the story. We wish that we knew why things ended between him and Bella but hey, we're not going to cross any boundaries. We totally respect her right to privacy. We just think that it's helpful for people to think about why their relationships went south so they can figure out what mistakes not to make the next time around. After all, you want your next relationship to be as successful as possible, right? We think it's super cute that he has apparently been crushing on Selena for a really long time. Maybe we're looking at a couple that is in it for the long run. We would be totally cool with that.