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    If You've Ever Had A Crush, You'll Get These 15 Gifs

    Have you ever had a crush on someone and didn't know if you should tell them? It can be really hard, especially if that person is a good friend. If you've been following CW's new hit, Riverdale, (spoiler alert!!) your heart broke for Betty Cooper on the first episode when she finally worked up the courage to tell Archie how she felt about him, only to be rejected and later that night, to learn he planted a smooch on Veronica.

    Ladies often find themselves in this position. Telling your friend you have feelings for him (or her) is not easy. It can make the friendship awkward if the feelings are not reciprocated, or it can end the friendship if you date and then break up.

    Crushing on someone you don't know at all is even harder! How do you make the first move? Who makes the first move? Does texting first make you look too available? Does stalking his Facebook page to see if he has a girlfriend make you look desperate?

    This one is for all you ladies out there that took the initiative to act on your crush. Being proactive about your crush leads to a whole slew of emotions, and it also takes a lot of courage to say those four important words: “have coffee with me?”

    Let's explore the emotional range and the anatomy of how you act when you have a crush. Chances are, you'll recognize yourself in some, if not all, of these progressive scenarios.

    15 Confident

    You've got it going on! You've got swagger. You've got style and there is a certain blush to your cheeks. You're smiling at odd hours, your mind is drifting even though you are in a very interesting and very important college class right now, and you've been doodling hearts with initials in them on all your homework. We know what's going on. There is only one thing that can bring that gleam to your eye and that twitch to your upper lip. You've got a crush! Don't try to hide it. You couldn't hide it if you tried. The joy of possibilities is all over your face and you've shaved your legs and put on perfume. You've developed the confidence that comes from fantasizing about sharing a drink with that hot guy you like, or going for long walks on the beach together. Hold on to that feeling because the next one isn't as pleasant.

    14 Crazy Stressed And Nervous

    So for a week now you've been floating on air fantasizing about you and your crush. That's cool, but now you know it's time for action. You can't just dream forever and it's driving you crazy wondering if you and he could actually be a thing. What if he rejects you? Plenty of more fish in the sea, right? But you want this particular fish. You don't want any old trout, you want the sparkly rainbow trout that lights up your eyes. But there are six billion people on this planet - what makes you think this one person out of so many is going to feel the same way about you? It's too big of risk. You are convinced you'll end up being a crazy cat lady, filled with a life of solitude and reflection. Ah, who are we kidding? You are going to do no such thing. You are going to be brave and talk to your crush.

    13 Talkative

    Okay, here goes. Palms are sweating and face is flushed. You dial those numbers. It's going to be okay because who answers their phone these days anyways? It's going to go to voice mail and you'll leave a cute and flirty message that will leave him wondering about you and wanting more.


    Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! He picked up!

    “Hello… .is someone there?”

    “Hi it's me I mean it's you know that girl from your class that sits behind you in your class in college in specifically Phycology 101 and I noticed you weren't in class yesterday I mean it's not like I keep an eye out for you or anything I just sit behind you and happened to notice the chair was empty not like I keep track of you or anything but you also missed the next class and I have notes if you need notes I can get you the notes cause there's a test coming up okay bye.”

    12 Self-doubt

    Dear diary. It's been three days since that fateful call. Since I hung up I have done nothing but berate myself. I consider myself a cool and sophisticated woman of the world but just hearing his voice sent me into panic mode. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm either deranged or stalking him. I didn't even leave my name. He has no idea who I am. What have I done? I've been sitting somewhere else in class and avoiding his gaze, rushing into the room just before the bell and running out of it as soon as it ends. My life as I know it is over. I may have to switch colleges. I've considered cutting my hair and getting new clothes so he doesn't recognize me. Why did I make that call? I've ruined everything. What have I done? I'm going to be alone forever. Forever!

    11 Self-loathing

    Dear diary. Day four since the call. I am disgusting. I didn't even bother to get up today. I have not taken a shower and I've been eating ice cream and chocolate chip cookies in bed. It's gross. There are crumbs everywhere. I haven't shaved my legs in two days and all I've done today is watch reality TV. I'm sick of seeing brides say yes to the dress. That will never be me. I'm sick of happy couples fussing over granite and hardwood as they search for a home together. I will never have anyone to buy a home with. Even cooking shows are getting on my nerves. Why prepare an elaborate meal when there is nobody to share it with? My life as I know it is over. Why did I make that call? And why did I forget to put the lid on the ice cream before kicking it over? Great. Now I have to get up. What a mess.

    10 Time with Girlfriends

    At this point in your pity party… .oh, ahem… I mean in your epic crush journey of self-discovery, your girlfriends step in. There are only so many texts you can leave unanswered and so many weekend events you can miss before they know what's up and come running to stage an intervention. That is why they are your friends, after all. They know you better than you know yourself and they know you need a listening ear right now. This is the time when you put on those leggings, sip that wine and unload about how much you like him. There will be the odd tear, some laughter, plenty of wine and tender music playing. Oh wait, that's a rom-com. In reality they are going to put the hiatus on your pity party and demand that you get up and rejoin the real world. After all, is one phone really all it takes to turn you into this mess?

    9 Encouraged

    Research shows that we can survive without friends, but not well. We can live, but life feels empty. Being lonely is a terrible feeling and not having anyone to talk life's struggles over with can lead to depression. Sure, a crush may not seem like much in the grand scheme of things but in the moment - your moment - it's everything. This is why you lean on your friends and why they will give you sound advice. They are not going to let you wallow in sadness. You made a nervous phone call. So what? They see that you really like him so they are going to encourage you to get back on that horse, get back in that saddle and conquer your fear. They want you to contact him again and they are going to hold your hand as you do so. Well, one hand at least. This time they want you to text him.

    8 Focused

    If this was a movie, this is the part where The Final Countdown starts playing and a slo-mo montage flashback of your previous achievements scrolls through complete with sentimental fading and a lens flair. Who do you think you are, sulking because of some guy? Look at everything you achieved so far in your life! As your friends reminded you just now, you rescued a fallen soufflé by topping it with two inches of icing and calling it a fudge cake. You got this condo by saving up three summer's worth of paychecks while living sparsely in your parent's basement and eating ramen. You've changed your own car tire. You've so got this! You can and you will craft the perfect flirty and fun text so you won't mess up talking to him on the phone again and he will be so intrigued that his answer will be yes and if it's not, you are still going to be okay!

    7 Determined

    This is the big moment. You and your girls have labored over crafting this text and now it's perfect. It doesn't say too much and it doesn't say too little. There was some question over using emoticons and some disagreement about which smiley face, but you and your friends totally worked and hugged it out. Basic smiley. That way the message isn't too serious but still means business. After an hour of work, flipcharts, whiteboards, deciding on fonts and then deciding fonts don't matter, you text, “Hey, it's me. I still have those notes from class. Want to grab a coffee and I'll bring them?” Send. It's done. You handled that like a champ. Your friends are taking off now, seeing that have regained your purpose and poise. You promise to let them know what he says, but it's all good. He may answer, he may not. No biggie.

    6 Waiting

    Okay, it's been a full minute since the text, but whatever. People are busy and they don't need to text back right away. It's no big deal. Well, it's more like a minute and 30 seconds, but whatever. No need to sit around. May as well get a glass of water. That took up another full minute. No reply. Of course it's because the ringer is off… no it's on full volume. Three minutes. Is there a way to make sure this text actually sent? Maybe it didn't go. Maybe you can call the phone company and get them to check? No that's crazy. Besides he may call or text while you're on the phone and then he would think you are ignoring him, not that you'd answer right away, anyways, right? Hey, maybe that's what he's doing too. Just playing it cool. That's awesome. Don't want to be too eager.

    5 Anticipation

    Oh come on! Four minutes? Really? People are glued to their phones. He's certainly got the message by now. What could he possibly be doing? Hanging out with friends? Chilling with his roommates? Shopping for groceries or visiting with family? No. Clearly the only thing he is doing is looking at the text, showing it to his friends, laughing about it and getting a huge ego about how some random chick is interested in him. The phone is never going to ring and if it does, it's going to be just a short video of him laughing his head off and then saying no. What a disaster. How did you get talked into this? It was those scheming friends. They said this would be a good idea. They are on it, aren't they? It's not fair! It's just coffee, so why won't he just say yes or no? The anticipation is brutal!

    4 Ghosting

    It's done. You're done. You've been ghosted. Wait, what is ghosting exactly? Time to Google. “The practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication.” Okay, it's not a relationship. It's not even a friendship at this point so maybe ghosting is too strong of a word. Let's try Urban Dictionary. “The act of suddenly ceasing all communication with someone the subject is dating, but no longer wishes to date. This is done in hopes that the ghostee will just 'get the hint' and leave the subject alone, as opposed to the subject simply telling them he/she is no longer interested.” Well two can play that game. You are going to ghost him. No more contact. Ever. It's been a full five minutes and he had his chance. Time to move on. Who needs this drama?

    3 Alarmed

    Ring! Your text tone goes off. Oh. My. Goodness. It's not him, is it? Maybe it's just your friends checking in. Okay, maybe just a quick peek at the screen… it's him! Now what, now what, now what? Reading it would be a start but what if it's a rejection? Deep breath. You can do this. Another deep breath. Where is that Headspace app? Oh yeah. It's on the phone. The phone you refuse to look at right now. And why should you? He made you wait five minutes so it's his turn. You're ghosting… well, not really. You aren't an item so it doesn't count but you don't want to appear too eager. That's off putting. But you don't want to appear uninterested. That's off putting too. What's the right amount of time to wait before responding to your crush? And who makes up these crazy rules anyways?

    2 Self-talk

    The truth of the matter is, it really doesn't matter what that text says. Yes, the feeling you get when you realize you are crushing hard on someone is a burst of sexy self-confidence followed by the trembling first contact which is more often than not a quick trip to beating yourself up over what you said, or thought you said; how you acted, or thought you acted, but you know what? It's all in your head. Life is about risks and taking chances. Wouldn't you rather know if your crush liked you than to keep silent and miss the chance altogether? Of course you want to know, but that means stepping outside of your comfort zone, taking a risk, speaking up, and being vulnerable. That applies to so many things in life. You can't hide or not participate in real living. Sometimes you will get the results you want. Sometimes you won't, but if you stay silent and don't act, you miss your chance.

    1 Elation

    No missed chances today!

    “Hey, I'm glad you texted me. I was working up the courage to call you back from last week. I'd love to get coffee with you and get to know you better.”

    Wohoooooooo!!!!! Yes! Happy dance time! This could be the start of a beautiful friendship. Heck, this could be the start of a relationship. This could be the future husband… wait! Hold up! If this past week has taught you anything it's to just take things one day, one step and one text or call at a time. Ten minutes ago it was a text message. Now it's a coffee date. After that who knows, but that's what makes life fun: the ups and downs, the anticipation, the friendships, the waiting, the longing, the risks and the rewards. Who knows where this coffee date will go? Enjoy the journey, not just the destination. No go find something cute to wear for your date (and don't forget to text him back).