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    If You're A Taurus, We Ranked Your Compatibility

    Taurus, born between April 20 and May 20 is known as the Wandering Bull of the zodiac. But don't worry - that's not as offensive as it seems! It just means that you're destined for great adventures as you wonder the world and that you tend to have a stubborn streak, like a bull might. A Taurus is an earth sign, meaning you are grounded, practical, and reliable. You are great at staying on task, thanks to the stubbornness that you see as commitment. This makes you an awesome employee, which is great since you love to make money! And it also makes you a great romantic partner, which brings us to why we're here today. You are a devoted, stable, and patient partner - anyone in the zodiac would be lucky to have you. But not everyone is going to be such a good match. Check out your matches below, from the best to the mediocre to the absolute worst so you know who to spend your time on and who to toss aside.

    12 BEST: Taurus & Cancer

    Taurus, if you're with a Cancer, you're in luck. You've found one of the best matches in the entire zodiac. A Cancer partner is someone you can build an entire lifetime with. This is no quick fling for either of you, it's a longterm and serious commitment. So if that's what you're looking for, you'll find it with a Cancer soulmate. You and your Cancer partner both have a deep need for security, which you'll find in one another. You both love creature comforts, so there will be lots of cozy nights in watching Netflix and snuggling on the couch with take-out. You're both looking for something serious, which means you won't waste your time on any silly games or tricks. You are both empathetic and nurturing. You are able to listen to the other person talk and help them through hard times because you know they'll be doing the same for you. Basically, you two are perfect!

    11 BEST: Taurus & Capricorn

    Another amazing love combo is Taurus and Capricorn. Just like Cancer, a Capricorn shares your deep need for security. And while they will be able to provide you with the emotional security you crave, a Capricorn will also be able to offer you financial security. Capricorns have a natural drive to succeed, sky high ambition, and a knack for making money. This person is going to be able to take care of you longterm. Sounds like a catch to us! Capricorns are romantic which appeals to your sensitive and passionate nature. Expect grand gestures that will sweep you off your feet. We are seeing him whisking you away for a surprise weekend at a romantic beach destination or maybe a cozy cabin in the woods. You are both looking for a successful long-term relationship that will last forever, and you could definitely find that with a Capricorn!

    10 BEST: Taurus & Pisces

    One more great match for you Taurus - Pisces! If you are dating a Pisces, you have found a great match and potential lifelong partner. Talk about a match made in heaven! You complement each other in all the right ways and have so many important things in common. You both love peace, beauty, art, and music. You two would enjoy taking in concerts or touring art museums together. The zodiac predicts the two of you could build a wonderful relationship together that fulfills everything you both need and want. Seriously, does anything else sounds better? We think not. But you also have a lot of important differences that help to balance one another out. You are stable and dependable, which helps keeps the dreamy Pisces out of the clouds. But Pisces is imaginative and intuitive, which will bring lots of wonder and excitement to your world. Your strengths will be your partner's weaknesses and vice versa.

    9 SO-SO: Taurus & Aries

    So now we get into the first of your "so-so" matches. This means that you and Aries are just going to have a mediocre match up. If you're both really committed, it could definitely work. But there are going to be some bumps in the road. The big issue with you and your potential Aries mate is that you're both so different and you want completely opposite things. It's hard for you to find harmony when it comes to your life goals and even small things like what to binge on Netflix. In the zodiac, you'll remember that both Taurus, the bull, and Aries, the ram, have horns. This means that you two will be butting heads pretty often since you're both stubborn. But it's not all bad news. You both value financial security and having a partner that you can rely on. And if you're willing to put in the work and compromise, the stars could see this one working out.

    8 SO-SO: Taurus & Leo

    Things look pretty dicey for a Taurus and Leo relationship. On paper, you two are just not compatible. The only thing keeping you together is your shared patience and warm natures. Otherwise, you would be fighting non stop. But just because you can get along, does not mean you should. You two differ on a lot of the fundamentals. You value security and inner peace. A Leo is more likely to value bravery and a shiny exterior. You will find them vain and shallow while they will find you boring and closed off. A little harsh much. You both have different ways of communicating and different ways of showing love and emotion. Luckily, you both believe that honesty is the best policy and that a relationship needs trust. If you are able to find a balance in all of your differences, you might have a chance.

    7 SO-SO: Taurus & Libra

    Taurus and Libra are an interesting match when it comes to romantic relations. That's because you two challenge each other and force the other to face their inner demons. There will be no hiding from what's uncomfortable when you're with a Libra. You have a tendency to feel guilty and that could really take off while you're dating a Libra. One place where you two are going to suffer is communication. You are stable and unchanging while a Libra is flighty and indecisive. This is going to lead to a lot of arguments. You'll both be very critical of one another and feel very insecure in yourself. One thing going for this relationship is the fact that you'll enjoy a lot of the same hobbies. You do like spending time together when you can focus on a shared activity. But if you want to make it last longterm, you'll have to be prepared to face your inner demons and get vulnerable with your Libra lover.

    6 SO-SO: Taurus & Virgo

    This is one so-so relationship that the stars are actually very hopeful for. Taurus and Virgo could work out really well together, if they're both willing to be trusting and vulnerable. You bring out the best in each other; you, Taurus, bring a clear heart while Virgo will bring a clear mind. You'll teach the sheltered Virgo all about sexuality, tenderness and love. In fact, your physical chemistry will be pretty mind blowing once Virgo comes out of his shell. You both communicate in the same way and express your emotions in the same way. Trust could be an issue, as Virgos don't trust very easily. Luckily, you're patient enough to win their trust and make this work longterm. When it comes to what you value in life, you and Virgo will probably disagree on most things. But as long as you respect each other's values, you'll be able to have a lasting relationship.

    5 WILD CARD: Taurus & Scorpio

    Now we're getting into the wild card round! This means that you and Scorpio could either be scorching hot or sizzle out - it just depends on who the Scorpio is that you've picked. Scorpio, one of the fiery signs of the zodiac, will bring an exciting and passionate element to your life. This is much needed, since you're used to things being stable and predictable. You could use a little Scorpio spice in your life! At the same time, you'll introduce stability and reliability to a Scorpio, who isn't used to that lifestyle. You can both really give each other what you truly need. But, you're both known to be possessive, argumentative, and stubborn. Expect some major blowouts when you two fight with some yelling and maybe even the silent treatment. But if you're willing to become more tolerant of your differences and work to diffuse fights before they erupt, you could be a great match! You need to give each other space to be your true selves and think before you act in order to make this work.

    4 WILD CARD: Taurus & Taurus

    You might think that two Tauruses together would be ideal since you are both the exact same, but you would only be right some of the time. Two Tauruses in a relationship can be the best thing in the world and the absolute worst. You both have the same values: financial gain, security, and a peaceful environment. You will throw a lot into your careers and building a beautiful home together. On the other hand, you are both extremely stubborn. If there is anytime when you are not aligned on an issue, you will have a hard time reaching a compromise. Another issue in your pairing is the lack of excitement. You are both so steady and dependable that it could get boring. You may tire of one another. But if you are able to keep that spark alive and curb your possessive tendencies, you could make this match last.

    3 WORST: Taurus & Aquarius

    Now we're getting into some of the worst matches for a Taurus looking for love. If you find yourself on a blind date with an Aquarius or you bump into one at the bar, the stars are telling you to run! Aquarius men have a careless and detached attitude towards most of the things in their lives, including relationships. This is going to drive you nuts because you crave security and stability. This is not the guy who is going to be able to define the relationship, show up on time or commit to any longterm plans. Aquarians are also very innovative, which is awesome, except that you are more traditional. His creative ways may start to get on your nerves. An Aquarius is going to think you're needy and clingy, because of your sensitive side and desire for security. And you are going to find an Aquarius to be really cold and unreliable. See? We told you to run!

    2 WORST: Taurus & Gemini

    Here's another no-go combo: Taurus and Gemini. Astrology tells us that you two together does not a good mix make. For starters, you both have very different energy levels. Geminis can be flighty and super hyper. They like to jump around and can get overly excited. Taurus, you are much more slow and steady. You're not the type to hop up and down or scream when things go well. As you know Taurus, you need stability and routine in your life. A Gemini is the complete opposite. They love when things change up on the fly and crave lots of variety in their day to day life. You two are going to get on each other's last nerve. The stars tell us that relationships between a Taurus and Gemini are not usually very long lasting. While you two may have an initial connection or attraction, it's not enough to overcome your major differences.

    1 WORST: Taurus & Sagittarius

    Don't get caught off guard by a Sagittarius lover, Taurus. Sure, you may seem compatible in the bedroom. You two definitely could have some chemistry and attraction. But it's not worth it to get too invested. You're the type of sign who wants long lasting romance, not just a quick adult sleepover or two. You and the Sag are not going to work out because you don't value each other's strengths or interests. You love to create a comfortable home with a traditional feel. A Sag lover is going to look right over that and not notice any of the hard work you've put in. A Sag needs constant change, variety, and adventure - which is going to annoy you to no end. This is another match that the stars say will not last longterm. And since you're looking for that lasting love, astrology is telling you to stay far away from this mismatch.