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    15 Wild Celebrity Twitter Feuds

    One of the best things about Twitter is the fact that you can follow your favorite celebrities and see what they're up to any time of the day. When your feed updates and you see a new tweet from them, it almost feels like a friend checking in. Twitter is definitely great for keeping up with celebrities and staying on top of what's going on in Hollywood. And you'll never miss out on a crazy celebrity Twitter feud! Sometimes, celebrities decide to air their dirty laundry all over Twitter, and anyone with a Twitter account gets a front row seat. You might just be innocently scrolling when all of the sudden you notice that there's a catfight going on and there's a blue check mark next to everyone's name who's involved. Celebrities on Twitter are endlessly entertaining, so get your fill of Hollywood gossip with these 15 wild celebrity twitter feuds.

    15 Kim Kardashian and Chloe Grace Moretz

    Of course, Kim Kardashian can't stay out of a good Twitter fight. She's the queen of Hollywood drama, and you never know when she's about to tweet something crazy. When she tweeted a nude selfie, the world pretty much freaked out and of course, she was probably sitting back and laughing about it. However, some people took her photo pretty seriously. One of those people was the actress Chloe Grace Moretz, who thought that Kim's selfie promoted some anti-feminist ideas to the young women who followed her. "I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies," said Chloe. Of course, Kim had to snap back, saying that no one knew who Chloe was and that her comment was shaming. Well, one thing we can all agree on is that catfighting doesn't help any women!

    14 Kanye and Amber Rose

    Amber Rose has been at the center of Hollywood drama a few times, and Kanye West is no stranger to it himself. So of course, it was inevitable that the two would air their dirty laundry on Twitter at some point. And let's just say that it got pretty, well… personal. Kanye went on a massive Twitter rant about Amber's ex-husband Wiz Khalifa. He even began insulting Amber, commenting on her choice of profession and she had trapped Wiz for 18 years once they had a baby. Was Amber going to stay silent after that? Absolutely not. So she called Kanye out and put him on blast for what he liked in the bedroom, saying that he was mad because she wasn't around to do it for him anymore. Kanye fell back after that and began tweeting about being positive, but the damage had been done the Twitter world had seen it all.

    13 Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton

    Is it sad that our two presidential candidates ended up on this list? Yes. Do politicians really belong on a list of celebrities? Well, they're public figures with huge followings, and the way that the media functions these days means that politicians are often treated like celebrities. You've gotta admit that watching Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump fight on Twitter during the election was somewhat entertaining until we realized that one of them was definitely going to be our president. Well, the election has come to a close, but the screenshots last forever. When Trump posted a tweet insulting President Obama for insulting Clinton, she immediately fired back by saying “Delete your account.” This kicked off a round of bickering that was retweeted millions of times across everyone's feeds. This was the first election where Twitter played such a big role, and hopefully, in the future, candidates will use it more responsibly.

    12 Meek Mill and Drake

    By now, everyone has heard about the petty fighting between Meek Mill and Drake. Watching grown men fight on Twitter is pretty embarrassing for all parties involved. So, what was the deal with the beef between these two? Well, Meek Mill kicked things off by tweeting that Drake didn't write his own raps, and this was why he didn't promote Meek Mill's new album. He continued insulting Drake, saying that he was “way out of it,” and shortly after that, other rappers started joining in and taking sides. Most people were siding with Drake, but a few did make comments about ghostwriting in the rap industry. So, what did Drake have to say about it? He actually stayed silent throughout the whole ordeal, which seemed to be his way of taking the high road and avoiding embarrassing screenshots. Nicki Minaj eventually weighed in, saying that no one would ever write her raps.

    11 Nicki Minaj and Farrah Abraham

    Does Farrah Abraham really count as a celebrity now? Well, her time of Teen Mom and her tape that came out later certainly gained her some notoriety, and apparently, she was famous enough for Nicki Minaj to take notice. Nicki started this one when she tweeted while watching Teen Mom, criticizing how Farrah treated her mother while the cameras were rolling. Farrah wasn't about to let that slide. She fired back, upset that Nicki had commented on her parenting when she wasn't a parent herself and had some things to say and criticized Nicki's videos. The two went back and forth for a while, slinging insults at each other as Farrah tried to defend her behavior towards her mother. These two both have young girls looking up to them, Nicki has her millions of fans, and Farrah has her daughter. Maybe they both need to think about setting a better example instead of fighting on Twitter.

    10 Amber Rose and Khloe Kardashian

    Look, at this point, it's pretty safe to say that Amber Rose and the Kardashians will never stop fighting on Twitter unless all of their accounts get banned and if they keep this up, it's not unlikely. So what set off this particular squabble between Amber Rose and Khloe? Amber started this one by calling out Kylie Jenner's inappropriate relationship with Tyga, saying that she was too young. Khloe jumped on Twitter to come to her sister's defense, and she called out Amber for things she's done in the past. Khloe stated that she and her sisters would always take the high road and wouldn't talk badly about Amber or anyone else unless someone gave them a reason to. Kanye also had to get in on the action he stated that he had to “take thirty showers” after being with Amber because of her past. When it comes to Twitter drama, all roads lead back to the Kardashians.

    9 Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik

    Remember the good old days before Zayn left One Direction? Seems like ancient history now. And it seems like the boys didn't handle Zayn's parting well. Just look at his spat with Louis Tomlinson on Twitter. Why did the boys turn against each other after years of making music together and charming young girls all over the world? After Zayn left, he said he wouldn't make music for a while, but shortly after, he was spotted in the studio with the producer Naughty Boy. Louis decided to say something about it, criticizing Zayn's relationship with Naughty Boy and making comments about their tweets, basically calling them immature. Zayn finally jumped in and asked Louis, “Remember when you had a life and stopped making b*tc*y comments about mine?” It's pretty clear that Zayn will probably never reunite with One Direction, and the golden days of this boy band are well over.

    8 Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift

    Ah, Nicki Minaj is back at it again with the Twitter drama but this time, it totally wasn't her fault. No, the responsibility for this particular argument belongs to Taylor Swift. No matter how nice Taylor claims to be, she sure does get into a lot of petty fighting. Anyway, it all started after the MTV Video Music Awards, where Taylor's “Bad Blood” video was nominated for Video of the Year. However, Nicki's “Anaconda” video, which got a ton of praise, was not. Nicki got on Twitter to make a few points about how the entertainment industry often promotes certain body types over others. Taylor felt offended and told Nicki she had “done nothing but love and support her.” Nicki said she wasn't calling out Taylor specifically, but that Taylor should use her platform to “speak on this.” Lots of women began taking sides, and the whole misunderstanding turned into a giant debate.

    7 Rob Kardashian and Rita Ora

    Of course, the Kardashians were going to be on this list again but this time, the girls weren't involved. Turns out that even Rob Kardashian can't resist a good Twitter feud every once in a while. It must run in the family. But this time, he wasn't insulting Amber Rose, instead, he went on a tirade against his ex-girlfriend Rita Ora. He was absolutely furious that she had cheated on him with “20 dudes” and began ranting to anyone on the Internet who would listen. Rita chimed in saying that Rob was “wack” and that she had cheated because she “had to get it somewhere else.” Rob got super personal after this. He tweeted at her saying that he had gotten her pregnant. After this, Khloe did step in to tell everyone to “be nice” and that social media caused too much drama. Well, maybe if the Kardashians logged off, that wouldn't be the case.

    6 Amanda Bynes and Rihanna

    Remember when Amanda Bynes was a wholesome child star? Her downward spiral began a couple years ago, and her Twitter was a sad saga of incomprehensible ranting. At one point, she even got into a fight with Rihanna that turned really ugly. It all began when Amanda began tweeting nasty things about Rihanna for no obvious reason and her insults really crossed a line. She tweeted “Chris Brown beat you because you're not pretty enough,” and then went even further by saying that Rihanna looked “so ugly trying to be white.” This definitely goes beyond the usual silly Twitter insults, and there's no defense for anything that Amanda said. Rihanna could've really dealt a low blow in response, but barely commented on the tweets aside from one solid comeback: “Ya see what happens when they cancel the Intervention?” Rihanna definitely could have said worse in response, but clearly held back what she was really thinking.

    5 Perez Hilton and Lady Gaga

    We all know that Perez Hilton has always been sleazy and no one knows that better than Lady Gaga. In fact, the two got into a very heated, very public Twitter fight about Perez's treatment of Gaga, and some pretty harsh accusations were put on Perez. Perez and Gaga used to be friends, but the two had gone their separate ways. One day, a fan told Gaga that Perez was in her apartment building. He stated that he was simply there looking for a new apartment to rent in New York so that he could return, but Gaga was absolutely furious and stated that Perez was stalking her. In fact, she tweeted in all caps: “STAY AWAY FROM ME + MY FAMILY YOU ARE SICK TRYING TO RENT AN APARTMENT IN MY BUILDING TO STALK ME. LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” Was Perez really just innocently looking, or did he have an ulterior motive? We'll never know.

    4 Adam Levine and Lady Gaga

    Well, looks like Lady Gaga just can't stay out of Twitter drama. It's not a surprise that this somewhat controversial artist has had to deal with some haters during her time in the spotlight. But who would've expected Adam Levine to get into a Twitter feud with her? Well, that's exactly what happened when Adam tweeted, “Ugh, recycling old art for a younger generation doesn't make you an artist. It makes you an art teacher.” Gaga felt that he was specifically calling her out with this tweet, so she responded the next day by tweeting, “Uh oh guys, the art police is here.” Sassy! Levine waited a couple days before replying and stating, “By the way, I'm NOT an artist. I sing in a band and I make music with my friends.” Well, if you're not an artist, why make that comment in the first place? Can't we all just get along?

    3 Rihanna and Ciara

    You would think that people would know right off the bat not to mess with Rihanna. One look at her and you know she's a bada$$ and whatever you say to her, she'll have an even better comeback ready before you open your mouth again. Looks like Ciara didn't get the memo when she decided to come at Rihanna on an E! talk show, saying that she had run into Rihanna at a party and that it wasn't a pleasant encounter. Obviously, Rihanna was going to have something to say about this. Rihanna tweeted, “My bad ci, did I 4get to tip u? U gangsta huh?” Ciara responded by saying, “Trust me Rihanna you don't want to see me on or off that stage,” to which Rihanna replied, “Good luck with bookin that stage u speak of.” Ouch! The two have since apologized and made up at least this one had a happy ending!

    2 Lana Del Rey and Frances Bean Cobain

    This one is more of a misunderstanding and a learning opportunity. We all know that Lana Del Rey loves to come across as sad and misunderstood, and when an interviewer asked her about the deaths of young musicians, she replied, “I wish I was dead already.” Frances Bean Cobain, the daughter of none other that Kurt Cobain, who died at the age of 27, took offense to this for obvious reasons. She turned to Twitter to get her point across. In a series of tweets, she wrote, "I'll never know my father because he died young, and it becomes a desirable feat because people like you think it's 'cool.' Well, it's not. Embrace life, because you only get one life. The people you mentioned wasted that life. Don't be one of those people. You're too talented to waste it away." Frances made some great points, and Lana later apologized for her comment.

    1 Katy Perry and Taylor Swift

    Who better to finish off this list than Taylor Swift? Taylor gets into almost as much Twitter drama as the Kardashians do! Rumors about her negative feelings towards Katy Perry have swirled around Hollywood for years, and at one point, some drama bubbled up on Twitter. They used to tweet about their friendship and how much they loved each other, but after the two had separate affairs with John Mayer, problems began. It all started when some of Taylor's backup dancers decided to go on tour with Katy instead. And the drama started up again when Taylor implied that her song “Bad Blood” was about Katy. Katy then sent out a tweet that was allegedly about Taylor, warning people to “Watch out for the Regina George in sheep's clothing.” It seems that the two have chilled out since then, and hopefully they will be able to rekindle their friendship at some point.