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    15 Weirdest Ways People Have Gotten Over A Break Up

    Breaking up is never easy because at one point you two were happy and then poof! everything just came to a halt. But the worst thing anyone can do is remain in an unhealthy relationship which is why cutting the chord is sometimes the best thing to do. But now you have to find ways to cope with this breakup-- it doesn't matter if you two were together for a few months to a few years, break ups are not fun and the getting through them seem even harder.

    Often you would be amazed at some of the things women have done just to move on. Revamping your room never felt so good, or that revenge body you'll have by working out (your ex is going to be super jealous!), or throwing all his stuff and your memories in a bath tub and lighting them on fire-- maybe not the safest thing to do but it helps and there are women out there who have done so. Anything to forget the one that broke your heart, anything to move on and be free. Sometimes we have to step outside of our comfort zones just to learn to let go. Holding on to things that no longer serve a purpose is never healthy, and blaming your ex for how you are feeling isn't healthy either. After all, everything happens for a reason and if spending your days keeping busy helps you get over him then do what you have to do girl!

    After all, it is a vicious cycle and no one wants to be the only one holding on to empty wishes. If you are going through a breakup or know someone that is, you might be interested in learning the many different ways to help you get through this difficult time. Here are 15 weirdest ways women have gotten over a breakup:

    15 Stripping Your Sheets

    Sometimes when you get out of a relationship the best thing to do is strip-- and no I don't mean becoming a dancer, what I do mean is stripping your sheets. After you two break up, everything in your room is going to remind you of your ex especially your sheets. The smell of his cologne on your pillowcase, the cold nights you two would cuddle, the lonely rainy days you two would stay in bed watching movies. By getting rid of your sheets, allows you to in some way strip any memory of him existing. Obviously, you won't forget your ex in a blink of an eye-- but by removing the things that smell like him, that bring you back in time will help you cope with the overall break up. Plus it is nice to change things up a bit. Everyone loves nice, comfy, new smelling sheets-- it is like a blank canvas and you are ready to paint something new or in this case start over completely. Another great thing about stripping your sheets after a breakup, it is actually sanitary, and some women take it so far as to replacing the entire mattress-- depending on the extent of the breakup. It may sound a bit expensive, but it totally works. No woman wants to be lying in bed thinking about their ex-- get rid of that! Toss it, burn it, give them away-- whatever it is that you have to do to erase those leftover memories scattered on your bed sheets just do it!

    14 Getting Lost

    No, I don't mean turn down the wrong end of the street, but what I do mean is go on a vacation or an adventure. Let your adventurous side be your guide, explore the unknown. Do whatever it takes to escape reality, and forget about the breakup. Lots of people when they break up need space, a getaway is the perfect excuse. Perhaps travel to somewhere where there is only nature-- peace and quiet and possibly no cell service (in case you get tempted to call your ex-- DO NOT!). The truth is, a little getaway is a perfect way to mend your broken heart, it is probably the purest form to cleansing yourself from everything. The last thing you should do is sit around and feel sorry for yourself. By going on a vacation, either alone, or with some gal pals will serve as a great distraction from what is going on not only back home but what has been on your mind. Plus it will remind you that there is more to life, there is an entire world out there waiting for you to explore it. This method is completely foolproof-- getting out of town and possibly to a foreign country-- where no one knows who you are, who he is, and best of all who "you two" were. Leave those memories in the dust-- literally. Take some time for yourself, perhaps rediscover who you were before you were with him. Everyone deserves a little vacation every now and then-- and a break up is hard enough so treat yourself and discover the mysteries that this world has to offer. You may just be surprised what you might find.

    13 Have A Breakup Party

    Granted celebrating is probably the last thing on anyone's mind when going through a break-up but going out and having a good time has actually helped mend those broken hearts. Ladies, what's wrong with dressing up and going out to have a good time. Nothing. Because you are single now and you should own it! Here is what you do, get all your girlfriends together to either hang out, maybe watch some movies, drink some wine, just make sure you surround yourself with the best of the best gal pals. The worst thing you can do is isolate yourself from the world and your friends, especially when you are healing your broken heart. Having a Break-Up party is pretty much the best thing because you can have all your closest friends around and have fun even during a rough patch in your life. Just order some pizza, some bubbly champagne, watch Legally Blonde (hashtag revenge on the ex), and live it up! Your friends are the ones you can lean on with just about anything-- so when you feel like you are falling apart they will be there to pick up the broken pieces and help glue you back together. Sometimes breaking up can be fun-- in the sense that you don't have that heavy weight you've been carrying on your shoulders for months and now you can do what's best for you.

    12 Scary Movie Marathon

    Some people hate watching sappy love movies when dealing with a break up-- because all it reminds them is how either they once had that or worse now they don't. Crying can be good sometimes but other times you just want to forget all about it. So watching a scary movie will actually help mend your broken heart. You will be so scared that you won't even have time to want to cry over the breakup but instead, you will be screaming at the television because that girl decided to go down that dark hallway that we all know leads to something really bad happening. Plus what is considered the most perfect cure for a heartbreak than a scary movie? Think of a night of movies, popcorn, your favorite Ice Cream flavor, candy, and of course you cannot forget the wine. After a bad break up the smartest thing to do is to avoid rom-coms, you can't bear the idea of watching any semblance of happy lovey-dovey romance, so ladies, a switch goes off and you do the complete polar opposite: shall we say some guts and gore. Invite some friends over and make it a horror movie marathon, you don't have to be a scary movie fanatic but just look up some of the greatest scary movies pop one in and let your mind escape reality for a bit. Plus before you know it you will be completely over him and back to being able to watch all those sappy movies you once loved so much, however, horror movies will hold a special place in your heart and the next time you find yourself needing a distraction from a bad break up just turn to those Scary Movies.

    11 Dating The Best Friend

    The infamous lyrics of miss Taylor Swift in "Picture To Burn" she sang "there's nothing stopping me from going out with all of your best friends!" this statement actually works well with a lot of women. Nothing better than revenge by dating your ex's best friend. Granted it may be a bit hypocritical since if a guy ever did that to us, we probably would not be best friends anymore and that guy would definitely be history. But since he was a jerk anyways and just maybe the friend might actually treat you better-- plus guys think differently, chances are he won't care. After a breakup, dating can put a lot of pressure on people but finding someone who you kind of already know is sometimes better. This may not be the most ethical thing to do, but some women feel as if the guy deserves it. Just be careful the friend isn't like your ex-- also another thing women take into consideration is how close of friends are they? Are they best friends, or more like acquaintances? Do they hang out a lot or just on an occasion? Finding out how close this guy is to your ex can also help define whether or not you should go for it. At the same time, if you like this guy a lot and let's say they aren't as close or perhaps your ex really does not care, then it is safe to say do what you want girl. No one is stopping you from falling in love-- and if you think about it, maybe it is fate. You know that saying, everything happens for a reason-- maybe you were meant to meet your ex, go through this rough break up only to find the guy you are really supposed to end up with. Life works in mysterious ways and if you live in a small town chances are everyone is bound to know each other. So don't let a little friendship get in the way of your happiness. After all your ex and you are over for a reason, time to move on-- to someone better-- like his friend.

    10 Revenge Body

    Nothing feels better than pumping those endorphins and getting your sweat on! Okay, maybe that didn't sound as exciting as it is-- but by working out not only does it help keep your mind focused and not the constantly thinking of your break up but it also allows you to get that body you have always wanted and makes your ex super jealous that you're that hot and he can no longer have you. You know that saying, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and on the elliptical. When you are running on the elliptical or treadmill just picture yourself running far, far away from your ex. It's funny to think that you never really thought twice about how good your workouts could be. Ladies, there is nothing more fulfilling than losing yourself in a good workout with amazing music blasting. Working out is by far the greatest solution to getting over a breakup, for starters, you remain healthy and active and to top it all off when your ex sees you he will regret ever letting you go. Some women feel that working out on a constant basis can be a little bit out of their comfort zones, but the mental challenge will help you overcome this so-called "obstacle" and help keep your mind distracted. But the best part about a revenge body-- is that your goal to being healthy and fit will ultimately motivate you to feel good and happy about yourself instead of the constant feeling of pleasing others or if your ex has a new girlfriend the idea of comparing yourself to her-- don't do it. Instead, focus on yourself and do what's best for you.

    9 Stalking 101

    After a break up the worst thing, you can do is stalk the heck out of his facebook or Instagram page-- but we all do it. And sometimes it makes us feel slightly better. Now maybe stalking their social media accounts in a desperation of hope that their life actually sucks without you, some people take it to a whole other level. I have heard stories of when people break up the guy would randomly just show up at the same bar or party or coffee shop his ex was at-- totally creepy but it has happened quite often. Some people can't really understand why things ended and feel if they are wherever you are that possibly you would miss them and want to get back together. It is crazy to think that some people are that hung up on the relationship ending that they cling to any possibility. The best advice anyone has ever given me is to not hold on, that break ups are a chance to grow from the experience and learn to let go. Granted it is easier said than done and no one wants to be the one that got dumped. I honestly don't know what I would do if I were at some coffee shop and my ex just randomly showed up-- but then again it is a small town so the likelihood of us running into each other is sadly very high. Some women have said after a breakup, they will drive down their ex's street, not because they feel like stalking him but sometimes it helps them clear their minds or make peace with the breakup. An odd way of mending your broken heart, but then again if it helps then why not!

    8 Take Bubble Baths

    Girl, you so deserve this! What better way to forget your troubles than to wash them away with a nice warm bubble bath. Let's be honest here, baths are half wallowing and half cleansing and pampering yourself, thus they are the perfect remedy for a breakup. Honestly, when was the last time you actually took some time for yourself, filled up your bathtub with lots of bubbles and had a good soak with, of course, a glass (bottle) of wine? Put on some music and just relax. Nothing feels better after a break up then taking some time just to be alone. And truly showers are not for the recently been dumped. You want to be able to just soak away all the feelings you are having that come with post break up. And ladies, it doesn't mean you have to buy an enormous amount of expensive products just to have your bubble bath smelling good-- in fact, Pinterest has many DIY bath bombs or you can just add a little shampoo while the water is running and you instantly have a bubble bath. Another great idea to this relaxation time is to position your laptop on your close toilet seat facing the bathtub and put on your favorite movie to really get you in the mood. Some of the best advice I have ever gotten is to just clear your mind and take this time for yourself. Enjoy your very own human bouillon and let go of all your troubles.

    7 Make A List Of Why You're So Awesome

    This one isn't weird, in fact, it is actually the best idea when it comes to dealing with a breakup. Often you may feel so low about yourself that perhaps your ex dumped you and now you feel like you aren't good enough-- but the truth is, that isn't even true! In fact, your ex, if I must be frank here, is an idiot and most likely made the biggest mistake of his life. But sooner or later he will figure that out and when he does you will be too busy being the awesome person that you are. So here you are, making a list of all the things that make you awesome. After a breakup, you may feel unworthy. It becomes so easy to notice your flaws and the things that are wrong with you but you have to remember that the breakup wasn't your fault and to stop blaming yourself for things you cannot control. By making a list of why you are so amazing will help you not only gain back your confidence but start to think positively-- that maybe the breakup was a good thing. Let's be honest, you ARE awesome and YOU deserve the best! Now repeat those words, "I am awesome and I deserve the best" because you do, you deserve to have it all. Look at it this way, you are a strong and independent woman. And after all, it is his lost, remember!

    6 Target (It Solves All Problems)

    Whoever says they hate going to Target is lying. Target is by far the greatest store to ever open! How could you not love Target? Target is the answer to all of life's problems. I could honestly get lost in Target for hours on end because there's just so many options. After a breakup the best thing you can do for yourself is get lost in Target, they already have bikinis out so maybe go try on a bunch of cute bikinis to go along with that revenge body you have been working so hard on. Or perhaps the DVD section, maybe find a really great book to get lost in. Maybe buy a pair or two, of shoes. Go a little crazy-- maybe get lost in the baking section, buy some new makeup. Whichever it is that you are drawn to, maybe it is a little bit of everything-- just go there and escape your life for a little while. You would be amazed at what distractions you may find in Target just alone. I love Target because it has so many selections and you can buy just about anything-- their workout gear is amazing. It is cute, comfortable, and affordable-- my three favorite words. Target is the greatest place for a lady that's going through a rough patch-- that breakup has nothing on you! Drive yourself to the nearest Target and let yourself be free. Wander around-- maybe you don't even buy anything. Perhaps you are there to find products for that well-deserved bubble bath-- and don't forget the wine!

    5 Trashy Reality Television

    We love it and hate it at the same time. But what better show to drown your sorrows in than watching a full blown marathon of trashy television. Let's say Keeping Up with the Kardashians, The Real Housewives, Vanderpump Rules (if you think about it being single is way better than having Jax Taylor or James Kennedy as your boyfriend). There are so many reality shows that we all love to hate but can't help it. It is addicting and the best remedy for healing a broken heart. What's a better way to forget about your boy troubles than to watch other people having issues or just drama in general? And let's be honest here, with every single reality television show you watch and their horrible relationships you are bound to instantly feel twenty times better about your predicament. Thanks to Kourtney and Scott, Jax and when he was with Stassi Schroeder, All the Housewives and their crazy drama. Not to mention, within seconds you will find yourself rolling on the floor in tears but more so from laughing-- and thanking your lucky stars that you are single and don't have to deal with that. But you cannot watch these shows without a good glass or two of some tasty wine, maybe pop some popcorn and just enjoy the craziness that is about to unfold.

    4 Burn Everything

    Burn baby Burn! Remember that saying mentioned earlier-- how hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Well sometimes burning away all your memories-- love letters and photographs after a major breakup can actually be very cathartic. And truthfully, finding your inner pyromaniac has never felt so good. There's this song by Lucy Hale called "That's What I Call Crazy" and within the song, she is telling a story of how some guy broke her heart and the things she has been doing just to get over the breakup. For instance, she tore up all the pictures, then built a fire in her bathtub as she was watching them burn she decided to paint her toes and to top it all off she put out the flames with his t-shirt. Now burning those memories may come off a little insane but sometimes a broken heart can make you do things you didn't think you ever would. Take Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats" song-- clearly, that guy broke her heart in such a way she just had to slash his tires. Not saying that is something you should do-- but allowing your mind to go to places that make you hate them to the point where you don't want them anymore is better than wanting someone that clearly doesn't feel the same. And there is the possibility that all those photos are saved on a computer but if we are being honest here letting out your frustrations can be the best thing for a broken heart.

    3 New Hobby

    Has there ever been a moment in your life where you wanted to do something so badly but either your boyfriend didn't want to do it or perhaps you just did not have the time for it? Well now that you are single, this is the perfect time to do what's best for you. Take up a new hobby-- maybe it is rock climbing, dancing, swimming, playing an instrument, painting, whatever it is that sets your soul on fire-- do that. Maybe even take up some martial arts-- to show your ex that you can, in fact, kick his butt, if you need to. Now is the perfect opportunity to do so, whatever it is that you are interested in, go do it! Who knows, you may even meet someone through your new found hobby that is a way better fit for you. Your ex is so going to be history! Throwing yourself into a new hobby is a great distraction and can often be an awesome workout, which refers back to that revenge body workout you have been working so hard at. Plus it is a way to do things for yourself, finding a way to cope with the reality that things are over and it is time to move on and create a life of your own. Sometimes the most amazing things happen in the most unlikely places. Look at it this way-- by finding a new hobby you are turning your painful breakup into a victory-- and that sounds like a win-win. Because the best investment you can ever make is investing in yourself. So if there's a hobby you have been wanting to try-- go do it.

    2 Revamp Your Room

    It is quite incredible how much revamping your room can actually impact you. Maybe you decided you don't like the color of your walls anymore, therefore you head to the hardware store and pick out some paint swatches until you find the perfect color, perhaps you are sick of your sheets-- getting a new bedspread will do wonders, maybe even hang up some new decorations. Get rid of some furniture, even move your furniture around-- sometimes staring at the same things in the same position for so long can get really boring. Revamping your room can actually make you feel like you have a fresh start and will ultimately help you have a new, clean space to heal. After a breakup, the last thing you want is to be reminded of your ex, especially in your own room. This is a chance for you to in some ways, start over. Since you already tossed out your ex you might as well toss out the other things that no longer serve a purpose. Plus it will make you feel really good to look at the clean space and everything that is brand new to help you move on with your life. And honestly, a little bedroom therapy is the exact distraction you will need after a breakup.

    1 Wallowing

    Sometimes you just need a really good cry, maybe some wine and Taylor Swift and even add in that bubble bath you deserve so much. At the end of the day, breakups are not supposed to be enjoyable which coming to terms that it is over and allowing yourself to feel everything is really important. Let those tears fall girl. Perhaps spend the entire day in PJs, order some pizza, lay in bed and eat nothing but gallons upon gallons of ice cream and just wallow. Let it all out-- like in Frozen just "let it go, let it go". Just have a good long cry and let yourself feel all the emotions you are feeling after the breakup. The worst thing you can do is hold it all inside-- and the sooner you allow yourself to wallow the sooner you will be able to move on from the breakup and back to your normal self. The best part about being a woman is that we know how to feel things and deal with our emotions, unlike men who just hold everything in. That's why women tend to move on a lot quicker because they are capable of crying until they feel nothing. Once the wallowing is over you can actually start the healing process, like a new hobby or go out with friends and maybe even meet someone new. It is good to cry and to help you come to terms that things are over and to stop obsessing over what you could've done or should have done when it's over and it's time to move on.