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    15 Things Men Never Get Right

    While expectations are good to have, the truth is that when it comes to men simplicity is always better and it is better to be realistic for your sanity as well as theirs.

    That being said, however, some men just never get things right. And as hard as they may try, their efforts don't always add up. Like how a guy can NEVER understand how a girl is really feeling, or how we like to have a hair tie on our wrists at all times just in case, or the whole being a gentleman thing--- no, chivalry is not dead my friends! And we could try and explain things to them the best we can, but ladies, let's face it-- men will never understand women. You see, we, as women, are emotionally intelligent and complex creatures and well, men with their emotionally disabled one track minds end in failing at communication.

    You may be interested in the 15 things that men fail to understand about women and probably will never get right, but hey! A for effort right? Let us explain to you some things about women that men just do not get right. And pay attention, cause some things men aren't wired to understand.

    15 When We Say We're Fine

    The fact that this is a typical stereotype of any woman who says they are fine but clearly aren't-- honestly, this should be a law by now because it is super obvious. It is like that Taylor Swift song where she sings about how she wishes he would show up throwing rocks at her window and screaming he's in love with her (which is kind of a lot of her songs) but, the point is, although we can't expect men to read our minds, they should also know by now that the word "fine" actually means "not fine". Which yes, is complicated but really if they just learned to listen better they would understand. But unfortunately, men NEVER get this right. It is possible, that women just say we're fine because subconsciously we don't want to come across as being rude. But then often, the issue seems extremely obvious to us that we wonder how he can't seem to understand. Trying to figure out how women are feeling is nearly impossible for men. It seems women have to spell everything out for men! Try as they may, this is just something they will never understand.

    14 When We Say We Need Space

    Clearly, men will never understand this, but it is kind of like the whole "we're fine" phrase. When we tell men we need space it actually means FIGHT FOR US! Haven't these men ever seen The Notebook or any rom-com where the man realizes he made a HUGE mistake and chases after the girl confessing his love to her? Well, that is all women ever really want. We want the man to fight for us! The truth is, time doesn't ever fix a problem, and the longer you let things linger the more women will analyze things and the more time we have to actually get over not just the problem but that guy in general. And letting things linger only delays the resolution, so men need to stop being cowards and learn to fight for us. Haven't men learned anything at all? When we say "leave me alone" what we really mean, is show up on our doorstep with flowers saying you're sorry. Women want to feel special, to feel wanted, needed, and irreplaceable. And if that man doesn't fight for you, then he didn't deserve you anyways. And it doesn't mean that buying us things, or taking us to dinner or fancy jewelry is going to fix everything overnight-- but we definitely appreciate the effort.

    13 We Do Not Over Think

    It is very easy for a man to assume that a woman is just "overreacting" or "over thinking" but what men don't realize is that women don't over think things, we analyze. Now to a man, it may seem like the same thing, but it isn't. Analyzing is what we do best-- because we absorb pretty much every little detail of everything men have ever said, and we will even break down each and every single word. And most men think that women are crazy, in fact, they might even call us crazy but scientifically speaking-- most of the time, our so-called "over thinking" turns out to be correct, call it female intuition. Which this so-called "over thinking" that is most of the time correct just furthers to prompt us to continue over thinking, trusting our female intuition, and end up never forgetting a single thing. And if men think that there are women out there who don't do this-- they are terribly mistaken as that girl is just really good at faking it, but sooner or later she will be analyzing every little thing.

    12 We Already Know The Truth

    You see, women are really good at acting as if everything is fine, in hopes that that man will tell us the truth-- only to find out that we already know the truth. When a woman asks a man something, generally speaking, 99 percent of the time we already know. Therefore it is best to just come clean and tell us the truth-- the whole truth! And we understand if there are certain things a man does not want to say, as they aren't really obligated to tell us everything. At the same time, it is better to just come clean than to get wrapped up in a bigger lie. Lying is where most men make mistakes. And the truth is, we would much rather be hit with it all at once instead of having to discover mini pieces one by one over time. Plus, the longer a man waits to tell us what we already know the more we become convinced that we perhaps are dating a sociopath who will endlessly disappoint us and completely disregard our feelings and ultimately respect us. And to be even more honest, a man lying about even the smallest thing will make any woman change the way they look at him very, very quickly.

    11 Fantasies

    Women love romance, and it is true that we too have created fantasies in our heads that often we would love come to life. But most men are oblivious to these fantasies. And no matter how many times we convince them to watch The Notebook, A Walk To Remember, Longest Ride-- honestly, any Nicholas Sparks movie, even The Great Gatsby, Titanic, La La Land and it pretty much plays out what women wish men would do. And it is true-- just like men have their fantasies, women have theirs-- and all women really want is ROMANCE. It doesn't have to be like the movies per say, but something to make us feel special and loved. And some may think it is cheesy, as women don't want casual-- they want to love someone. And perhaps it is unrealistic, so call it whatever you want, because at the end of the day some women just really want their real life Prince Charming.

    10 Telling Women How They Feel

    Men seem to have a difficult time telling a woman how they really feel, ironically, men hate it when a woman says she is "fine" but really means she isn't-- as they cannot read our minds. That being said, women can't read men's minds either, therefore, having to play this guessing game can get quite tiresome. If men were like women and just show us or even told us remotely how they were feeling a lot of issues would be solved. You know that saying "actions speak louder than words" yet if a man can't even show a woman how he is feeling then how is she or anyone for that matter supposed to understand them or know anything? We could debate about this topic for so long before it becomes useless. As men suck at showing any emotion. Why is it so difficult for a man to express their feelings compared to women? This is probably something men will never get right as if there were some switch in the Universe that helped men express how they feel things would definitely be off track. For example, when a man decides he loves a woman he takes his sweet time saying those three simple little words or worse they act the complete opposite as if it is easier to bottle up their emotions altogether. It seems that saying those three little words "I Love You" from a man requires a pretty huge effort and when we fight women like to dissect the reasons behind the issue whereas men just want to skip over the whole "let's talk" part and go straight to the makeup kissing part.

    9 Remembering Important Dates

    Men tend to have a hard time remembering some of the most important dates. Like when you two started dating, or how long you two have been together? When your birthday is, and any holiday ie: Valentine's Day and any other "hallmark" holiday. Even just an occasion, like your best friends boyfriends cousins birthday party that you two RSVP'd to a month in advance. Granted, anyone can have trouble remembering certain dates-- but why is it so much more difficult for men? It is true that women are far more superior to men when it comes to remembering important dates, the details of that day, and women often become discouraged when a man ends up lacking in this particular area. But remember ladies, just because a man does not remember a certain date does not differ from how they feel and it doesn't make that date unimportant either. Men just aren't wired to remember every little detail of something, let alone the day and time of your first date.

    8 Drinks At The Club

    Why hello there super friendly and persistent guy at the bar, oh you want to buy me a drink at the bar? Sure, why not. Buy me two drinks, maybe three-- maybe even buy me and all of my friends' drinks plus bottle service in the VIP section, that is just fine and dandy. But, get one thing straight-- although we are very flattered for the free drinks, let us be clear. Buying us drinks does not ensure you anything, mister. Some guys just cannot take a hint, and they become incredibly relentless as if buying women alcohol will make them want to give you their number or go home with you (which is very dangerous if you don't know that person). But these men, they suddenly get all upset and start to throw temper tantrums when we decide to go home with our friends! It has happened in movies, in television shows, and it has happened in real life-- time after time. When will these men learn? Unless you are Ryan Gosling, I'm not going anywhere with you! But thanks for the free drinks! In fact, women pretty much save 15 percent or more by just being a woman! Go us!

    7 Acting Like A Gentleman

    Men like to believe that chivalry is dead, but it isn't! Although there are a lot of not-so-great men out there, there are quite a few good ones. Still, the classic-- pick a girl up on a date, come to the doorstep, open up that passenger side door, and any door after that-- well, it seems a lot of men are slacking when it comes to these duties. All women love to be treated like a Princess, and we aren't asking for too much. Just the coming to the doorstep and opening up the car door-- gentleman-like stuff would be nice every once in a blue moon. Women want romance, they want a man to act like a man. Nowadays, men simply show up for dates practically honking once they have reached your house. Women want to be treated with respect-- while just because a man doesn't come to your doorstep does not necessarily mean they don't respect you but it definitely sends women the wrong message. Is it so hard to park the car, walk up to the doorstep and greet your woman?! Men, learn from the olden days when chivalry was still a major thing-- it isn't dead yet.

    6 Gifts

    Men seem to never get buying women gifts right. Either they get the size too small or too big, or it is something that would probably be more useful to a man than a woman. It is a well-known fact that men are terrible at buying gifts for their other half. Men lead with the impression that buying a woman underwear, cleaning products, and perfume but they could not be far off. Unless your woman tells you a certain perfume that she absolutely loves-- chances of getting her something she likes in that department are slim to none. Sometimes all a lady really wants is for their man to show how much they love and appreciate them-- and if that doesn't seem enough they can shower us with jewelry. Jewelry seems to always do the trick. Some men even think that shopping for women's clothes is a great gift idea-- but truth is, it isn't. Half the time they get the wrong size and then us, women, have to go and return it. No one likes to return things so it is better to stick to something sweet and simple. Still, the day a man actually gets buying a gift right will be the day the world just may have flipped on its axis.

    5 Responding To A Text

    Men are notorious for two things when it comes to texting: not responding fast enough or not saying enough. As we may know, men are of very few words. And they actually hate texting-- it takes up too much of their time, which is why often men will respond in fewer words. Now, this does not mean that they don't care, it just generally means that they are busy and don't have time to text a paragraph. Another thing, is men hate receiving long text messages-- it takes too long to read and they often become disengaged. It is better to send them fewer words and allow long detailed conversations to be for in person or on the phone. Men love to use the word "K"-- which in most women's mind automatically means that he doesn't care. Men will probably never get the whole long conversation texting down. Another thing, is men suck at responding all together! Why is it so difficult to answer, in a reasonable time? It is a mystery-- and why we may never solve.

    4 The Need For A Ponytail Holder On Your Wrist

    Men will never understand why women need to have a hair tie on their wrist at all times-- there are certain moments that pop up out of nowhere that a woman may need to tie her hair up. Plus, they now have hair ties that look like bracelets so a woman can even match with whatever outfit she has on. Men may never fully understand that we sometimes need to wear those elastic bands around our wrists, they will never quite understand also the pain that comes with wearing one. As it cuts off the circulation on our dainty wrists but then the times when you've used it so much that it stretches out just enough to fit into a ponytail one last time. On a rare occasion, where a man may have hair longer than a woman-- therefore, understanding why a hair tie is so important, they will never understand.

    3 Advice On An Outfit

    Asking a man what they think of our outfit is kind of dangerous territory as they most likely will never understand nor get it right. How some prints cannot be put together, even if our lives depended on it. And how you can't just wear any heel with any dress. Everything has to go together-- and half the time, a man isn't really paying attention to what you are wearing. A lot of men do not understand the trend of Uggs-- how they are so utterly comfy and warm. And they will never understand why women love to wear leggings are pants-- because sometimes in the words of Regina George "sweatpants are all that fit me right now!" (Mean Girls). What women wear, men don't really care at all. It is a fact, as most men think less is better. Men will probably choose the shortest dress you have, the shortest shorts, and they probably would love if we all just walked around in bikinis all day long.

    2 Rejecting Is The Absolute Worst

    Men have it so incredibly easy when it comes to rejecting women-- they can easily move on to some other girl, pretend you don't exist, and they effortlessly love ghosting. Whereas, men will never quite understand how hard it is for a woman to reject a man. Too, too often men get off easy-- they get the easy card. When a man becomes uninterested or just stops liking a girl they've been casually dating all they have to do is not ask her out on any more dates. Women, on the other hand, can't just go about ghosting someone. We can't just disappear so silently. When a guy asks a woman out, if she isn't interested, she has to automatically say no-- which is no fun. Men don't realize how it isn't easy for women to just reject a guy. Generally, men ask for reasons or they become super persistent as if they can change our minds. How come men have it so easy and always get the upper hand in rejection?

    1 The Power Of Makeup

    Men don't quite understand why women wear makeup-- as some wear too much. Men probably won't ever understand this concept, as women often do not wear makeup for men. Women like to wear makeup to make themselves feel confident and sexy-- some wear just a little bit whereas some are all into contouring, it isn't a bad thing-- just some women prefer more. Men like to argue that too much makeup can be a turnoff. Men can't understand why makeup costs so much and the whole "natural look"-- they know women don't actually wake up like that. It is all a mystery to them-- as they will never understand. And women can explain it to men over and over and they still won't get it. It is just one of those things men will not understand about women. Just another complication added to the long list. Men will never understand the power of makeup, why sometimes we really want to wear red lipstick, sure it isn't productive for eating or kissing but we like it and it's fun to have a pop of color every now and then.