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    15 Things Men Are Biologically Programmed To Look For In Women

    Oh, the human heart, it can make us feel drawn to someone and we don't completely understand why we want them so badly. There are some women who seem to attract more than their fair share of male attention; leaving you thinking "what does she have that I don't!" Many will be quick to point out that standards of beauty can be heavily influenced by culture, social conditioning, and the media. For the most part, they would be right. Although there has been a multitude of studies conducted on human attraction and they yield some pretty fascinating results, to say the least. They have pointed to some factors that men (although some are true for women as well) are biologically programmed to be attracted to in a woman.

    For the most part, these factors of perceived attractiveness are said to have their roots in human evolution and are actually signs that a woman is fertile and can safely carry and deliver a baby. Thereby, guaranteeing a man more success of leaving a healthy offspring. There are also factors spanning the entry range of a man's senses. You may think you are just having a casual drink with a man, and you both might not even be remotely ready for kids, but you are sending out signals about your age, health, and fertility that he is hardwired to look for in a woman.

    15 Your Hips Don't Lie

    According to many scientific studies in human behavior and evolution, such as those in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior men are biologically programmed to be drawn to a 0.7 waist-to-hip ratio in a female mate. This means that the circumference of your waist is 70% of the circumference of your hips. Even though he might not be thinking about the result of hitting the sheets with you, a baby, the 0.7 waist-to-hip ratio definitely initially attracts a man to a woman. Estrogen and other female hormones create wider hips that indicate the ability to safely give birth to a baby. This ratio doesn't mean you have to be a size 2, either. Men still judge a woman who has a little junk in the trunk as extremely attractive if her body has that magic ration. In the past women turned to corsets to accomplish this indicator of beauty. Today's modern woman turns to Spanx.

    14 He's Just Seen a Face, Can't Forget the Time and Place

    There is a mathematical and scientific explanation as to why we consider some people's faces beautiful and others less so. Can you imagine that! Thanks to Math (the worst subject in the world) dictates your beauty. It has to do with the mathematical symmetry of the face. Symmetry means that if we split the face in half vertically, it would look the same on both sides. For a face to be considered symmetrical, the eyes need to be the same size, and the nose and lips should line up horizontally. Even if they are off by less than a 1/16 of an inch, the human brain can actually spot the slightest asymmetry in someone's facial features. Woah, that's so twisted! No, the cute guy you have been flirting with all night may not have a ruler and calculator to figure it out, but his eyes and brain really can tell if your face is symmetrical.

    13 Your Lovely Lady Lumps

    The popularity of getting certain parts of your body altered should not make the fact that the size of your girls matters for men to be a particular surprise. Over 250,00 people went under the knife to have this procedure in 2015 and 2016. That seems like a pretty large number of people don't you think? Estrogen stimulates the growth and retention of fat in your chest area. A larger cup size is an indicator that a woman has a store of fat which will increase her chances of fertility. Add to this the social conditioning through the media and guy talk, and we have a lot of men out there who enjoy lady lumps. Although, that isn't to say that women with a more humble chest can't turn heads and be considered totally hot by men, but the scientific studies simply point to a cross-cultural preference for larger lady lumps.

    12 I Got That Red Lip, Classic Thing That You Like

    Full, luscious, 'red' lips are a sign of youth and fertility. A bigger mouth is considered more attractive across cultures. The fullness of the lips are a result of the production of collagen and their 'redness' is caused by blood flow to the lips. Similarly to your cheeks, when you are aroused and attracted to a man, your lips begin to flush. That red lipstick has been a staple of women's beauty routine for centuries. It is powerful for a reason! As you age, collagen production slows down and your lips begin to lose their pillowy, kissable, pink appearance. When approaching middle age, your lips begin to look smaller, thinner, and more drawn. Your lips are one of the main features a man will notice when you first meet. Which we guess makes total sense, because all he will be thinking about is kissing you. Make sure your pucker is soft and smooth by using lip balm regularly.

    11 A Head With Hair: Shining, Gleaming Hair

    Ever wonder why products such as Argon oil are all the rage? Oil keeps hair hydrated, shiny, and helps it grow. While a short hairstyle can be quite becoming on many women, several studies have shown that longer hair is considered more beautiful by men across cultures. Long hair can indicate that you are well nourished, you don't have any vitamin deficiencies, and that you are in peak, optimal health. Your hair can also give away your age without you having to say a word. As you get older, your scalp doesn't produce as much natural oil to make your mane gleam and look soft and healthy. While it's always best to cut and style your hair any way you want to, keep in mind that if you are looking for a male mate, you might have more prospects if you keep your hair style longer and sparingly use hair oil to keep it looking shiny and beautiful.

    10 Turn Around Bright Eyes

    There is a reason why the eyes are so powerful in attraction. Men are drawn in because of three aspects about your peepers: their brightness, their size, and the size of your pupils. Your eyes produce a natural lubricant that makes them glow and shine, as you age your eyes produce less and they start to look dull-similarly to your hair. There is also evidence that larger eyes (in proportion to the face) are also considered more attractive on a woman. So those doe-eyed beauties catch a man's eye for a good reason! It's also why we have eyeliner and mascara in our makeup bags. Another interesting fact about your eyes is that eyes and your pupil size can also signal to a man that you are feeling attracted to him. They will dilate when you like what you see and if he can notice this it might give him the confidence to keep chatting you up.

    9 When You're Smiling The Whole World Smiles With You

    Men pay very close attention to women's smiles, even if they do not realize it, or admit it. They are subconsciously looking at the health of our teeth, their alignment, their color, and how often we smile. When humans are deficient in vitamin D or calcium, our teeth can look just plain nasty! If the deficiency is bad enough, you can even lose teeth. Humans instinctively look at the mouth when we are talking with other people for non-verbal cues. We show our feelings and emotions in the mouth. Smiling is also a sign of friendlessness, warmth, and sociability. We are not suggesting you grin like an idiot when out on a date with a guy; because let's be real, a fake smile ca be seen from a mile away, but being conscious of smiling more can help influence someone's perception that you have a wonderful, amiable personality that will make you easy to get a long with in the long run.

    8 I Can Smell Your Scent For Miles

    Smell has a huge impact on attraction in humans. Our natural scent puts out a lot of information about our genetic makeup and health to potential mates. Humans and animals, without being aware of it, seem to smell DNA. It is a low-key way to know the genetic overlap we have with another human being and it's also a subtle way to check their health status, too. You know, asking for a guy's medical history on a first date can be coming on a little strong! There have been numerous studies where men and women have been asked to take a whiff of stranger's shirt after being worn for the day and rate the perceived attractiveness of the smell and the person it belonged to. The results? When meeting in person, there was a high correlation between the rankings of the smell of the shirts and the person's visual rating of attractiveness.

    7 I Want To Touch Your Skin

    Your skin is one of the first things anyone notices about you. It's the number one indicator of your beauty, age, and health. As you get older, the amount of collagen and Coenzyme Q10 your body produces will naturally decrease over time. The lack of collagen and Co-Q10 causes your skin to begin to develop wrinkles and also make it look dull and dry. Your skin also loses its ability to retain moisture and stay hydrated. You can increase the moisture and suppleness of your skin by eating foods with healthy oils such as avocados, olive oil, fish, and fresh coconut. You should also make sure you exfoliate and drink plenty of water to keep that skin looking luminous and touchable. Your skin can reveal a lot about what's going on inside your body. People definitely notice when you take really great care of your skin. Slather on that coconut oil, baby!

    6 When We're Out Together Dancing Cheek to Cheek

    Your cheeks maintain their rounded, supple appearance because of fat and collagen. Similarly to other parts of the body like how our lips and skin are impacted by aging, the firmness, and color of your cheeks can give away how many birthday cakes were eaten in your honor. Have you ever noticed how kids have those little apple-firm, rosy cheeks? When we get older, people lose the blood flow that gives us that healthy glow - which we try to replicate with blush. Your cheeks are also a give away of your emotions. When you are angry, embarrassed, or aroused; blood will rush to your cheek and you blush. Your cheeks might get a bit pink when talking to a man you're attracted to. It doubles as a sign of health, fertility, and can send a subconscious signal to a man that you might be interested in him. Who knew they could reveal so much!

    5 Baby Got Back

    It might not exactly be the size of out rear ends that makes a man want to watch as a woman walks away. Studies suggest that the curvature of the lumbar in the lower back can make your backside stick out at just the right angle to make the boys drool. The magic number: 45.5 degrees. Researchers have conducted studies that claim that this particular curvature, along with the 0.7 wait-to-hip ratio, is considered an advantage during pregnancy and when giving birth to a baby. Apparently, men are on the lookout for it in potential mates without being aware of it. Although no woman can change the spinal curvature in her lower back, it is interesting to know that it's one of the factors that can have an impact on your overall perceived attractiveness by the opposite gender. You can fake it a little with shapewear and belting your outfits.

    4 Your Voice is Soft Like Summer Rain

    Similarly to men, women's voices lower during puberty and throughout the teen years, although not to the same extent as men's. Can you imagine how awkward that would be? As women age, and the estrogen in our bodies decrease, our voices will continue to lower slightly. Men are drawn to voices that have a higher pitch and clear sound, it denotes youth and fertility. Men can literally hear the age and fertility in your voice. If it is gravelly, shaky, and has a lower tone; they will subconsciously know you might have some health issues. If you're going on a date or looking to attract a man; drink a warm cup of water with honey and lemon to keep your vocal chords moisturized and get rid of any mucus. It will make your voice ring out nice and clear while you're flirting with a crush or going on a date with a guy.

    3 I See Babies Cry, I Watch Them Grow

    When a man is considering a long-term relationship, and especially if he is serious about marriage, he will be looking for a woman with a maternal instinct. You may not think he's paying attention or worrying about babies and kids right now, but he will notice if you are comfortable around kids. Do you make an effort to talk to children, to play with them, or do you break into a sweat and want to run at the sight of a little human? All for these actions will show if you have the potential to be the mother of his babies. The most important thing in a relationship is honesty, you need to be completely open with a man about your feelings on kids. Make sure your man knows if you want children or not. It's alright if you don't, but there are lots of guys who want to be dads and this will be high up on their list of things they're looking for in a woman they want to get serious with.

    2 A Miner For A Heart Of Gold

    Despite what you may think, men aren't only on the lookout for the hottest woman they can find to roll in the sheets. They are programmed to look for women who show kindness towards other people and that they actually care about their feelings. A person's capacity for empathy really does indicate how well a person will do in a long-term relationship and their ability to get along with others. Men will see how you treat servers in restaurants, if you use your manners, how you treat his friends, his siblings, and even his parents as an indicator of the type of person you are. All of it shows your potential to be his number one in the long run. He doesn't want to be with someone who is frequently rude and has a mean streak! If you aren't a nice person and can't show some class, don't expect a man to stick around with you very long!

    1 You Got That Ambition, Baby

    There is something really sexy to a man when a woman can hold her own in the world. A man will be very attracted to a woman who is ambitious and has her own passions in life. When a woman has her own career and aspirations, it also shows that there is less pressure on him to be the breadwinner in the relationship and that you will be able to contribute as you build a life together. Within a short time of talking to you, a man can tell if you have a job, if you have any goals, or if you might just be after him for his wallet more than for a relationship. So don't be afraid to talk up your accomplishments and your bucket list; a man who is secure in who he is will love to hear all about how well your career is going and how cool your hobbies are. He will respect your zest for life and your independence.

    The dating game can be tough out there. As women, we are hard on ourselves and have a lot of internal criticism about how we look. When we're on a date or looking for a relationship, we wonder if we measure up intellectually and physically. While the media does show some pretty ridiculous standards of beauty, there is some scientific basis for certain factors that men look for in a woman. Some of the factors on our list are actually measurable and backed up by research. It seems that the booming beauty and cosmetic industry might not all be about vanity after all. Some of the cosmetics we use every day have a direct impact on the factors of attraction discussed in this list.

    Knowing some of this information can help you accentuate the advantages that you may have, according to science, in the game of attracting a potential life mate. Men look for physical cues that a woman is youthful, healthy, and fertile. Many traits he doesn't even know he's subconsciously looking for. Overall, the shape of your figure, your facial symmetry, the size of your features, the sound and pitch of your voice are some of the physical characteristics that can impact your attractiveness. Men also look for someone who is kind-hearted, ambitious, and would be a good mother to his children, even if he doesn't realize it.