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    15 Texts That Will Drive Him Crazy

    Sending flirty texts is always a great way to leave your man wanting more and sometimes it can give him a better idea of what to expect from you the next time you are together. Be sure that when you are sending flirty messages that you really plan on doing some of the things you are eluding to, nobody likes a tease so be sure to only send texts that you can live up to. These texts are sure to get him excited so keep in mind that he may expect you to follow up on your plans. With that said, there is no harm in fluffing it up a bit to include a little bit of fantasy and leave him wanting more. One thing is for sure, these 15 texts that will drive hi crazy are sure to spike his interest and he won't be able to get you off of his mind all day. While he's bored out of his mind at work a text from you will certainly spice things up. As the tension rises within him, he will so look forward to seeing you as soon as he possible can. Sexting is an art form and if you get it right you can win big points with bae.

    15 Keep It Suspenseful

    Send him a text that has him guessing but also lets him know where your mind is at the moment. There is no need to give every detail out because his mind will start to piece it together with very little information. A perfect text to send that will get you on his mind but still leave him guessing is, Wanna know what I wanna do with you later? Too bad! You'll have to wait and find out. After you hit send on that message don't be surprised if you hear him pull into the driveway minutes later. This will definitely peak his interest and will most likely preoccupy his mind until he gets to find out exactly what it is you have waiting for him. If you want to be all that he can think about for the rest of the day, this is the perfect text to send to him.

    14 Make Your Dreams Come True

    Whether you really had a dream about him or not, he will love to hear about it and draw his own conclusions about what role he played in this fantasy world. Letting him know that the dream can be described as dirty will really peak his interest. Try this text to see what kind of response you get from him, I had a VERY naughty dream last night - you were definitely there! His mind will immediately go to his own fantasy and you will be the star of this daydream. He may start to wonder if your dream is anything like the fantasy he has in the back of his mind, this will have him running through different scenarios where you are the main attraction, all day long. That is one way to keep you on his mind and know that he won't be able to get you off of it!

    13 Let Him Know You are Thinking of Him

    If you are constantly thinking of your guy and can't seem to get anything done because he is all you can think about, let him know! Women aren't the only ones that want to be the center of attention, guys really appreciate the idea that they are the star of someone else's fantasy and knowing that they are so desirable their partner can't think of anything else makes them feel great! Send him this text to let him know that you just can't seem to get him off of your mind, I can't focus - all I can think about is what we would be doing if you were here with me. Not only will he know that you are so into him that you can't stop thinking about him but he will also be thinking about what the two of you would be doing if you were together and more importantly what you will be doing when you are.

    12 Get His Wheels Turning

    Ask him a question that will get him thinking and focused on you. A simple text that asks a question can paint quite the scandalous picture in his mind if it is worded properly. Start with a text that simply says, What would you like me to wear on our date tonight? He will immediately cycle through all of the possibilities in his mind and think about all of the times he has seen you as well as picturing you in different outfits or with nothing on at all. If he has a favorite outfit he will respond with his preference for what you should wear and then he will continue to fantasize about you wearing that for the rest of the day until he sees you again. He will be so excited to see you in person after thinking about you all day that no matter what you are wearing, it is only a matter of time before he wants it to come off anyway.

    11 Paint a Mental Picture

    Leave a little bit to his imagination while painting a mental picture that will drive him crazy. Send him a text that says, I am wearing the most see through outfit I own right now. That little line is sure to get his blood pumping! He will instantly start imagining what outfit you are wearing and picturing how great you must look. He will be wishing he was with you and will most likely respond to that text as soon as possible. He may not be able to do anything else throughout the rest of his day and he definitely will not be able to get you or that mental picture you have painted for him out of his mind. That is exactly what you want because no matter what he has going on for the rest of the day, he won't be able to stop thinking about you, pat yourself on the back for this one, it is sure to work!

    10 Get Him Excited

    Send him a text that says, I think we should make a video tonight. Letting him know that you are up for anything tonight is a great way to get him excited. Most guys are dying to make a video and that simple suggestion will fill him with excitement. Add on the idea that you are going to let him be the director and you will really get his attention. He will be grinning from ear to ear until he gets to see you again. The idea that he will get to capture some of your greatest moments together will have his wheels turning all day. He is sure to show up with a list of ideas that he has for all of the different shots he can take and what exactly he wants your film to be about. One thing is for sure, you will be on his mind all day.

    9 Ask Him a Question

    Get him thinking about you intimately by sending him a text that says, What is your favorite part of my body? He won't be able to get his mind off of you and will be thinking about all of his favorite body parts, trying to narrow it down to just one to answer your question. This is a great way to have him thinking about you all day and admiring how many great features you have that he just can't seem to get enough of. You can add a more personal message by telling him what your favorite body part of his is or make him guess which one is your favorite. Giving him fun hints. Send a text saying, my favorite part is the spot that I kiss every time we are together or my favorite part is the one that I will be paying close attention to tonight.

    8 Be a Little Vague

    Sometimes not coming right out and saying exactly what you want is the best way to actually get what you want. Place little hints here and there to get the response you crave without having to tell him everything! Send a text that says, Let's have dessert in bed tonight and he can take that anyway he wants to. It will definitely have him guessing about what exactly you mean by this and he will have to respond in order to get a better idea of what you are implying. His mind will immediately go to a naughty place but he will have doubts in the back of his mind knowing that you may just actually want to have a snack in bed not what he is hoping for. This is sure to drive him crazy and have him texting you with tons of questions until he gets a clearer picture of your intentions.

    7 Set the Mood

    Putting him in a good mood, ready for romance is a great way to get things started on the right track. If you let him know that you are interested in a special kind of night, as opposed to the usual activities that he may expect, he will not be able to stop thinking about all of the possibilities of the evening and how it may turn out. Send him a text that puts a little excitement into his mind letting him know this night will be anything but ordinary. Try sending this, Music Sounds Better Naked, Let's try that tonight. That is sure to give him high hopes for how the evening will unfold and get him thinking about all of the activities that are much better with music. If the texting goes back and forth for a while you can send him a list of songs that will keep his interest.

    6 Send Him On a Mission

    Send him a text that has him actively involved in planning a sexy night that he will anticipate all day long and remember for a long time after. A quick text that has him picking up some fun items for the night is a great way to let him know what is on your mind for the evening and it is sure to drive him crazy. Send a text that simply says, Could you pick up strawberries and whipped cream on your way over tonight? and he will be thrilled to head to the store, in fact it may be his most exciting trip to the store ever! A text like that is sure to have you on his mind all day while he thinks about what you two may do with those two items that he is going to pick up at the store during his most exciting shopping trip ever.

    5 Let Him Know You Are Thinking Of Him

    Send him a text that lets him know you can't seem to get him off of your mind by sending one that says, I can't stop thinking about you today, I want to recreate everything I have been thinking about! No matter if you have been thinking about anything worth mentioning, he doesn't have to know that. You are sure to get on his mind by letting him know that he is on yours and in the best way possible. It's only going to work out to your benefit to let him think he is part of your ultimate fantasy You will be stroking his ego a little bit and when you get together his ego will be so inflated it will pay off for the both of you. He is sure to try and one up himself by living up to all of the fantasies he thinks you have had about him all day long.

    4 Give Him What He Wants

    Everybody has an idea of the perfect setting, feeling, or activity that they would enjoy most, give him the privilege of sharing that with you. Let him know that you want to make him happy and fulfill all of his wants and needs. Send him a text that says, I want to make all of your fantasies come true, let's start tonight. That is sure to get him thinking and making a mental list of all of the things he has thought up over the years. You are sure to hear some ideas from him before you know it and he will be glad to tell you, knowing that you are about to make all of his fantasies come true. This may be the best text you could possibly send him but keep in mind when you offer up something like this, you are sure to venture into a world of unknown and possibly strange fantasies.

    3 Let the Music Tell Him

    Send a lyric from a sexy song or a title and imply that something sexy is going on. Send him a text that says, You know that song I touch myself? Well I just can't get you off of my mind, what should I do? This will give him a mental image that he won't soon forget. He is sure to ask more questions and find out exactly what you have been thinking about. He will most likely also want to know the play by play of what is going on. Hopefully you have plenty of time on your hands because he is sure to blow up your phone with lots of curious texts after you send him this one. He may even request some proof in the form of a photo so he can get even more excited about the action. Keep in mind that this kind of text is going to be a hot topic of conversation for awhile, he will not be able to get that off of his mind.

    2 Let Him Know How You Feel

    Guys really like to get right to the point and not beat around the bush at all when possible. Send him a text that lets him know how you feel by sending him one that says, If you come by tonight, I may not let you leave! He will not only be excited to know that you want him there but it will bring it to the next level by letting him know that you don't want him to leave. He will think about all of the things you may want to do while he is there and how great it must be that you can't stand the thought of letting him leave you. This is the perfect way to let him know that you desire him and want him there as well as letting him know that you enjoy him so much you don't want to ever let him leave again.

    1 Give Him a Visual

    Sending your thoughts to him through a text is a great way to let him know what's on your mind but sometimes creating a visual is the best way to drive the point home. Send him a text that says, I just did yoga and it turns out I am more flexible than I thought, want me to prove it tonight? He will begin imagining you in all of the positions that you could get into as well as challenging you on the flexibility that you are bragging about. Letting him know that you are up for the challenge will keep you on his mind all day and he will no doubt put you to the test when he sees you again. This may even begin a string of texts that will make you both blush but it will be sure to put some excitement into both of your days.