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    15 Signs He Is Losing Interest In You Fast

    Not all relationships are meant to be forever, and sometimes that guy who you thought was perfect at the beginning turns out to be a real troll. The only good thing is that there are easy to spot signs when a guy is starting to lose interest in you.

    When a guy begins to pull away from you, you might try to draw him back in. You might change your looks, start being more outgoing, or put on the reserves. You think that you would do just about anything to keep him with you, but you have to ask yourself if it is really worth it.

    When I started seeing this one guy, he showed a real interest in me and I thought that maybe he could be the one. It didn't take long for me to notice the signs that he really was not all that into me. He could not make time for me and he was experiencing one personal disaster after another. In the end, the relationship was not meant to be and before things got too heavy, we had a talk and decided that it would be best to simply be casual friends. Breaking up with him right after I started seeing the signs that he wasn't interested in me anymore was far easier than I could have ever imagined.

    15 Long Phone Conversations During Visits

    You have been looking forward to visiting him all morning. In fact, you must have done your hair in at least three different hairstyles since you got up and tried on about six different tops before you found the perfect one to wear. So when you showed up at his place, you were really disappointed when he answered the door with the phone at his ear. He waved you in, but kept on talking. For the next hour, you sat on his sofa, waiting for him to end the phone conversation. It was so rude and, really, you were starting to feel uncomfortable. You could have been doing something else besides sitting there, waiting for your boyfriend to get off the phone and give you some attention. Then, finally, he was off the phone. He looked at you, smiled, and then told you that he had to be someplace in a half hour. Nice.

    14 Forget Holding Hands

    Normally when the two of you are out taking a walk together, you hold hands. Recently, however, every time you reach over to hold his hand, he moves his hand away from you. Sometimes he pretends like he has to scratch his nose or he is suddenly digging in his pockets for something. Sometimes he just sticks his hands in his coat pockets where you can't reach for them

    Something is either bothering him or he just does not want that physical contact with you anymore. He is pulling away from you and probably hoping that you will get the message and start leaving him alone. Give him what he wants and stop bothering him. You deserve to be with someone who actually wants to hold your hand and enjoys your physical touch, not someone who is trying to avoid it at all costs.

    13 Cuts You Off When You Are Talking

    Tessa has been acting all sorts of crazy and you are just dying to tell your boyfriend all about the drama. You give him a ring, he answers, and you start to tell him about what just happened, but five words in and he cuts you off. He has got to go.

    A few days later, you visit him at his place. He is busy trying to straighten stuff up, so you ask him how work has been. He tells you that he has been busy, but doesn't clue you in to anything more. He doesn't even ask how things have been with you. You decide to volunteer the info and start telling him about the new boss, but he cuts you off again.

    This happens over and over again. It is becoming clear that he does not care about anything you have to say and that can only mean that the relationship is about to end.

    12 Goes To Events Without You

    It is the weekend and you are hoping that he will call you up with plans. He told you on the phone that he would let you know what was up, but so far he hasn't. The day goes by and you hear nothing. On Sunday, you text him to find out what is going on and he tells you that he went to a concert with some friends yesterday and sorry, but he is tired right now.

    This is the third time he went and did something without inviting you. You don't even know who these friends are that he is hanging out with and, to be honest, it hurts that he has removed you from his life like this.

    The only thing that can be said is that he does not want to be with you anymore. If he did, he would have invited you along. Take the hint and move on.

    11 Won't Get Up

    He works second shift, so you understand that he sometimes sleeps in until the afternoon, but lately he has been staying in bed even on his days off. You get that he may be tired, but he used to get out of bed and spend the day with you when the two of you were first dating. Now he doesn't even bother to get up. You call him and he doesn't answer his phone. When you stop over, he won't even get up out of bed to answer the door.

    He is giving you the total blow off. You, on the other hand, wish he would want to see you, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen. He is letting you know in the coward's way that he is no longer interested in you. Heck, he can't even bother to get out of bed to answer his door. It is over.

    10 Lack Of Eye Contact

    You want to look deep into his beautiful, soft blue eyes, but he keeps looking every which way and not at you. You remember a time when he would meet your eyes and you would just melt, but it is not like that anymore. In fact, you are starting to doubt that he ever looks at you at all.

    It could very well be that he has a lot on his mind, but it could also be that he is trying to detach himself from you by becoming distant. Sometimes, instead of directly ending a relationship, people will start to pull away and that often means less or no eye contact. The only thing you can do at this point is try and have a conversation with him. If he does not want to talk to you about it, then let him go. Don't waste your time on someone who does not want to communicate with you.

    9 Suddenly Becomes Involved With His Family

    He always had time for you and sometimes it felt as though he was living with you full-time. Then something began to change. He started spending less and less time with you and told you he was spending time with his family. Sure, that is great and you wish you could join him, but he seems to be spending too much time with them. Whenever you call him up and ask if he wants to go out, he is either taking his mother someplace or planning on hanging out with his brother.

    Sometimes guys use their family like a shield. They know that most women are not going to try and cause problems in someone else's family circle so they bury themselves in family stuff until the girlfriend gives up and leaves them. It is a guy's way of ending a relationship without having to man up and talk directly to the girlfriend.

    8 You Start Hearing Gossip

    One of the surest signs that your man may be losing interest in you is when you start to hear rumors about him from your friends. Reports might start coming in that so-and-so saw your boyfriend chatting up some single woman or that he was overheard complaining about you.

    The worst is when some woman who has an interest in your man sends you a friend request on Facebook and starts texting you, asking about your relationship. She might be trying to figure out what is really going on between you and your man because of rumors that she has heard.

    If rumors start up about your relationship, and you are not the cause of those rumors, it is well past time to have a talk with your boyfriend. If he is unhappy with you, then he needs to admit it and let you go. Otherwise, you both are in for a lot of drama as total strangers become involved in your relationship.

    7 Stops Letting You Borrow His Stuff

    When you used to stay over at his place, he would let you leave wearing one of his cozy sweatshirts and sometimes you would leave wearing his oversized sweatpants. This last time, however, he complained when you tried to leave with a piece of his clothing. Could it be that you were hoarding all his stuff over at your place? Not quite. You wash and return his stuff right away so that he does not run out of things to wear.

    Then, you call him up and ask him if you can borrow his sander so you can work on the hand-me-down table your grandma gave you. He hesitates a moment and tells you that he loaned it to someone else. You ask him if he has any sandpaper you could use instead, knowing full well that he has a ton of the stuff. Again, he says no. At this point you are starting to get the hint. He does not want to loan you anything right now because the relationship is about to end.

    6 Lonely Shower Time

    Taking a shower by yourself is never all that fun, especially when the man you love is in the other room doing who knows what. When the two of you first got together, you always took showers with each other. It was so much fun, but lately he has not joined you in the shower and the last time you joined him, he rinsed off and got out a minute later, leaving you all alone again.

    It is understandable if your partner wants to shower alone now and again. Maybe he just needs some quiet time to think, but if he suddenly stops wanting to spend some intimate shower time with you, he may be mentally moving on.

    Talk to him about it and find out what is bugging him. If he insists there is nothing wrong, but continues to keep his distance from you, the relationship may just be over.

    5 Stands You Up

    Last night you called him up and asked him if he wanted to visit a new breakfast diner that opened up in town. He sounded like he was totally into getting some great breakfast food and he agreed to pick you up at 8 am the next day. It is now 10 am and he has not called and he is not picking up his phone.

    This is not the first time he has stood you up. In fact, it seems to be happening more and more recently. You are sick of just being an afterthought to him and always being available for him whenever he decides he actually wants to do something with you.

    The sad fact is that if he really was interested in you, he would make the time for you and he would not just vanish and leave you waiting to hear from him. Yeah, it sucks, but the relationship is over at this point.

    4 Won't Kiss You On The Lips

    The two of you just got back from the restaurant. It is something you do together every Saturday evening, but this time he was acting weird. He seemed almost distant.

    He walked you up to your door, as he always does, but instead of planting a big wet kiss on your lips, he quickly kisses you on top of your head and says good-bye. He practically runs back to his car and drives off.

    What was that all about? You try and shrug it off because he just might be preoccupied with work drama, but it is the same thing when you see him on Monday. Instead of kissing you, he gives you a quick hug and leaves. You are totally bewildered, but the fact remains that he just doesn't want to kiss you anymore. He is distancing himself from you and becoming less attached to you.

    3 Seems To Run Away From You

    Let's say that you are walking down the street to the local coffee shop and up ahead you see your man. You raise your hand and shout “hey!” but he ducks into another shop as though he has not seen you. You shuffle faster, hoping to reach the shop in time to chat with him. You enter the shop and he is nowhere to be seen. Really? You walk over to the shop's side door and look out. He is all the way down the other street.

    If it seems as though your man is always running away from you, it is not in your head. He really is avoiding you because he probably is not interested in being with you anymore. If he is too much of a wuss to call it quits with you to your face, then just let him go. He is not worth the fight and the heartache.

    2 Casually Flirts With Other Women In Front Of You

    I think that we can all agree that a little bit of flirting while in a relationship is natural. Nothing comes of it and we all walk away feeling good and attractive. When a guy is losing interest in you, though, it is a whole other story. He suddenly starts to really notice other unattached women around him and, regardless of whether or not you are there, he will begin to flirt with other women rather brazenly.

    For example, you might find yourself in a store with your man and catch him making a ton of eye contact with other women. He is on the prowl, looking to see what else it out there. Sure, it bothers you, but you really don't want to make a scene in public. At this point, the only thing you can do is accept the inevitable and realize that things are not going to get any better.

    1 Doesn't Want To Be Bothered In The Bedroom

    You know you are losing a guy is he does not want to do anything in the bedroom. For instance, let's say that for the past week he has gotten into bed with you, pulled up the covers, and fallen asleep. Maybe he is just tired after work, you think. When he finally has a day off, you try and initiate some intimacy with him. Instead of loving you back, he grumbles about how tired he is, rolls over, and once again he falls asleep.

    He is not interested in you anymore. Not emotionally and not physically. You can try and talk to him about it, but more than likely there is no remedy for the situation and it is time to end the relationship. After all, what is the point of being with someone who does not want to get physical with you? It kind of defeats the purpose of the whole relationship thing.