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    15 Seriously Annoying Things Only Single People Do

    Couples are often judged for their sappy behavior and PDA. Lots of people find couples irritating and hate social media declarations of love, Instagram couple selfies, and they really, REALLY hate Valentine's Day. However, single people can be just as annoying as people in relationships. While there is nothing wrong with being proud of your single status, it can get pretty irritating when single people constantly go on about the pros (or cons) of being single. There is a whole host of seriously annoying things that some singles say. Maybe you have said some of these things before, or maybe you know someone who used to be one of these single people. Here are 15 seriously annoying things that only single people do. But here is a totally necessary warning: you might find that something you say regularly is on this list even if you are not an annoying single person!

    15 Believing That All Men/Women Suck And Giving Up On Dating

    Sometimes dating can get tough. After all, not every person that you go on a date with will be selfless and polite. Lots of people will be selfish or rude, and there is always a chance that they will hurt your feelings or lead you on. If this happens it can be super awful and upsetting, and it can make you feel unsure about putting yourself out there in case it happens again. But of course, it's super ridiculous and foolish to assume that all women or all men are bad people who will hurt you. Dating may be tough, but it gets a lot more difficult if you have a pessimistic attitude. The world is filled with millions of eligible singles, and the majority of them are nice and caring people. Saying that you are giving up on dating is a bit of an overreaction, and most people won't know how to respond to your negative comments. What do you want them to say, "Good for you?"

    14 Complaining About Being Friend Zoned

    Some single people are guilty of constantly complaining that their crush friend zoned them. In reality, though, the friend zone doesn't exist. If someone isn't attracted to you it isn't because you are “too nice” or “too friendly” -- that is happening because they're not attracted to you. They are not banishing you to some weird Twilight zone where you are forced to be single forever. They just personally don't want to date you. You can't be annoyed or angry that they don't have feelings for you, as this is irrational (and slightly egotistical!). Maybe they already have feelings for someone else, or maybe they are not ready for a relationship right now, and that is fine as they are not obliged to date you just because you are attracted to them. Complaining about this to your friends will make you seem obsessive and unreasonable. Stop talking about the friend zone and move on; this way you are more likely to find someone who returns your feelings.

    13 Complaining About Being The Third Wheel

    Some single people constantly complain about being the third wheel whenever they spend time with their friends in relationships. This can be annoying for couples, as they want their partner to meet their friends… but not if the friend is always complaining about them! People in relationships still want to spend time with their friends, and it doesn't have to be a negative experience just because they bring their partner along too. While some couples are constantly all over each other (which is definitely awkward for anyone else in the room), most couples will keep their "couple-ness" to a minimum whenever they are around other people. If you still hate being near these couples, it indicates that you have personal problems with people who are coupled up. This can be frustrating for the couple, as they don't want their friendship with you to end because they are in a relationship.

    12 Saying “I Don't Have Time For A Relationship”

    Some singles regularly talk to their friends in relationships about how they don't have time for a relationship. They say things like “I honestly don't know how you do it. Between yoga classes and my career, I simply don't have any time for a boyfriend!” This can be really annoying to people in relationships as you are implying that they cut back on their hobbies and passions to peruse a relationship, as though once they met their partner they quit the fun classes and gave up on their career so that they could spend their days holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes. This makes it seem like single people have more productive, enjoyable lives, but in reality people in relationships can also make time for their career and hobbies. If they want to take a yoga class they will. Maybe they will even take their partner with them.

    11 Being Unsupportive When Their Friends Are In Relationships

    Most people are happy for their friends when they hear that they have started a new relationship. They are happy as they know that their friend is happy, and they are keen to be supportive. However, some singles are the exact opposite. When they hear that their friend is in a relationship their first thought is themselves. They worry that their friend will see them less and that they will become lonely, and they assume that their friend will become boring. Sure, some people can disappear when they first start a relationship, but the majority don't and focusing on this is a very selfish way to think. If your friend is happy and you love them you should be happy for them. They don't exist to please you, and their happiness is just as important as yours. It isn't sad that they've started a relationship if it is what they wanted.

    10 Partying All The Time Because They Are "Forever Alone"

    No one likes spending time with someone who is throwing a pity party, but sadly some single women do this all the time. They regularly say that they are going to get drunk/eat a whole chocolate cake/cry in the bath tub while Adele plays because they are going to die alone, and they don't realize that this is unhealthy behaviour. If you dislike being single, the best thing that you can do is be proactive and put yourself out there. Join a quality online dating website (ahem, not Tinder) and make an effort to send messages to people who catch your eye. Join a class and try to make friends with other people there. Go to singles night and visit local coffee shops and bars. This will make you a lot happier, and it will also cheer up the people around you. After all, no one wants to listen to their friend complain about how terrible their situation is while making no effort to improve it.

    9 Constantly Talking About The Things They Want To Do Before They Settle Down

    Some women seem to have a big bucket list of things that they need to do before they settle down. They talk about how they want to write a book and travel to Thailand, and they place lots of importance on the fact that they need to get it all done before starting a relationship. This makes it seem like they think that only single people have the freedom to commit to such big tasks. This irritates other singles and people in relationships as it implies that relationships are unhealthy and oppressive. People in healthy relationships are free to do as they please. If anything, their partner is likely to encourage them and support them during the project. While some relationships can be unhealthy and time-consuming, most are not! Just because your friend is in a relationship it doesn't mean that they don't have a list of things that they want to do and achieve.

    8 Giving Unwanted Relationship Advice And Then Judging

    No one likes receiving unsolicited (and totally unnecessary) advice, especially when it is from someone who has no idea what they are talking about. Some singles can't help but to judge relationships and offer their opinions, even when the couple is perfectly happy together. This is frustrating as the single seems to think that they know more about the relationship than the people in it, but their opinions are actually inaccurate and offensive. It can be tempting to judge couples around you, but unless you know the intimate details of the relationship it is unlikely that you see the bigger picture. Maybe you've heard rumors or gossip, but gossip is often untrue. If you are single and someone asks you for advice about their relationship, go ahead. But don't push advice onto people who don't want it. We all like to imagine that we know best, but sadly this is rarely true.

    7 Talking About Their Single Life (And Refusing To Listen To Their Friend Talk About Their Relationship)

    Some single people seem to think that their life is more interesting than the latest season of The Real Housewives Of New Jersey. Their favorite thing to talk about is their love life; they bring up their crush every five minutes, and they are constantly asking their friends to help them analyze texts and messages. They always assume that their friends are happy to talk about their love life, but they are unwilling to return the favor. Whenever one of their friends wants to talk about their relationship they shut them down quickly, claiming that they don't like talking about other people's relationships as it makes them feel sad that they are single. This annoying behavior is narcissistic and self-absorbed, and it is seriously off-putting. No one wants to spend time with someone who always makes the conversation about themselves, as it makes it seem like they don't actually care about their friends at all.

    6 Couple-Shaming All Couples

    A small amount of singles seem to dislike all couples. They don't just dislike the annoying couples and the clingy couples - they literally dislike anyone who is in a relationship. They frown when they see couples holding hands in the street, and they refuse to watch rom-coms (or anything starring Hugh Grant). They spend the first two weeks of February complaining that Valentine's Day is an overly-commercialized holiday with no meaning - which is totally true, but who cares? Let people have their fun. This person's constant couple-shaming is annoying to everyone around them, and it makes their friends worry about starting relationships in case their friends judge them. There is no point in being so hateful! It just makes you seem like a relationship Grinch who only sees the negative side of things. While some people can be unquestionably annoying in relationships, it is silly to tar all couples with the same brush.

    5 Posting On Social Media That Couples Suck

    Anyone who constantly goes on and on about the same thing will eventually start to annoy people… especially if they are complaining on social media. Some people love to post statuses on Facebook saying “Just saw a couple holding hands and kissing in Starbucks while I was getting a latte - UGH! Someone pass me the sick bucket. #cringeycouples #pda #singleforevz”. You might think that this status is relatable and funny to other singles, but the majority of singles will think that you seem bitter and relationship-obsessed. Constantly making negative comments about other people says more about you than it does about them. If you are happy with your single status there is no reason for you to judge the couples around you; only bitter and unhappy people have enough negativity to constantly criticize other people. Try to embrace your singleness while also being happy for other people around you, regardless of their relationship status.

    4 Not Inviting Their Friend's Partners To Events

    One of the most annoying things that a single person can do is intentionally try to cut out their friend's partner. They constantly refuse to invite the partner to gatherings and events, but they do it sneakily. They might send out a group text then say later that they "forgot" to include the partner, or they will only arrange girl's nights or boy's nights that the partner can't attend. The main reason why they do this is because they think that their friend is 'not as fun' when their partner around. Normally what this really means is that the friend doesn't give all of their attention to their single friend; instead, they divide their time between their partner and their friend. This is annoying as this is selfish behavior because the single is willing to manipulate situations so that they always get what they want, even if others are unhappy with the decision.

    3 Assuming That Getting Busy Is Better When Single

    Some singles love to brag about their exciting bedroom life. They always have a story about their latest hook-up, and the stories are always hilarious and interesting… right up until the moment that they say “I do not know how you do not get bored of sleeping with the same person over and over again. It sounds so dull - do you two even sleep together anymore?!” It is definitely super annoying when singles assume that people in relationships only have boring bedroom activities. While engaging in such activities while single may be adventurous and exciting, being intimate with your partner when in a committed relationship is just as good. It might be pretty different, but both experiences have their own advantages. Of course, just because you've been sleeping with the same person for years doesn't actually mean that it has to be super awful, boring and dull, that's for sure.

    2 Assuming That Most Relationships Are Unhealthy Or Unhappy

    Another annoying thing that some single people do is assume that most relationships are unhappy or unhealthy. They imagine that some people are “whipped” by their partners, and they struggle to accept that people in a relationship can be as happy as they were when they were single. This is very frustrating, and sometimes it is linked to the single person's own relationship experiences. Perhaps their previous relationships were not easy for them; maybe they had a controlling partner, or they experienced a messy, painful breakup. While these experiences shape who you become, it is important not to base your opinion of all relationships on your own personal experiences. This will only alienate the people around you who are in relationships, as you may seem unsupportive and critical. Remember that most relationships are happy, and unless someone has told you that they are unhappy you shouldn't assume that that is the case.

    1 Saying That Single People Are Happier Than People In Relationships

    Some single people love their single status, which is awesome as it is important to embrace the positive things in your life. After all, there are lots of positive things about being single like having the entire bed to yourself and not having to share the remote. However, it is silly to state that “singles are happier than people in relationships” when different things make different people happy. Just because something makes you happy it doesn't mean that it is the best option for everyone else. Some people are much happier in a relationship, while other people are better suited to the single life. Instead of focusing on why your life is better than other peoples, simply concentrate on making yourself happy by focusing on the positive things in your life. Remember that if you are happy with your life, nothing else matters… including other people's relationship status!