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    15 Selfies That'll Make You Gag

    The "selfie craze" is presently live and in full effect. Everyone takes selfies. Everyone loves selfies. If you have a smartphone, tablet, or webcam there's a 99% chance that at one point or another you have snapped a selfie. Admit it, it's okay! We're all guilty of catching the selfie fever. It makes sense though. A selfie is a form of self-presentation and expression, and everyone likes to express themselves. Self-expression is a necessity, for that's the main component to life. Every creation is a form of self-expression, from Rafael's canvas paintings to Henry Ford's automobile down to the words we speak. Without self-expression, there would be no life. We would still be grunting at one another, living in caves, and using our hand to wipe the blood off our mouth from raw meat we are devouring for dinner. Imagine that selfie!

    Aside from self-expression, selfies too allow a person to influence and manage the perception of themselves. People use selfies to portray a particular lifestyle (as if they're rich or famous), to convey their happiness (displaying how awesome their life truly is), to show physical attractiveness (how fine and desirable they are), and/or to enhance their self-esteem (by how many "Likes" and comments they get).

    Nevertheless, selfies are rad and we encourage you express yourself however you see fit. As with all things, there are exceptions to the rule and extreme cases. Some selfies have crossed that line and will have you with the O-M-G emoji face! The following 15 selfies are sure to have that effect on you and change the way you see selfies forever.

    15 It's A Bird, It's A Plane, No It's A Selfie

    When Drake said "Free Smoke, Free Smoke, Aye!", this guy must of figured he was talking about aboard an airplane! A lot of drama regarding major American airlines has been in the news lately. A passenger was assaulted and dragged off of a plane by United Airlines staff. A Delta Airlines pilot slapped a woman across the face. American Airlines flight staff and three passengers had a confrontation that nearly came to blows. Must be something in the free peanuts because lately it's been "going down in the sky" (total paradox). Not sure how this went under the radar, but this selfie should of totally made the news as well. The cabin is literally being consumed by smoke, a staff member is assisting patrons in the midst, passengers are reaching for their oxygen masks, while this guy gets his selfie on! Priceless.

    14  Hey Officer, Say CHEESE!

    We have to give it to them, these two are stone cold rebels. If the cops pull you over, the absolute last thing you should be worried about is snapping a selfie. Having both hands on the steering wheel, quickly reaching for the glove compartment to retrieve your documents without asking first, speaking in a courteous and respectful tone, those are things to concern yourself with when an officer is at your car window - NOT taking a selfie for the Gram! It's clear as day that the two teens are having a blast and that the police officer is very far from thrilled. The cop actually looks as if he wants to confiscate the kid's cell phone and smashed it to a million pieces on the ground. For anyone reading this: Do not take selfies with the po-po, please.

    13 Hold The Elevator Please

    Yes, this is exactly what it looks like. People, most likely frightened and panicky, trapped inside of an elevator, and rather than go get help, this genius elects to snap a selfie! Okay we're not sure whether the kid previously went for help and was merely being a good samaritan by waiting next to elevator until help arrived. What we do know is that considering the circumstances, taking a selfie here is totally messed up. Hilarious, but still messed up! We wonder what the people in the elevator that could see him taking the selfie were thinking. Guy with his hand in the doorway was probably trying to snatch the kid by his hood. Josh, you are wrong for this selfie. "Wait, how do you know the kid's name is Josh?" - says it right there on his sweatshirt!

    12 NAILED IT!!!

    Hmmm, not quite. This selfie is funny on so many levels that we don't even know where to begin. Is it funny because dude swears he is holding the sun between his fingers, and his cross-eyed self was so confident that he "nailed it" he took to social media to post it? The fact that nobody came to his aid, nobody slid in his DM and said "Dude, you didn't nail it. Take that down before it goes viral", is that why this is so hysterical? Whatever the reason(s) may be, this selfie is nothing short of classic. We're betting this guy became a hero in his hometown as a result of this pic. Everywhere he went in town, they probably pointed and yelled "Hey, that's the selfie guy!". You should see the memes this selfie generated… forget about it!

    11 The Roof, The Roof, The Roof Is On Fire

    When looking at this photo, one eyebrow raising question comes to mind: "The guy taking the selfie, is that his house on fire??". Providing it is, perhaps he's smiling because of that insurance check him and his family are about to receive! Regardless whether the home is his or not, this selfie is both astounding and unnerving at the same time. A house is ablaze, black smoke is clouding the sky, flames are violently roaring, firefighters are busy at work attempting to prevent the inferno from spreading, and here is this kid standing in front of it all like "STOP!! Selfie time". The firefighter behind him is not even paying him any mind, like a firefighter snapping selfies in front of burning buildings happens to him everyday. Like, literally, what the hell. He's suppose to be preoccupied fighting the actual fire! But, no-a selfie it is.

    10 Help, My Leg's Fallen And I Can't Get It Up!

    We've all asked our grandmothers for stuff. "Gammy, could I get a dollar?", or "Grandma, can you give me a piece of candy please?". Although, "Grandmom, would you hold my leg up while I snap this mirror selfie?" is particularly not a question a grandchild brings to their grandmoms. Or is it!? Ordinarily, grandmothers honor any and all requests given to them by their grand babies, which naturally makes the parent of the child green with envy. Still you would think that there are limits to the "grandmother genie" effect, but this leg gripping selfie-facilitating grandma proves otherwise. Not only is this grandmother keeping this loony girl's leg up in the air for her, she is wearing the warmest most endearing smile while doing so. Makes you think, maybe it was gammy's idea in the first place to take the pic!

    9 Peace And A Bottle Of Hair Grease

    Not to be judgmental, but this is just ridiculous. There is a time and place for everything, even selfies, and at a funeral (time) in front of an open casket (place) is most definitely NOT an appropriate moment for a self portrait. Here lies an elderly woman attempting to rest in peace, but how can she when nimrods are taking selfies with her! We admit, this guy is wavy though. The dark rimmed glasses, the fresh fitted, the designer V-neck sweater, he is surely on fleek. The peace sign, we marvel, was it simply just an endearing gesture? Was he saying "peace out" to the deceased, as in "goodbye, see you in the next one". If that is the case, than we apologize for the 'ridiculous' and 'nimrod' comment. Either way, let's just hope he didn't make this selfie his Facebook cover photo.

    8 Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty

    The cat's facial expression though!! We don't know whether to laugh at this photo or call animal control - perhaps both. Was this guy plainly just trying to hold the cat while he took a selfie, or was he doing his best Michael Jackson 'grab the crotch' impersonation? From our understanding, Jackson usually grabbed his own crotch though, not someone else's and certainly not an animal's. We're thinking it was in fact a MJ imitation because the cat is surely screeching "Hee Hee!". The cat even has its paw on the phone as if trying to say "Come on dude stop, this is not cool!". All in all, this selfie makes you debate whether they should create judicial laws surrounding selfies. New Selfie Laws voted into Congress: No selfies with dead people in caskets, no selfies with non-consenting police officers, no selfies grabbing cats' crotches!

    7  The Little Engine That Could… Smash You To Bits!

    Can you imagine what this guy's mother said to him once she caught wind of this photo? "Boy, are you *bleep* *bleep* *bleep* *bleep*!!!"-something along the lines of that most likely. We've seen many dare deviling selfies hit the net over the course of years, but this one here takes the cake and the ice cream. It's one thing to stand on the tracks and take a selfie while a train weighing millions of lbs is approaching, then it's another thing to stand on the tracks next to your parked vehicle despite a locomotive flying towards you! Trains move super fast, sometimes up to speeds of 160 mph. That train looks pretty darn close in distance, which means the guy would have to scurry expeditiously into his vehicle and pull off just in time to avoid being pancaked. In this case, the risk is indubitably not worth whatever the reward is.

    6 Selfie Stick At Its Finest

    Selfie sticks became mainstream around 2014, though homemade selfie sticks date back as far as 1925. Some may think that the invention is over-the-top and needless, yet there are many advantages to a selfie stick. Some of those benefits are: you don't need a tripod, no more asking people around to take photos for you, allows you to take group photos fitting many people in the shot, and so on. Also, without it, we wouldn't of been able to see this super-duper awesome pilot selfie! This selfie is a game changer and sets the bar exceedingly high for anyone looking to capture the ultimate selfie. Honestly, how could you beat this?! All that's missing is some rock star shades upon his face. This pilot puts the expression "high on life" in total perspective (which happens to be the name written on the plane).

    5 Kim Kardashian Catches Two People Making Out

    They don't call Kim Kardashian West the "selfie queen" for nothing. Kim K is infamously known for her selfies, more so than any other celebrity. Kim's admitted that she takes a CRAZY amount of selfies and is not ashamed of it. It's so serious, that in 2015 Kim released "Selfish"- a coffee table photobook featuring various selfies of herself! It includes travel pictures, family photos, swimsuit shots, portraits with several celebrities, never-before-seen images, and nudes. In this particular selfie, it appears Kim was caught off guard by the two love birds in the background. Kim captioned the photo on Instagram "What on earth is going?!? @joycebonelli @clydehairgod". Joyce Bonelli is Kardashian's makeup artist, and Clyde Haygood is a celebrity hair stylist. We assume that the two were merely kidding around at work.

    4 Please "Log" In

    Okay, so this kid is balling. Franklins, Jacksons, a white gold chain. Oh yeah, he's a certified P.I.M.P. The fact he's posing on the bathroom floor of all places, we'll let that one slide. The fact that he left a monstrous log in the toilet and didn't even have the sense to leave that out of the picture-that's something we can not let live! Apparently, the kid's making a statement, but what on God's green earth could that statement possibly be? Perchance he captioned the selfie "Now who's the real dookie? (Biggie Smalls voice)". We hate to tell the kid, but when The Notorious B.I.G. said that line in "Hypnotize" he didn't actually mean REAL dookie! This is just downright disgusting, and his chances of scoring a date for future school dances minimized to negative zero following this selfie's emergence.

    3 Ooh Lookie!

    There are some people that have a death wish, then there are some that get down on both knees and beg and plead for death! This Australian man, ran toward this tornado to snap a selfie. We repeat, he ran toward the tornado. So that's what we're doing now? That's the latest trend? That's what's in?! Huh, hmm… alright. Let's run toward that pack of hungry hyenas and flash a selfie with them. Better yet, let's run toward that tsunami and get a selfie in real quick! Sounds absurd, right? Well, evidently not to this guy in the pic. Talk about fearlessness-the Crocodile Hunter didn't have anything on this gentleman! You can see it in the guy's face-the intensity, the infatuation, the utter madness! Fortunately, the man was not killed or injured. Though at this rate, his kids have already began bookmarking the stuff on Amazon that they're going to purchase with the payout from his life insurance policy.

    2 Grand Finale

    This is a picture of 17-year-old Xenia Ignatyeva, a swashbuckler from Russia. What makes this selfie peculiar, is the tale behind it. Following this photo, Ignatyeva attempted to take a selfie on a railway bridge and tragically plunged 30 feet to her death. When she fell, Ignatyeva grabbed a hold of 1,500 volt live wires in an attempt to save her life and was electrocuted before her body dropped onto the concrete below. Therefore, the image before you, is the last selfie Ignatyeva took. Various pictures have went viral on the internet that demonstrate people placing themselves in life risking scenarios for the sake of a selfie. Some have luckily evaded imminent death (like in #7 on the list), and then there's some like Ignatyeva who weren't as fortunate. A very sad but true reality in our present society.

    1 Houston, We Have No Problem

    In the battle of the selfies, this out-of-space selfie takes home the 1st place trophy and the grand prize. The essence of this still image speaks volumes about the phenomenal nature of the universe. Gander at the sun, brilliantly beaming in it's own glory. It looks like a portal, and if you were to walk into its light, you would lead down a path that goes straight to the pearly gates. The pitch black sky-infinite, endless, full of unlimited possibilities. The reflection of the space station in the cosmonaut's visor is insanely cool! Then, of course, that light blue astronomical body in the backdrop wondrously suspended. Who or what created all of this stuff? How did it all begin? Oh, the mystery! We thank this astronaut for taking and sharing with us this breathtaking selfie. If this doesn't change the way you see selfies forever, than we don't know what will.