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    15 Secrets Married Women Want Single Women To Know About Single Life

    Who said you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone? Someone said it and it feels like an 80s ballad to me. And most ballads speak truth to the heart of a lover or recently heartbroken victim. Single life is one of life's greatest gifts. People talk about babies and traveling and houses, but when you're single nothing is better than worrying about yourself and only yourself -there's a real romance you build between yourself and yourself. It's total ego and it's the rejection of social standards about how men and women should operate; but whatever it is, it's bliss. Being single is the perfect temperature in your house. Being single is your favorite meal whenever you want it. Being single is hearing your jam just when you need it. It's sparks and magic and universal goodness. Don't take it for granted. And don't try to leave Singletown too quickly because once you leave you're gone for good; well, unless you get a divorce should that be an option for you. When you're single you get in touch with yourself in ways that are not possible to do when you're boo-ed up with someone; you fall in love with yourself and you learn to appreciate everything that a marriage is not. Before you dive headfirst into marriage, have a look at what you'll be throwing away and really consider another year or two in Singleville. It's well worth it considering marriages often outlast the time you spend single; marriage is forever. And that's a long time.

    15 You Need To Enjoy Your Free Time

    Being single means you get all the time in the world to do whatever you little heart desires. Literally, it's like that. Should you feel like spending an afternoon staring up at the sky, you can do that. Should the spirits move you to spend a day wandering any number or art galleries, you can do that. Should you be moved to stay in bed for an entire weekend and not answer the phone, you can do that. Your time is 100% your own, well for the most part -of course, you still have your friends, family, and work to consider. But your free time is spent doing what you love most -as it should be. Live it up. Don't waste time on b.s., really do stuff that moves your soul and makes your heart sing because once you're boo-ed up you might miss some of those things with such desperation that you'll consider being single again just to indulge yourself.

    14 Your Freedom Is Precious

    There is no freedom like the freedom you get from being single. You cannot repeat that type of freedom, it's a one shot thing; and even if you have the coolest partner, the kind of freedom you get when you're single is still the cream of the crop when it comes to sovereignty. And once we taste freedom, it's super hard to forget it; it tastes like unicorns and candied plums and orchids and clouds and raindrops. Freedom tastes like nothing else in this whole entire world. Should your freedom mean more to you than having a partner, you might consider not getting married or marrying someone who truly understands your sacred relationship with freedom. Don't settle for someone who might put you in chains or try and tie you down; a bird is meant to fly and just because someone cuts your wings does not mean you don't have the heart to try again.

    13 Your Have So Much More Privacy

    Being single is synonymous with privacy. You have so much private time that it's almost a sin. You can hide yourself away, lose yourself, cut yourself off from the rest of the world and no one can tell you that you don't have the right. You're single -your whole existence is for you alone. Privacy means you can soak in the tub for hours and get as wrinkly as an old lady. Privacy means you can eat buckets of ice cream without feeling self-conscious and without sharing. Privacy means doing weird dance moves and faces in front of the mirror when no one is looking. All of those things are so special that it's hard to trade them in for a partner. Can your partner allow you all that privacy? After all, co-habitation is one of the toughest things to master; relationships have crumbled because there were invasions of privacy. Think on that before you sign any marriage papers.

    12 Make Sure You Experiment Now

    Oh, the experiments of single life. You try doing all kinds of bizarre things. Some of those things you'd rather not be listed here, don't worry -we won't go there. However, there are some splendid things to experiment with while single. Drinking alone, food combinations, travel, couch surfing, threesomes, same-sex sex, sports, extreme sports, exotic food, exotic people, all night whatever, self-pleasure, hairstyles, home décor. The list goes on and on -this was the mild version, but you get the point. Being single lends itself to being experimental, so unless you're ready to give all that up, you'd be wise to reconsider or at least have a nice long heart to heart with your soon-to-be life partner. Perhaps your partner is worried about the exact same thing; perhaps it's a real match made in heaven.

    11 You Have A Ton Of Habits You Don't Even Think About

    When you're single you have habits like eating bags of whatever for lunch or dinner. You have habits like flirting to get a drink or a discount. You have habits like not doing your laundry until the last possible moment. There are so many habits you pick up being single that most of them wouldn't even occur to you as habits or even something that might annoy another person. You have a ton of unconscious habits, too -like clicking pens when you're nervous, popping your gum when you're bored, tapping your nails when you're feeling impatient, humming when you're worried, or singing when you're keeping a secret. You've got them all and then some. And so does everyone else. When you get married it's a matter of meshing those habits as seamlessly as possible, but that's not always possible because some habits die hard and some just aren't willing to be put down at all.

    10 Solo Travel Is Special

    The way you travel now, as a single lady, is probably the coolest thing you will ever do in your lifetime. That feeling you have of uncertainty, the unknown out there waiting for you -you get to experience all of that within your head space. There's no one there but you and you get to relish the joys of solo traveling. You can do what you want when you want and how you want. You don't have to hit up all the spots because maybe your idea of traveling is roaming. You don't have to stay in the poshest hotel because maybe your ideas of fun is crashing on a stranger's couch. You don't have to buy all those souvenirs because who even buys that crap anymore anyways, right. Traveling alone means pure, utter indulgence at your own pace in your own style and all you, you, you. Once you're paired up, things will change and they might not be so pleasant; should you be lucky to find a travel twin in your partner, you'd better thank all the gods and goddesses.

    9 You'll Have The Most Fun While You're Single

    Your idea of fun will not be the same, so whatever your idea of fun is right now in this very moment, live it the f*#$ all the way up. Turn up your life. Then throw it up, too. Whatever your best version of fun is , do it as loud as you possibly can because when you get boo-ed up that idea of fun might have to hit the door running or get turned down and inside out. But the truth is, the fun you have as a single female is nothing compared to the fun you have as a couple. As a single person, you don't have to worry about waiting for someone else, you don't have to worry about their status, you don't have to worry about their hunger pains or bathroom breaks. You are totally and unabashedly selfish in your pleasure zone; so live it up, girl and just know, unless you marry your funhouse mirror image self, that type of fun was the best type of fun ever. Like ever.

    8 Food Is So Much Less Complicated

    What can be said about eating as a single person? Oh, I don't know -just like so many beautiful, shiny, magical things. Like you can skip breakfast without anyone nitpicking you about it. Breakfast can be cold pizza or a whole packet of Twizzlers. You can eat bars of chocolate and not feel bad about it; and you can eat all those bars of chocolate in one sitting or take your time and not worry that anyone is gonna steal a corner or a whole damn row. You can eat in the shower. You can eat Mexican and Chinese in the same day because it's not weird to you. You can eat Mexican or Chinese all day because you have the craving. You can eat a loaf of bread and blame your period. You can eat a loaf of bread because bread is good. You don't have to have arguments about where to eat or what time to eat. Oh, food -you were one of my most favorite things about being single.

    7 Doing it Is Way Different

    Sex while you're single is like real sex, it's not love-making, although some will swear it is. It's good af when it's on it's A-game and it's bad as hell when dudes are weak or lazy with it. Sex as a single lady is about trying all the stuff with all the people when you feel like it. There's no pressure, only the pressure you put on yourself to go and get a piece because in reality self-pleasure is just fine. Sex as a married person is so different, don't let anyone tell you differently, don't let them lie to you. It is good, yes, if you want it to be good, but you gotta want it to be good and that requires effort. Married sex is effort. And you'd better make sure you've got some serious chemistry going on before you even think about tying the knot. You can make married sex something like single sex, but it will never be the same; however, it will be realer and more vulnerable than you've ever been about intimacy and your body -so get ready for it.

    6 You Can Chat Away As You Please

    The beautiful thing about talking while single is you can do it at any time. You can talk to yourself whenever the moment requires. You can talk to strangers to ask for directions. You can talk to people waiting with you at the bus stop. You can talk to someone waiting with you in the grocery store line. In essence, talking while single is a breeze and you do it often probably without realizing it. As humans, we're naturally social, so it should come as no surprise. However, once you are married the dynamics of your daily conversations might change a bit; you don't want to make your partner uncomfortable and you don't want to give others the wrong impression. Whether or not we like to admit it, a married woman does carry herself differently and that also means she talks differently. So be single and chat away. Not until you become an old lady will you have the ability to chat so much in public without being judged.

    5 Errands And Chores Don't Get Any Better

    All those errands you do alone, by yourself, and according to your schedule. There isn't anyone there to tell you when you should do them, after all, you don't live at home anymore. It's wonderful to deal with things on your own terms. And you can also manage these chores in your own fashion for each of us has our own way to deal with chores. Some are tightly wound and like perfection whereas others are lose and take things as they come, when the mood hits. There's no real pressure in dealing with chores. However, once married, you will have someone to share these tasks with; someone will take care of the domestic space whereas the other might handle bills. When you're single, you have all of that to deal with alone, but at least you don't have to worry about picking up after another person or touching their unmentionables, or cleaning their filth. When you're single, it's just you wallowing in your own mud, so to speak.

    4 You Get To Be Selfish, Enjoy It

    As a single person, you don't have to share anything. It's super selfish, it's full of ego -and it feels so f-ing good. Nothing can explain the marvelousness that is being selfish. We know because we all do it. Being single means the entire bed is yours. Being single means you don't have to share that sandwich or slice of pizza or ice cream cone or box of bonbons. Being single means the comforter is yours and you don't have to make room in your medicine cabinet. Being single means you don't have to share the secret packet of chips you just found at the back of your cupboard or the stash of candies you have under your bed. Being single means watching all the movies you love and not having to watch anything else. Sharing is caring, no doubt, but you will miss all of this indulgence once you're tied down, so be an egomaniac while you can. Be an indulgent little monster while you can because marriage will suck that outta you -you will actually want to share should you be fortunate enough to find true love.

    3 Be As Truthful Or Untruthful As You Want

    As a single gal, you can be as honest as you want to be and it's no crime. You do what you want with your words. You can lie if you wanna. You can be bold as you wanna. As a single chick, you can do what you want with your feelings. You can hide them away or share them for all the world. Honesty, while it is the best policy, is not high on the list of priorities when it comes to single life. You can make stuff up and no one will be the wiser; and you don't have anyone to answer to so there's no guilt. Well, there might be personal guilt, but that's easily washed away with a good session of yoga or with a decadent chocolate truffle. Once you're married, honesty is like next to cleanliness and you have to be honest all the damn time or there are consequences. Live up that fictional self and world in which you live in while you're single because marriage will cut all of that out of the picture with a quickness.

    2 Silence Is Golden

    The richness of a quiet day, evening, or night cannot compare to the best night out on the town, no matter what the town is. Silence is golden and some people just don't get that; but those who get it bathe in it and crave it and seek it out as much as possible. When you're single, you just chill and not talk for hours and it's heaven on earth. You don't have to entertain some insignificant conversation about the weather or about work. And you don't have to debate intellectual issues that can leave you feeling learned yet exhausted. You can have entire conversations inside your head without breaking the silence. Or you can turn off your brain and just meditate for as long as you'd like. In some cultures, it's considered rude to break silence if you don't have something truly important, life-changing, or life-affirming to say. I say more cultures should adopt this way of thinking.

    1 Being Single Is Work Though

    Being single is full of magic and chilling and green grass lounging, and park wandering, and beach shore kicking, and partying hopping. But being single can be a lot of work, too. It can be work to get to know yourself on a deep level; not everyone is ready for that and not everyone uses their single time to get to know who they really are in the first place. It's work getting to know yourself. It's being alone and lonely and not caving in. It's being your best friend and mother and lover all at once. It's doing some heavy shadow work to understand why and how you tick. Being single is not all about fun and sex and freedom -there's something deeper that happens when you spend hours and weeks and months and years alone. You realize loving yourself takes work.