15 Reasons To Take A Break From Your Man
Aka why it's 100% okay to be single and love it!
It's a new year, that means it should be a fresh start. For those out there who are struggling to maintain a relationship with someone who's proven to just be toxic at all times, it's time to take a break and focus on yourself. Whether you're newly single, wanting to start over in your life, or have been single for a longer amount of time, this list is here to help you realize and remind you how important you really are. This list will help remind you to spend some quality time with yourself, whether that means watching a full season of your favorite show on Netflix or even just tweaking your perspective on life a bit. You'll be able to move forward with a fresh new outlook, perfect for the start of 2017.
Every once and awhile, no matter what the situation is, we always need a little bit of a boost when it comes to self-love, this list is full of ways to incorporate that into your life and hopefully, they'll shape the future of your year ahead in a positive way! That way you can blossom in every way! Plus how amazing is it that you won't have to fight for the blankets and worry about those beard hairs clogging the sink, who has time for that?! I know I don't!
Let's focus on this year and own it, let's make it ours and remind ourselves that we don't need to be in love to accomplish the goals we want to work on. Everyone is different and we all grow in different paths, a breakup isn't going to stop that.
15 Netflix All Day and Night
Being able to wake up in the morning bright and early, fix a cup of coffee, make breakfast, slip back into bed, and watch Netflix until it's dinner time is literally one of the best things you can do to de-stress if you're a film lover. It gives you the chance to let your mind explore other worlds while also not having to think about what someone else wants to do for the day. People really do tend to underestimate the importance of being able to watch your own films you love. Many times, more often than not in a relationship you'll be put into a situation where you have to take turns watching something you don't like, or something your partner at the time wouldn't like. It's a sacrifice and of course not extremely serious, but nevertheless, important as a film lover! So put on that 12-hour movie marathon and enjoy every single minute of it!
14 Travel
One of the biggest reasons people don't travel as much is because of a partner. Having to schedule everything and work everything out for two working adults to go on that trip to England you've been dreaming about since you were 10 years old, is usually pushed off to a later date. More often than not, these kinds of trips are put off to the point they're either forgotten about or just end up being too stressful to plan everything for everyone. There's good news! Being by yourself allows you to travel on your schedule, it might be a bit weird at first, but you can do it. You don't need to be in love to see London! All you have to do is save up, plan the dates you have free, and go! You don't have to wait for other people that hold you back. Not only will it be less stressful, you'll be able to do some soul searching in peace.
13 Less Cleaning Up
More time to focus on you! With one less person in the house, you'll have more time to do whatever you want. You'll only have to clean up after yourself, or better yet just leave it for tomorrow! No one will be judging you if you just put your dinner plate in the sink instead of washing it right away. You'd be surprised at how much time goes by when you're constantly cleaning up after someone else. On top of that, if someone is making you clean up after them nonstop everyday after work, that's a good enough reason to want a break honestly. You won't have to worry about trying to explain why house chores should be equal, you can just clean up when you want and spend the rest of the time doing things you love. Or you could just spend that time watching your Netflix movie marathon!
12 A Chance To Learn
Even better yet, you could use your free time to put energy towards learning. Learning something new or something you simply want to improve at. From music to art, writing to fitness, they all take time and they're all wonderful activities to fill your life with that will energize you and give you a sense of purpose and confidence! How amazing would it be if you spent an hour everyday working hard on something you've wanted so badly and at the end of the year you master that skill. That would be an amazing thing to witness while also being something that can help you move forward towards a better life that you deserve. Having the chance to learn a new skill should always be on our agendas, but now is the time you're presented with an opportunity you have to take! It's not often we get an abundance of time on our hands!
11 Your Rules
You won't have to follow someone else's structure when it comes to living your own life! If you live life by your own set of rules, you'll be living life for yourself. Rules sometimes help us move along at a decent pace and prevent us from getting too distracted, but when we're being bombarded with someone else's rules for life it can sometimes cause a conflict between two people that won't just go away overnight. Now you'll be able to focus on how you want to rule your life and if you want rules at all! I think it's very easy for individuals to get caught up on how someone else sets up their life and boundaries, making us feel like we have to add those into our life as well with no regard to how we feel about it. It's unfortunate, but now you won't have to worry about that and you can carry on living your life by your own accord!
10 Expand Daily Routine
Taking a break from your toxic relationship will bring forth plenty of opportunities to expand your daily routine. Instead of working out for 30 minutes in the morning, work out for an hour and you'll be sure to notice a huge difference over time! Simple little things like this can really enhance your life when you're single. Many women out in the world deal with depression brought on by being alone or going through a breakup, while of course it's a sucky situation from any angle you look at it, I've always found that it's comforting to know that there is a sense of freedom you get back into your life and you have the very personal choice of where you want to distribute that energy. From exercising more to focusing on your studies, or pushing yourself harder at work, it all requires time and now you have that requirement on your side. Expand your daily routines, mind, love and soul, all for the better!
9 Learning To Be Your Own BFF
Learning to love your own company can be hard for some people, but it is a rewarding situation! It can very hard to accomplish but it is possible and very worth the pain it might take to feel like you've learned to love yourself correctly and enough. It requires you to dig deep, to learn about your 'flaws' what you want to change for yourself, what you want to love, and how you want to keep growing as an amazing human being. Learning to be your own best friend forever isn't easy, it never is regardless if you went through a breakup or not, but it is something that needs to be done during this time of stress and struggle more than ever. You'll learn that you don't need someone to help pick you up when you're down, you'll learn that you can do it yourself and you can stand up on your own. That's one of the most important things to focus on during this time!
8 Relief
The ability to just not have to deal with constant arguments or tip toeing around sensitive issues is simply a relief. It's incredibly relieving to be able to just take a moment to breathe when you're alone. Being able to just relax and not have to deal with the constant arguments that go on for days will be like a weight lifted off of your shoulders. Just like being able to watch Netflix anytime you want or pursue something you're passionate about learning, you can spend your time focused on relieving your stress that's been building up because of stressful people in your life. Eliminating those toxic individuals will allow more breathing room so you can focus on pursuing what makes you happy, not what someone else wants. Just remember to relax and find your own pace when it comes to your life! Just soak it in, everything around you and enjoy your new stress-free environment!
7 Free
No more feeling trapped. This isn't just all about free time, it's about the emotional moment you finally feel like you've got your life back. When you feel like you have it under control again after feeling trapped for so long, you can't help but release a sigh of relief. Take a moment this weekend to sit down and really focus on your plans for the future, don't base them on anyone else's needs except your own, these are your goals and no one can tell you how to love your life. You have the freedom to do what you choose and that will never change. Even if you find yourself with someone in the future, hopefully, you'll take this to heart and stay strong, no matter what situation you find yourself in. Physically and mentally you will have the freedom to do what you want. You don't need to be told or dictated to, to know how to properly run your life, you have it all under control even when you feel a bit lost because of change.
6 Perspective
It's always great to try out a new way of viewing life as the new year is starting. From being more compassionate to more graceful, we can adopt these qualities and spend time working on ourselves so we can be the best we can be. It's a new year and it's the perfect time to push yourself to try new things, not just learning a new hobby you're passionate about, but also perspective. When you cut people out of your life in anyway your outlook on life shifts. Everyday we grow and change, it's a normal part of life, but when we're no longer bound to a negative person that's been present in our life, it's a huge directional change. Take this time to focus on the good in your life, the good and positive things that make you who you are. Sometimes that overwhelming feeling of insecurity can eat away at us until we have no self-love left, if that's part of how you're feeling, it's time to take a break for your own sanity.
5 Date Yourself
Take yourself on dates, who else would be better? Go out to your favorite restaurant, dress up in something that makes you feel your most confident and enjoy a warm meal that not only will warm you physically but will warm your soul. People underestimate what good food can really do for your body! Treat yourself and take care of your health, go out on dates on the weekend and live life to the fullest! What better way is there to spend a Friday night than with yourself! If you don't feel one hundred percent comfortable doing this, plan a girls night with your BFFs and go out to eat or have a night in and watch all the chick flicks in the world! But in all seriousness, taking yourself on a nice date to treat yourself can really be a wonderful way to feel in tune with yourself and just allow yourself the time you need to really relax and enjoy the time you have in the present moment.
4 Say Goodbye To Doubt
You will no longer have to doubt yourself when it comes to anything you do, create, or try! Many women face the struggles of doubt when they find themselves in a toxic relationship, doubting themselves, doubting their partner and so on. It's a never ending cycle that needs serious attention for it to be healed over time, if not it'll just keep festering. With the toxic relationship out of your life, you won't have to deal with feeling jealous because of the lack of sensitivity your partner feels and you won't ever have to feel bad and wonder if something is wrong with you, because there isn't. If you've ever felt that you're the reason your partner is treating you badly, it's not true, it's their own issues they need to work on alone and they're projecting that on you to make themselves feel powerful. It's a sick mindset to have, so just be thankful you can say goodbye to the doubt forever!
3 No More Toxic People
Toxic people are overrated. One of the most important things I was ever told was that you simply cannot change people, you can't change people who haven't decided they want to change. You might be at a point in your life where you think you can change your partner even though they're very toxic, but it's near impossible to do such a thing. People have to learn how to change themselves, they have to be the ones that want to change for the better. While it might work at first, they might seem like they're more caring and loving towards you, is that really a win? Do you really want to be with someone who you had to convince to treat you right. That in itself just shows how bad the situation really is. People deserve better than that, they don't deserve to be trapped in a relationship they can't get out of and just end up settling because they think they aren't strong enough to leave and be on their own.
2 Be Selfish
There's nothing wrong when it comes to treating yourself. You should be allowed to be selfish when you want to. The word selfish is a pretty horrible thing to call someone usually, but times are changing, more than ever you should embrace that feeling of putting thought into yourself. Because when you put time and quality effort into your life in all aspects, it allows you to radiate outward in one of the most pure and real ways you could ever hope. Embrace the things that make you 'selfish' no one can tell you otherwise. In time you'll realize that you can take care of yourself, you can rely on yourself, and you can love yourself in every way. Be confident in what you want in all aspects of life, but most importantly know what you want out of a relationship so you don't find yourself settling like we all did as teens. This will help prevent those toxic people from entering your life, so it's a win-win!
1 A Fresh Start
This list all just comes down to having a fresh start for the new year. Cut those people out of your life who just end up being toxic and harmful towards your self-growth. A fresh start can be easily presented in a break from your partner whether it's a temporary break or a full on breakup, either way, opportunities are around every corner, it's only right to take them as they come. Finding the good in a horrible situation might be hard at first and it might not make sense, but trust me it does. You can take that good and apply it to your life, you can apply all these little tips to your life during a rut you didn't think you could come back from, and you'll be able to see from a new perspective. Reboot your existence by taking the time you need and when you're ready to pick yourself back up and get back on that daily grind you'll have the confidence to do so in easy stride!