15 Personality Traits Men Find Irresistible
Have you ever wondered what men really think of women? The personality traits that attract them most to us, one smile could blow them away or you may have the purest heart, perhaps your wicked confidence really gets them going. Granted there are plenty of shallow men in this world that simply look at only our features but did you know that most men aren't just attracted to looks but the entire package! And those shallow men, well you would not want to date them anyways, let alone even think about settling down with one.
You want a man that loves everything about you, that finds all your little quirks to be completely irresistible. A grown man looks past your features, he looks beneath the surface and understands that a woman cannot be reduced to just her anatomy-- they want a woman that has depth, grace, and overall the richness of her very soulful personality that makes who she is.
Ladies, you want a man that seeks out these amazing qualities, the type of qualities that are extremely more important than looks when you are seeking a good partner and lover. Curious about these oh-so-amazing qualities that men just have a difficult time resisting. Well, good news is, we have 15 personality traits that men find irresistible--take a look:
15 Conquering Men with your smile
Women love to smile and honestly, it is probably one of our best features. You can capture someone's attention simply by smiling--they say that first impressions matter most so if you attract him with your smile you have already reeled him in! Men love women who love to smile and having a beautiful smile is key. Did you know that women who smile often actually have a higher chance of attracting men than the ones who frown more? Another sure fire sign of a great smile to attract the man of your dreams is the fact that a beautiful smile is a sign of a cheerful demeanor as well as it conveys vitality and energy. Always smiling means you have a positive outlook on life--when a man is looking for a partner he wants someone that adds to his life, by smiling you keep the happiness alive. Win win!
14 Kindness
Being kind is a wonderful trait to have as you want someone that is gracious and not just to the people they have to be but to everyone. This is probably one of the biggest traits men look for. Is she kind? Because if not, then the chances of things working out aren't very high. The hard part is that in the beginning of dating or a relationship--everyone is kind until they get comfortable enough around you that their true colors begin to show. Men must learn to see how a woman treats others beside him. Is she polite to the waiter in a restaurant? How does she treat strangers or even a pet? How is she around your friends? All these signs pop up, and you can definitely tell a lot about a person by the way they treat others. A woman that is kind-hearted and a readiness to care are two qualities that help distinguish a genuinely beautiful person. It is a fact that men who are seeking a lifelong partner look for inner goodness and kindness and those are the two qualities that matter to men most.
13 Intelligence
Ladies, men cannot help but think there is something incredibly sexy about a woman who is educated, witty, thoughtful, and can hold her own in any type of conversation! Now it doesn't necessarily mean you need to be "book smart" but men become more attracted to a woman who is street smart, has wisdom, someone who has a sense of humor and above all emotionally intelligent. Sure it is fun every now and then to talk about funny things and joke around but a woman who tends to ponder life's deepest questions, who will talk all night about the mysteries of the universe, who cares what is going on in the world. A man loves a woman that can teach him a thing or two, that isn't afraid to speak her mind and not only teach him things but even learn from him. Men seek women who are open, sociable women who are capable of upholding a conversation without acting as if they know it all. Another thing is a woman who is a great listener if you can listen and hold your own in a conversation--a man would find it hard to resist.
12 Open Mindedness
Being open minded doesn't mean you have to go along with every little thing someone says or does, to be open minded means that you are capable of going with the flow and allowing yourself to learn things or do things you never thought you would. Men don't want a woman that knows everything--as it is a huge turn-off. They want someone who is curious, playful, and open minded, a woman that won't judge them. We all can get a little stubborn but a man is most attracted to a woman who isn't always set in her ways and is capable of listening to others perspectives. She treats life as one grand adventure--she enjoys meeting new people and exploring the world, learning from other cultures and broadening her horizons. A woman who isn't afraid to step outside of her comfort zones is a trait men find absolutely irresistible. The whole open-mindedness and adventurous side of her will definitely turn him on and make being with her exciting.
11 Confident
Men love women who are confident in themselves. The constant need for self-reassurance can get tiring and often drive a man away. Being humble and confident are two qualities men cannot resist. As humans are often complicated creatures, we want the best of both worlds. Men want a woman that knows herself enough to where she is completely herself and not pretending to be someone else. If a woman were to believe that she is irresistible, then she will become irresistible. The key is to remain balanced, you can be confident without being egotistic. Real confidence is something that comes from deep within and knowing who you are is key. A self-confident woman is never critical of herself in public as she exudes drive and desirability--two qualities men find absolutely difficult to resist. Being confident means you are content with who you are and what is more attractive than that?
10 Passionate
Being a passionate person is something men find intriguing and irresistible. And if we are being honest here, passion is sexy. Not saying you have to have a full blown makeout session in public but letting your man know that you are into him and only him is a major key. As surprising as it may sound, lots of men love the idea of being with a passionate woman. But I'm not just talking about a woman who is passionate physically, I am talking about a woman who is passionate about her ideas, her goals, her favorite cause, her career--everything. Men are attracted to women who burn with intensity for the things they love and what she cares about most. You know when she talks about the things she is extremely passionate about and her eyes light up whenever she mentions it, and her entire presence become electrified--that is what men find irresistible.
9 Expresses Herself
Did you know that expressing yourself is not only beneficial for our human needs but also incredibly attractive. It is important to maintain happiness and sanity, which is why expressing yourself is so important! It is a proven fact, that men love a woman that is capable of sharing her thoughts and feelings and is able to speak what is on her mind. Men aren't mind readers and they certainly cannot tell by our actions what it is we want or need, so it is important to express yourself in a way that helps them understand better. Being able to communicate is so important in any relationship, especially if you two are just starting out. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to be a huge talker, as you may even be shy or slightly quieter but knowing when to speak up and express yourself through a healthy way will actually make your man even more attracted to you.
8 Adventurous
Being able to be spontaneous and adventurous are qualities men find absolutely irresistible. A man doesn't want a woman that is constantly stuck in her own ways, he wants someone that is adventurous, that isn't afraid to take risks. A woman that can introduce him to new and exciting things. Women who are capable of living in the now and accepting whatever challenges are thrown their way. Men love someone who can wake up one morning, get in the car, and just drive--something about the thrill of just being spontaneous can easily make any woman irresistible. Men don't want to date someone that hates change, someone that isn't open minded. Being adventurous is a great quality to have. In your new relationship, you both can explore and experience new things together, which make for great memories. Life can be one big grand adventure--maybe you both have never been skydiving, perhaps you two travel to a place you've never been, the endless possibilities! Being adventurous will definitely capture his attention as he most likely thrives on anything new and exciting.
7 Independence
Ironically, women who are strong and independent don't need a man, but they want one. Men seem to be fascinated by women who can carry themselves, who are independently fierce, purposefully women. Men are more attracted to women who know exactly what they want. A woman who is faced with difficulties never wastes her time seeking out others to blame for her mistakes. Women who are independent and can hold their own are mistresses of their own fate--they take matters into their own hands, this is what men find irresistible-- women who are independent are much more exciting and comfortable to be around. The reason men love this quality so much is that a woman who is their own person is much more interesting-- as they engage and challenge men in more ways than one. An independent woman is always more secure and strong, which is two qualities men cannot resist.
6 Knows Herself
Just because a woman is open-minded (as mentioned above), does not mean they are naive. A woman who knows herself is most likely always in touch with her intuition, or more like her inner compass. She knows exactly what she wants out of life as well as in a partner. Men are most attracted to this type of quality because women who know themselves know exactly what they stand for, they know their worth, what they like and don't like and aren't afraid to speak their minds. This type of woman isn't trying to be someone they aren't. Men find this trait irresistible because she isn't living her life based off of the opinions of others such as friends and family, or even some fashion magazine--she knows who she is and lives her life exactly how she wants to. Regardless of the many triumphs or tribulations-- she does not need to go and "find herself" because she already knows herself. She has endured enough life experiences to know who she is and exactly what it is she wants-- and to so many men, that is incredibly irresistible.
5 Down To Earth
Having a woman that is down to earth is something lots of men want in a partner. Someone who is capable of going with the flow in any situation is definitely something they find irresistible. Men appreciate ambition, and they understand the importance of goals and big dreams--they won't ever be the ones to discourage that. But what men also look for in a partner is a woman that is capable of savoring the little things in life. Who knows what is truly important in life such as family, friends, love, and connection. Men want a woman that is honest but practical, she knows how to have fun whether it is going on a crazy adventure or staying in and cooking dinner and watching a movie. A woman that is down to earth has zero patience for pretense as she is most likely humble and grounded. A woman who is down to earth has no interest in putting forth her energy in chasing symbols of wealth and status--she doesn't care too much about materialistic things. Men love women that are capable of sitting around a campfire eating smores as to enjoying an evening at a fancy restaurant, she is capable of doing both. A woman who is down to earth is centered, and easy to be around. That is exactly the type of woman a man finds irresistible and overall wants to settle down with.
4 Femininity and hHelplessness
The truth is, as much as men adore the strong confident and independent woman, they also like the idea of a woman letting a man be a man. Meaning, it is also to fall prey to your own femininity. The effortless, gaining a woman's affection, taking care of her when she needs help-- all of that actually puts a man in his natural element, making him feel strong and masculine. A man wants to feel needed but do not overplay it--blatantly faking or exaggerating helplessness will only backfire on you. As once mentioned, men are attracted to confident and independent women-- so by faking your helplessness this will in return make your man uninterested and actually irritate him instead. The key is to offer balance--knowing when to draw the line is something every woman should know. As a man wants to feel appreciated but he doesn't want a woman that is overcontrolling and overneedy-- that will only drive him further away. But remember, a man needs to be a man sometimes-- so babying him won't do you any good. Let him be your knight in shining armor every once in awhile.
3 Creative
Men like women that are capable of stepping outside of the box every now and then-- who have a mind of their own. Men are more attracted to women that aren't necessarily considered what is "normal" and what isn't, men want to be with a woman that isn't like everyone else. So often people assume that a man wants to date someone that is exactly like their ex but news flash that is the complete opposite (after all they broke up for a reason). Men want a woman that is an individual, that stands out from the crowd, who is creative, who is different. A man finds a woman irresistible by the fact of who she is, a woman who is not afraid to do things slightly different. They want someone that marches to the beat of their own drum, who pretty much flies by the seat of their pants-- a free spirit who is capable of thinking for herself and thrives on making a mark upon the world. Maybe she is an artist, maybe a rebel, or maybe not. Maybe she just enjoys looking at life in a different perspective-- that there is no one in the world quite like her and that is a very good thing!
2 Driven
A woman who possess such drive and ambition-- men will fall prey to any equal quality as they find such drive to be quite irresistible. It is true that there are fewer things that are more enticing, more alluring, and more awe-inspiring than a woman who is genuinely living out her dreams. Staying true to your unique nature and chasing your dreams and making your goals reality is something not only truly inspiring but utterly irresistible to any man. Men find drive in a woman extremely attractive-- a woman that knows exactly what is it she is passionate about and then dedicates her life to it. This passion and drive give her a reason to get up in the morning, it gives her a sense of direction leading to her own independence. Women with a contagious enthusiasm for life inevitably attract the right type of men. A woman who knows what she wants in life, and sets goals and then does whatever it takes to achieve them is probably one of the greatest traits of all.
1 Happy
Having a high priority on happiness and always finding something to be happy about is one major quality men find so irresistible. It is proof that no matter what life throws at you, you are not only capable of handling it but able to handle it with grace and finding the good in it all. And to be honest, in the end of it all, there is nothing sexier than a woman who is completely happy with herself, happy with her life, and above all just completely and utterly happy! Men adore women that are capable of laughing at the little things, a woman who radiates joy and delightfulness. Men seek a partner that has the ability to brighten up anyone's day and making them smile whenever they see them or just thinking of them. Those are the qualities men want in a partner. And yes, it can be difficult putting on a brave face every day as we all have our bad days. But being able to find sunshine in even the grayest areas is truly a gift. A woman who is cheerful, positive, and light-hearted are qualities all men adore. That is the single most attractive quality any woman could possibly ever possess.