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    15 Most Crazy Stories Of Crazy Exes

    Men are on some craziness. And this doesn't just happen during adolescence or early adulthood, some of these stories are from grown-a$$ men with professional jobs. Men are on some craziness because society lets them get away with a lot; the white man is the most pardoned man in the world, hence all his positions, hence all his ability to escape punishment that, in most other cases, would not be so quickly or easily ignored. Men are about pushing limits, seeing how far they can go, seeing how much they can take or how much they can get away with; that seems to be the nature of man. If you don't believe me, just have a glance back at some historical figures and facts and tell me if you don't see this pattern I'm talking about. For some of us females, these type of men excite us, we like the rush of adrenaline just as much as they do; but for some of us, that infatuation is short-lived as we realize that having that type of man in our lives will only cause headaches and heartaches. Read stories of crazy exes below and see if some of them don't resonate with you; one of them might actually be your ex who also happens to be the ex of another girl.

    15 VIP room

    Everyone wants to get in the VIP room at one point in time, just to say you've been there. It's exclusive, it's private, and there are bottles galore. Stephanie tells us about her ex who had a habit of sneaking into VIP rooms. "He's a people person, a real charmer and could talk his way into any place and talk his way out of situations," she says. He sounds familiar doesn't he, ladies? Well, Stephanie's ex would always be buddied up or as she says, have a partner in crime: and the two would con their way into the VIP room, make friends, and then drink free all night. "He would even steal bottles from the tables and then bounce," she confesses, "I watched him do it a couple of times and was so terrified that someone would catch him, but that man was as slick as a fox."

    14 Truck delivery

    Angie's ex liked to take things that didn't belong to him, too. Angie tell us of a guy who was sweet as pie, but had a very naughty streak. "It was something he grew up with, you know, part of the neighborhood and part of the territory, like he was taking things here and there at first, until the small stuff wasn't enough and him and the boys went bigger each time," Angie says. Her ex would take from trucks doing deliveries, right from under the nose of the delivery guys. And it didn't matter what was in the truck, whatever it was, him and his boys wanted it; they would turn around and give the stuff to family or friends or sell it for profit. "They took everything from food to electronics and I was never without, so I benefited from their heists, to be honest," Angie says.

    13 Dancers

    There's this draw to dancers that can't be denied; men from all over the world have been fascinated with dancers since the beginning of time. January's ex was no different. !He would take me to the strip clubs and buy me dances, nothing too crazy at first, but then things got heavy and he was talking about going into the champagne room or bringing one of the strippers home with us," she says. Although January didn't mind the idea of a threesome, she became worried when most of their dates and time together centered around going to strip clubs. "I realized then," January says, "that he was either a regular or he was really pushing the threesome idea with me and I wasn't having it." Later she learned that he was seeing one of the dancers on the side who liked to see him with other women, hence the reason he frequented the joint.

    12 Car Nookie

    Valerie is no stranger to car foreplay. She has been with other guys who were into car nookie, too. But one ex in particular was a bit too freaky for her tastes and really pushed the envelope in a direction that made her feel uncomfortable. Valerie says that this ex was into letting people watch. "He didn't like to pull over in a secluded area, but he preferred to park right in the open, in a parking lot or a busy street and would want to go right at it without caring at all who was around," Valerie says. She became frightened at one point thinking that someone would call the cops on them or worse a cop would see them and arrest her for indecent exposure or worse prostitution. "All sort of things went through my mind and I couldn't see risking my freedom or my reputation for this guy, so I broke things off with him," she confesses. Good call.

    11 Bathroom Nookie

    Kristin had some pretty wild days back in her youth. She gets all nostalgic remembering one ex who was into watching her with other men. Kristin says she suspected that he was either gay or bi, but surely he was into men because his plans were very elaborate. "We would go to bars, but separately, not as a couple, and I would make friends, you know flirt around, find a guy and get drunk with him while my man, at the time, watched from afar," Kristin says. "He told me that the guy had to have dark hair and eyes and not be too skinny, those were some of his requirements," she admits. Once Kristin found her match, she'd convince him to go to the bathroom where they would either make out or go all the way. "I would signal him from across the room and by the time we entered, he'd already be in there, in the bathroom stall waiting," she says. Although her ex didn't participate, he enjoyed the experience in his own way, Kristen tells us.

    10 Park Nookie

    Lola had an ex who was into getting it on in public places, but he really loved to get busy in parks. "It wasn't like a children's park and it wasn't like all woodsy either, it was a park where people would picnic or go and relax," Lola says, "that's where he'd like to cuddle between blankets and do his thing." Lola says that at first she was reluctant and she was worried that they'd get busted or, worse, she'd see someone she knew. But eventually, she kind of liked the idea of almost getting caught and it increased their sex life drastically. They even started doing it in elevators, stairwells, in the corners of stores; at one point, he wanted to try to do it on public transportation, but that was taking it too far for Lola. "I was into it, but I didn't want to be that public with it," she says.

    9 Beer run

    Boys will be boys is what they say, but that's just to make an excuse for the poor choices and behavior that men demonstrate on a daily basis. Dina's ex was no different, he was just as childish and untrained as the rest of them. "He and his boys would take beer from grocery stores, but they didn't hide what they were doing, they would take a case of beer, stroll past the cashiers, and walk out with it as if they had paid for it," Dina tells us. Dina says they called it the beer run because sometimes, if they didn't scope out the place well, they'd have to contend with security who would chase them down from time to time. "They never hit the same place twice in a month and they really studied the workers, it was a game for them and they played it well," she confesses, "I can't lie and say I didn't partake in some of those stolen beers."

    8 Messing with police

    Lisa's ex was a trouble-maker from the start. She had known him since high school and they kept in touch throughout college, but she didn't consider him boyfriend material until she saw him all grown-up. "He was like any of the guys from back home, nothing special, more like a brother than anything," Lisa tell us, "but he was a total class clown, got into trouble with local authorities a few times, and was always pulling practical jokes on people." Lisa's ex liked to chat to the cops and give them tips on some crime he had supposedly just seen. "He'd tell them he just came from whatever store and he saw some people stealing stuff or at the corner of such and such street he's seen people selling drugs," Lisa says, "basically, he was a story teller and the cops bought each and every story." Lisa didn't like mingling with the cops and despite her ex's gorgeous face and body, she knew she couldn't take a man-boy too seriously. "He was just like in high school only with a different face and body," she confesses.

    7 Lost in jungle

    Men like adventures, no doubt. Some like adventures so much that they're willing to put their lives at risk for the thrill. Cristina's ex was looking for adventure, but he wasn't looking to get lost, that's for sure. "He wanted to hit up the jungles in South America and he thought he had a good sense of direction and it wouldn't be that hard to navigate," Cristina tell us. However, her ex was dead wrong because the jungles of South America are thick and people get lost all the time without proper guides or equipment to survive. Cristina says that he planned a week excursion, but when he didn't return to the city after a week's time, she knew something was wrong. And when another week passed, she had to send out the rescue squad and helicopters to search for the guys. "When we found them, they had used up all their supplies and had been eating bugs and medicinal plants from the jungle, they were skinny even after only two weeks," she says. Talk about adventure, huh?

    6 Catholic mass

    Antonia's ex was a bit of a rabble-rouser. "He never liked authority, the church, or any other institution and he was always questioning people about their morals and belief systems," she says. Antonia's ex was something like an anarchist, but without all the punk attire to give him away. "He was always talking about how the rules of society are a joke and should be broken because they are created by the elite for the elite and the common man is made to suffer," Antonia says. "He specifically hated the church and that's where he'd do his worst work by stealing the donations from the box and candles, he said that if all these people had actually read The Bible then they would know that money doesn't belong in the church and selling things inside, like candles or jewelry, was blasphemous," Antonia confesses. Antonia, while an atheist herself, found some of his ways a bit too radical and called it quits; they are still friends.

    5 Jewel Thief

    Jennifer was shocked when her ex presented her with an engagement ring. "It was a huge rock and I know that he hadn't been working as much as normal, so I wondered how he got the money to buy me such an expensive ring and then I thought that is was cubic zirconia and I left it at that," Jennifer says. But something strange happened when the cops came knocking on her door asking for her soon-to-be husband. "The cops said someone had seen my man leaving the house of a woman who was the victim of theft," she tells us. Jennifer realized that, in fact, her ring was real, but it was stolen. "When he came home and saw the cops, he took off. I had to call him and tell him to face the music otherwise we were over, he didn't show up for weeks, and by then, I was over him and his thieving ways," Jennifer admits.

    4 Dress-Up

    Madeline tells us of a story that perhaps isn't so strange and is becoming more and more common these days. One day Madeline walked in on her ex who was playing “dress-up” as she learned he called it. "He was in my lace robe, with some horrible wig, some earrings, a full face of make-up, like contouring make-up, better make-up than I do," Madeline says. At first, she was horrified, then she realized that it wasn't so bad. "I mean, he liked to wear women's clothes and it made him feel sexy, I get that, I feel sexy af when I'm all done up, too, but men's clothes don't give all the sparkle and jazz," she says. They went out in public when he was dressed up and she was proud that he grew comfortable enough in his own skin to be so open. He became her ex because at one point he grew confused about his identity and whether he just liked dressing up or he was transgender. He's still figuring things out; they have remained friends.

    3 Leftovers

    Maybe Ursula's ex isn't so bad, but Ursula tells us that at some point his eating habits totally grossed her out. Ursula met her ex at a restaurant where they were both working. He waited tables and she was a manager. It's no secret that we pick at food throughout our shifts, but it's a whole other thing to eat from the plate of a stranger, Ursula says. "He, like others, ate food from unfinished plates which is not so bad, like a few French fries or something like that, except you don't know about any illnesses or diseases that clients might have swimming inside their bodies and he and some other guys were eating half-eaten sandwiches and soups even, that completely grossed me out," Ursula tell us. She even caught him finishing off people's ice cream shakes.

    2 Kleptomaniac

    Theft seems to be a pretty big theme for men. They take what isn't theirs and without much consequence. Susanne had an ex who would steal anything, anywhere, and at any time. "At first, I didn't notice what he was doing, maybe because he's really good at it or maybe because I just wasn't paying attention," Susanne says. Then things started showing up in her house, like random forks or cups and even fruits and vegetables would appear in her fridge. When she asked him about it, he said that he had picked them up for the house, but he failed to tell her that his style of picking up meant not paying. "I realized something was wrong when I noticed a hand towel from my parent's house, I recognized it immediately and when I asked him about it he just said that they had so many in their linen closet that he didn't think they'd miss one," Susanne says.

    1 Online work

    Gretel's ex was into tricking people online. "When he told me he worked online, I wasn't sure what he meant because that was back before people had their own businesses online and all I could think of was that he was a computer geek or was doing porn," Gretel tells us. And she was right about one of those. Her ex had been performing on the internet on websites where women enjoyed watching men pleasure themselves. "He told me he could do about five to ten sessions in one night and I was thinking is that possible for a man to climax that many times in one night," Gretel confesses. His secret was his own spit or other concoctions that copied the desired outcome; and he wore a mask so that he wouldn't be identified. Gretel found it all too strange, yet she confesses she did watch him in a few sessions just out of curiosity. Within a few days, she was cutting him loose.