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    15 Hilarious Dates You Will Have At Least Once In Your Life

    No one said dating was going to be easy, but luckily if you keep some perspective on the matter, it can at least be entertaining. The odds are good that no matter how crazy of a time you've had out in the dating world, someone else has experienced something similar. And if you're just getting started and might have some significant time ahead of you when it comes to playing the dating game, then you will definitely have some of these to look forward to. Remember, the key to staying sane in the world of dating is to keep a sense of humor at all times. Things can feel pretty personal and they can be, but those weird moments are also just moments that everyone has to experience at one time or another. The things that don't work out point us in the direction of things that do. And then those things are extra fun. Here are 15 hilarious dates that you will have at least once in your lifetime.

    15 The One Where You Find A New Best Friend

    Occasionally you'll end up on a date with someone who's totally hilarious and wonderful… except that there's zero romantic connection at all. Besties! These dates are partly funny because the guy himself is funny. They can also be funny because once you've determined that this isn't a romantic thing and everyone is cool with that, you can jump right into discussing your love lives and swapping stories about the other hilarious dates that you've been on. This also makes a great story for later on when people ask you how you two met. Down the line, the fact that you met on a date will become increasingly hilarious because it becomes more and more clear that you could never be more than friends. Of course, your other best friends are going to see how well you and this guy get along and swear you two are meant to be. Sigh.

    14 The One Where The Guy Looks Nothing Like His Photos

    If you're meeting men on dating apps, there's a good chance that at some point you will end up on a date with a guy who looks nothing like his photos. You can try to avoid this as much as possible and you probably do. One of the best ways to get around this is to find his Instagram and do some stalking there… or even Google the guy and see if there are some videos of him speaking somewhere. That's a super great way to get a feel for what you're working with. But when that isn't possible sometimes you go into a date with a bit of blind faith and hope for the best. This can end up being a great story because if he looks different enough from his photos you might not even be able to spot him at the bar on your first glance around the place upon arrival. Hopefully, he's still cute, just a little… different.

    13 The One Where You Almost Get In Trouble Together

    It's likely that at one point or another, you're going to go on a date where the two of you narrowly avoid getting in some kind of trouble. This could be a situation where you go out to dinner and realize that you both forgot your wallets, getting caught out in the rain, a lockout, getting kicked out of a bar, etc. Of course, this is only funny when you're almost getting into trouble, not when you're actually getting into trouble. Arrests on a first date probably aren't super romantic. But narrowly avoiding trouble or handling some business together can insert a bit of excitement into a date. Some research has claimed that people who go through a bit of danger together are likely to develop some feelings for one another. For example, people are more likely to fall in love if they met while bungee jumping than if they met while they were eating lunch or something.

    12 The Blind Date Your Friends Thought Would Be Magical

    Um, thanks, guys? If your friends are setting you up there's bound to be a blind date in your life that is so wildly not your type that you have to wonder if your friends actually know you at all. Blind dates can be a little nerve-wracking but they're also exciting, right? There's always the potential that things are going to be great and sparks will fly all over the place. But they don't always go that way. Sometimes you show up for a blind date and then have to spend the majority of the time wondering what on earth is happening. He's not your type at all, but in a bad way because you're not excited to be meeting a different kind of guy. This is more like you can hardly hold a conversation with the guy because you have nothing in common. But at least they tried, right? They're super thoughtful. This date can be humorous since you're spending half the time planning what you're going to say to your friends when you leave and have to explain why it didn't work.

    11 The One Where You Get Stood Up

    Getting stood up does not sound always hilarious but it can be. And it happens more often than you might think… especially when you're online dating. For whatever reason sometimes those dates just don't happen. Sometimes it might be that the guy bails at the last minute when you were already dressed and about to head out the front door, and sometimes it happens when you're already out. Both are pretty funny if you think about it… as long as you know that it has nothing to do with you. How could it when the guy hasn't even met you yet. In reality, anyone who bails without a great excuse is just letting you off easy. It's better not to get involved with those types of people! That's why it's funny, you actually just lucked out of a situation that was probably about to get a lot more complicated anyway.

    10 The One Where You Sleep Over And Something Embarrassing Happens

    Whether it is a first date or a fifth date, there is always one where you spend the night at his house and something embarrassing happens. It might be bathroom related, about how much wine you drank, or a silly word that slipped out of your mouth, but either way it can get pretty funny. Well, as long as you keep your sense of humor, that is. You should remember that we are all humans and we are a lot more similar than we sometimes think. Of course, men are not super familiar with the things that women sometimes go through in the bathroom, but the good ones are pretty nice about it. If these dates are too embarrassing, they can sometimes result in you running for your life which might mean finding an interesting way to get home. But usually, these guys will find your realness totally endearing.

    9 The One Where You've Already Met

    It's bound to be funny to end up on a date with someone and realizing that you've already met. Maybe you worked for the same company in the past or you met at a mutual acquaintance's birthday party or something. But for some reason, neither of you became aware of this fact until you were already on the date, and then it came up somehow when some memory was sparked. That can be a funny moment, especially if you realize that you already know a lot about him or vice versa. Hopefully, it's good stuff that you've heard. Sometimes you have to pretend like you haven't heard anything about him but you sit there remembering that you know why he got fired from his last job or something. You might keep that to yourself until later when he tells you the story and you admit that you actually knew it the whole time.

    8 The One Where The Guy Makes A Move Way Too Soon

    Hey, you can't blame him for trying. Sometimes guys just don't have a great idea about when the right time to make a move is, and sometimes they act on their own impulses as opposed to waiting to get the proper vibe from you before they move in for a kiss or whatever. Maybe he's not great at reading body language or you're making him incredibly nervous for some reason. When you're not expecting a move at all, it can be a little jarring. That's also when things like turned cheeks or bumping foreheads tend to occur. If you're actually into him that can actually be a great icebreaker, but if you're not it can get a little awkward. Either way, it's bound to lead to some laughter. The enthusiasm can be pretty sweet if it isn't forced, and at least you don't have to keep wondering if he's interested in you. That pretty much sums things up

    7 The One Where You Try To Reconnect With An Ex

    We all have exes, and sometimes we wonder if we should try to work things out a second time with one of them. We know them well so we think we know what we're getting into, and at least we can be sure that they're going to be good in bed. But sometimes these dates are pretty lol-worthy. Occasionally we arrive and there's a mutual awareness that there's nothing between you guys and you have no idea what you were thinking. Other times, you realize that you've been insane to be apart and are totally shocked by the chemistry that still exists between you. But perhaps the funniest is when you meet up with an ex who still wants you and realize how much you've changed and that you don't want them back at all. This is funny in the way that you're slightly in shock and delighted to find that you've finally cut the cord and healed and that you can avoid ever having to deal with that troublemaker again.

    6 The One That's A Group Date

    Group dates can be a fun way to keep things relatively casual if you're getting set up or you and a friend happened to get asked out together. They can be pretty entertaining if they're of the action packed variety. Maybe you guys went ice skating, or to the fair, and suited up for a (slightly) competitive game of beach volleyball. When you're doing something on a date instead of just sitting and grabbing drinks or coffee or food or something, you're probably going to have a lot more fun. The more physical activity that happens on a date, the more likely it is that something funny happens. People listen up and get comfortable. Plus not everyone on the date is bound to be a pro at every single activity, so that's going to be pretty funny. Just as long as no one actually gets hurt. That's definitely a way to ruin the mood and fast.

    5 The Date That's Not Actually A Date

    Whoops. Here you thought you were being asked out on a date by a coworker and this guy actually just wanted to chat about his current girlfriend's upcoming birthday. Cringe. This is actually funny as long as you don't take it too personally. You didn't know, and now that it's happened you will be sure to clear things up a little better the next time around before you go getting all excited over a non-date. Sometimes this plays out in the sense that someone asks you "out" and then you show up and it's actually a big group of friends and not so much a date at all. It can happen to anyone, and it usually has to do with the fact that a lot of guys aren't that great at communicating. In some situations, it's possible that he's just unsure about how you feel and he wanted to just take things slowly and lessen his chance of getting shot down.

    4 The One Where He's Hung Up On His Ex

    You know this one when you see it. Sometimes you show up to a date expecting to have a great time and the dude just will not stop talking about his ex-girlfriend. Yikes. Lessons in what not to do. Sometimes this plays out in the way that he's going on and on about some not so nice thoughts that he has about her, and sometimes it plays out in the way that he just keeps mentioning her at random intervals. That pizza reminded him of a time that he ate pizza with her. The dress you had on looked a lot like one that she had. It's hard to know which setup is worse, but you're going to have a lot of fun trying to imitate how the night went when you tell your friends about it later on. It's also a great reminder that you really can ruin a date by clinging to certain topics of conversation, and that it's a good idea to get rid of emotional baggage before moving on.

    3 The Double Date With A Swap

    Hey, it happened to Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds and it could happen to you too. Occasionally you go on a double date and then find that you're totally into your friend's date and vice versa. That could be awkward if there are other feelings involved, but it's also a great story. Plus it's always nice to feel that sort of instant connection with another person where you know for certain that it's a thing. That's not a connection that's likely to be overlooked if it's strong enough, and it's usually pretty obvious since it goes against the whole plan and yet there it is. Who this date is funny to might depend on who else you're with. In an ideal circumstance, the whole thing was just mismatched and you can swap dates. Everyone would see the humor in that, especially when you take into consideration how you all ended up on the date in the first place.

    2 The One Where You Run Into A Friend

    When you are newly dating someone, there is generally a period of time between the beginning and when you introduce them to your friends. But occasionally that happens prematurely when you are on a date and you happen to run into some of those friends accidentally. This can be a little nerve-wracking either way since you were not expecting to see them and you have to figure out what to do in a split second. Who are you technically supposed to introduce first in an introduction situation? How do you introduce your date, as your date or just by name and give zero explanation for what you are doing with this stranger at all? You might also have flashes of hoping that everyone makes a great impression, hoping no one says anything awkward, and even hoping that your friends think he is cute.

    1 The One Where He's The Greatest Guy In The World

    Sometimes you'll end up on one of those dates where from the first moment you realize that guy is just the greatest guy in the world. This date is bound to be hilarious because when we like people, we tend to think that they're funny. They charm us. When someone is easy to be around and is totally making us laugh that pretty much makes the best date ever no matter what you're doing. It's pretty much impossible for anything to go wrong when you're on a date with someone that you automatically adore. Not only are you going to have tons of fun on this date, but you're also going to have tons of fun telling your friends about it when you get home. As well as telling them about it the next day, and maybe even the next day after that. Ideally, your friends will be as charmed by him through a proxy as you were in person so that they'll think he's hilarious too.