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    15 Guys Confess What Turns Them Off The Most

    Women are always wondering what turns their crushes, dates, boyfriends, and husbands on, but perhaps they ought to take a moment to think about what may be turning them off instead. Sure, paying attention to what makes a man feel interested and aroused is part of a healthy and giving relationship, and a good way to begin a new one, but when the turn-offs rear their ugly heads, it could be hard to recover and get back on track to a relationship that moves in the right direction.

    Some women try far too hard to make a good impression, striving to seem super sexy and desirable, while they pay little attention to what they may be doing that is a total bust when it comes to tempting their man. Even the stuff these gals think is working is causing their guys to turn the other way with embarrassment, disinterest, or even disgust. Not what the ladies had in mind.

    Gals… pay attention to what these 13 anonymous fellas have confessed turns them off the most. You may not have even realized that your well-planned efforts to be a sultry and sophisticated lover, or even your everyday behavior, have taken a turn for the worse. Things you've been doing on purpose for your man's attention are causing him to find you irritating, undesirable, or plain silly. Learn now before you continue to make the same mistakes, further turning men off to your advances.

    13 Nervous Giggling

    For heaven's sake, stop the babyish giggling while you are talking with your main man. Of course, a natural hearty laugh or fun conversation is totally appropriate, but when you can't seem to be able to make a point without laughing like a doofus after every sentence, you seem unsure of yourself and truly unsophisticated. You may have learned somewhere down the line that “girlish” laughter is sexy, but it can become super annoying and make you look like a grand bozo. Be a real woman who knows what she wants to say and knows when laughter is called for. Giggling like a childish schoolgirl is not only super unsexy, but does absolutely nothing to show off your true character and bright conversational skills. Break that silly gigglefest habit before it breaks up your relationship. Then there will be nothing to laugh about.

    12 Eating Off Their Plate

    If you are going to order a boring garden salad with a dollop of nasty fat-free dressing on the side, lay off your man's french fries. He doesn't expect you to eat like a bird, but if you choose to order something off the menu that is far less than substantial, don't dip into his plate in order to enjoy your meal because you'll wind up ruining his in the process. Of course, if he offers you a bite of his thick juicy burger or a sip of his sweet root beer, by all means, indulge. But if you secretly wanted to order the loaded cheesy bacon potato skins but got the bland grilled chicken and steamed veggies dish instead, eat what you ordered and keep your grubby hands off your man's fried fish and chips. Next time, order what you are actually craving and show your guy that you have an appetite just like any other person. You won't be able to keep up the façade forever. He knows you don't live on carrot sticks and rice cakes alone. The jig will be up after the third date (if you don't pass out from hunger first).

    11 Wearing Skimpy Clothing

    Yes, men love a sexy gal. But there is a big difference between sexy and slutty. Leave a little to the imagination in order to keep your man on his toes and interested in more than seeing all your skin laid out on a silver platter. You don't need to wear barely-there “Daisy Dukes” and bare your cleavage all the way down to your belly button. Classiness is far sexier than wearing skimpy and body-revealing outfits that turn heads for all the wrong reasons. He's not going to bring a girl who looks like a streetwalker home to meet his mom and dad anytime soon. When the time is right, he'll get to see all of you anyhow, so while you are out in pubic, for heaven's sake, dress respectfully. You can definitely show off your shape and style, but if you sit down and you have “plumber's crack,” it's time for a wardrobe revamp. This isn't a nudist colony. Get to Century 21 as soon as you can.

    10 Too Much Makeup

    A little goes a long way when it comes to applying makeup. Guys don't want to date a circus clown, they are looking for the true you underneath all the gunk. He doesn't want to wake up in the morning (if you spend the night) and wake up to a woman he can barely recognize. Keep it simple and let the true beauty you have within shine through. A little sweep of tasteful eye makeup and a slick of lip gloss beats out a set of false eyelashes and globs of heavy and tacky foundation. Unless you are a stage performer or have a very special occasion to attend, keep the makeup to a minimum and shave time off your getting-ready routine in the process. Most men won't even notice if you have a smoky eye or the latest shade of Urban Decay lipstick on anyway. Contouring is so last year, so lay off the highlighters and the 50 shades of nude.

    9 Fake Nails

    Ugh. Those pointy acrylic talons are making your neck massages super-scary and potentially dangerous. You may love the on fleek look of a fresh mani, but many men prefer natural nails to the fake ones anyhow. Get all the shiny gel manicures you like, but steer clear of super-sharp or unnaturally long nails if you want to impress your guy. You won't be able to do many of the things he wants to do with you if you are concerned about breaking a nail. Plus, all the money you are spending on nail maintenance is a huge waste in his eyes. Keep your natural nails clean, relatively short, and well-maintained, but call it quits with the press-on nails and Crazy Glue creations. You can nail a great look without all the fuss. He'll give your all-natural look a perfect 10!

    8 Constant Texting

    Whether your texting your mom or your best pals, all of that wasted time tapping away on your smartphone can become seriously irritating to your no-longer-patient guy. He's also not so into your constant texts coming in his direction either. A cute and sexy text to let him know you are thinking of him or a note to let him know you are on your way to his place is totally fine, but all-day texting for no apparent reason is cause for pause. He does not need to know your every waking thought and every move you make throughout the day. Leave something to the imagination and save your topics for something to talk about in person when you see one another. Let the emojis have a rest and put that darn phone down every once and a while and be in the present moment. You will surely find that the real world is far more interesting than the one that lives inside your smartphone anyhow.

    7 Drinking Too Much

    A nice glass of wine with dinner or a few craft cocktails on date night are totally cool, but getting disgustingly sloshed at the bar or club and falling all over yourself is far from a good look. Men may be smiling in your direction, but they are laughing at you, not with you. Not only will you be disheveled and discombobulated, but you will be simply useless to talk to and you will put yourself in potential danger. Throwing up after too many vodka shots is also nothing to be proud of. Men want a decent gal who knows when to quit her drinking and can sip selectively rather than doing frat-like keg stands and popping jiggly Jell-O shots for hours on end. Drunk girls are not what a real man considers girlfriend material, as fun as they may be for the night. Cheers to drinking responsibly!

    6 Smoking

    Can you think of anyone who wants to kiss or even get too close to someone with horrible stinky cigarette breath, or who thinks slowly killing yourself puff by puff is a turn on? Ya, didn't think so. Smoking is so terrible for you and is a complete turn off for most guys, unless they are smokers themselves. If you are a current smoker, kick the nasty bad habit now and you will find that you feel so much better and attract the kinds of guys who are seeking a healthy partner to spend their time with, not someone who's hacking up a lung and has yellowing rotten teeth. Sounds gross because it totally is. Get a nicotine patch at the drug store, some quitter's gum, or quit cold turkey, just toss those brown butts in the can and save money and your health in the process. An ashtray is not an accessory you need to make yourself look good.

    5 Body Insecurity

    Every person's body is different and special, and if a guy is into you, he's probably into your particular body shape too. Constantly saying that you look or feel fat, that you hate your thunder thighs, wish you had bigger or perkier boobs or a rounder or flatter butt is a total turn off. Guys want a gal with inner confidence, and that means she is proud of her body too. OK, so you may want to tone up your abs or wear Spanx under your clingy dress, but you can still rock what you've got with sheer self-esteem and blossoming body positivity. Don't fish for compliments or compare your looks to those of other girls you see walking down the street. You are you and great just the way you are. And if you want to change something, take ownership of yourself and just make it happen. You only have one body, so embrace it! Your man will want you to as well!

    4 Seeking Friends' Approval

    Your guy wants to be with you, not all of your friends too (hopefully). If you can't make a decision without consulting with your BFF, or you can't seem to be able to figure out how to handle your relationship with your man without the approval and input from your closest friends, maybe you aren't quite ready to be in a romance with this guy, or anyone else for that matter. Guys want their alone time with you and time to learn who you really are, not a combination of your personality traits combined with a bunch of other girls'. Of course, have your girlfriends over and chill with them whenever you want, but don't leave it up to them as to how you should interact with your man. Because soon he'll be sick of it, and you'll be left with just the gals. Show some maturity and make your own decisions. Your man will appreciate your sense of independence.

    3 Flirting With Their Friends

    Most guys like a gal who is confident with her sexuality, but hitting on your man's friends should be 100% off limits. Yes, pal up with them and let them know you're not planning on stealing their best dude away from them, but there is a fine line between being friendly and being flirty. Don't cross it, or your man may get cross with you. Shower your special man with all of your flirtatious energy and make sure he knows you don't have your eyes (or anything else) on his best buddies. Be cool and collected amongst the guys, and if they are single, see if you have any unattached girlfriends you can potentially set them up with. Double dating with friends can be super fun and everyone gets the attention they crave. Flirting may have landed you your guy, but don't let it be the reason he leaves you. Flirting is an art, so be crafty!

    2 “Princess” Behavior

    Acting prim, prissy, and perfect may seem like a nice idea for a minute, but most guys want a chick who is down-to-Earth and can kick back and have a little fun with him. If all you care about is getting a gel manicure and making sure your guy drives an expensive sports car, you may very well find yourself all alone with your perfectly done nails. Don't expect your guy to cater to your every whim, and don't be snobby or act “holier than thou.” A strong relationship is give and take, and that means you need to make sure your man gets what he deserves too. The “princess” persona gets old fast, and your man will not be the knight in shining armor you were expecting if you act like a total bit@#. Be cool, lighten up, and play things by ear once in a while. Allow the fun to take over rather than trying to control everything and every move.

    1 Jealousy

    If you constantly accuse your special guy of looking at or talking inappropriately to other gals, try to break into his social media accounts to find “evidence,” or go through his phone or email, this jealous behavior will come back to bite you. No decent guy wants an insecure and insanely jealous girlfriend. It can be pretty annoying and impossible to deal with, and he will not put up with having to prove his innocence all of the time. If you have a good and solid relationship, let it be. Don't go looking for trouble and make wild accusations based on hearsay or unfounded suspicions. If he's the man who is meant for you, there is nothing and nobody to be jealous of. Envy doesn't make any relationship grow. If your man is so shady that you need to worry, then maybe it is time to get with someone else. A cool guy won't do a thing to make you feel jealous. It's all on you, so get your confidence and know your worth.