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    15 First Date Confessions That Will Make You Reconsider Dating

    The phrase "first date" might only be made up of two words, but those two little words are enough to make you want to break out into a cold sweat. You've been dating for a while now and have the relationships, almost relationships, bad dates, good dates, and weird situations to show for it. You don't love the fact that you're still single and dating, but hey, you know that love doesn't exactly grow on trees or appear out of nowhere, and you really would like to fall in love someday. After all, if love makes the world go round, you don't see why that couldn't happen for you, too. The only problem? Dating is not always a barrel of laughs. What an understatement, right? When you tell your coupled up friends about what dating is like today and about the kind of things that you see on first dates, they don't believe you. Unfortunately, you're telling the truth. You wish that you weren't.

    Here are 15 first date confessions that will make you reconsider dating.

    15 He Misses His Ex-Girlfriend

    Oh great. You're on a first date with a new guy and you're feeling pretty good about things. Then this happens. Isn't that always the way? Sometimes, you're sitting there on a date, chatting about your day and your job and what you're doing this weekend, and then it becomes super obvious to you that this guy misses his ex-girlfriend. He starts off slow and subtle, bringing her into the conversation in random and seemingly innocent ways, like when you mention an upcoming vacation destination and he says they went there two years ago. Sure. No big deal. You have an ex or two and sometimes you accidentally mention them. It happens to everyone. Except this guy doesn't start there. He keeps talking about her until it becomes pretty clear to you that he wishes that the two of them were still together. Yup, that definitely makes you want to sit at home forever and never go on another date ever again.

    14 He Loves Dating Apps

    Beware the guy who loves, loves, loves dating apps. He's having too much matching and swiping right to even think about settling down. In fact, he's so into dating that his version of settling down is going on a first date with one person without lining more first dates up ASAP… and that's just not how he rolls. Nope. He's into going on so many dates, he doesn't even know everyone's names and he doesn't even remember anything about anyone. You definitely don't want to go out with this kind of guy. He's sometimes referred to as a serial dater but you think it's even worse than that. When he tells you that he really loves using dating apps, you realize that it's not even the dating or the physical dates or the women that he loves. He loves the chase, the thrill, and the fact that he can get as many dates as he wants. He feels powerful and in control and it's kind of weird. Okay, it's more than kind of, it's totally weird.

    13 He Never Showers

    OMG. You have definitely heard this from at least one person, and when a guy tells you this, it takes all you can not to run out of there ASAP and never, ever look back. How can someone really think that not showering is a good idea? That it's even an option? That it's even remotely normal? The thing about people who don't shower and don't really care about their personal hygiene is they have a whole theory behind it. And they're going to tell you. So he's going to explain his reasoning, he's going to have a whole system, and you're going to get grossed out and fast. It's pretty messed up and you really have no response except "EWWWW." But you don't think that's a polite thing to say on a first date or at any other time. That's how awkward these types of first date confessions are -- they make you want to stop being so friendly and polite, and you hate that. You don't want to become a bad person.

    12 He's In An Open Relationship

    For some reason, open relationships seem to be all the rage right now. It's like people think that being in a normal relationship is just too lame and too old-fashioned, and it's time to shake things up. When you go on a date with a new guy and he confesses that he's actually in an open relationship and he would love for you to be part of his whole deal, it's enough to put you off dating forever. It definitely leaves a pretty bad taste in your mouth, that's for sure. You won't be sure how to respond because it just seems so crazy, you're not even sure that you can possibly dignity this kind of comment with a response. But you're on the actual date staring at this guy and it's hard to ignore him. You can't just unmatch him or stop replying to his messages or, you know, ghost him. So you probably have to say at least something. Does no one believe in monogamy anymore?!

    11 He's Been Cheated On A Million Times

    Okay, okay, so he hasn't been cheated on a million times. Not exactly, at least. But another super common first date confession is that he's been cheated on at least a few times. You always think it's such a weird thing to talk about on the first date. It would be weird if he mentioned this on the second or even the fifth date, to be honest. You just don't want this much personal information about someone that you kind of just met. You're still deciding if you like him, if you can talk to him, and if you want to see him again. It's just a lot for you to take in. You're not sure if he's saying this to get you to feel sorry for him, which is all kinds of creepy, or if he just really believes in being totally and completely honest. You just don't want people to be quite that honest. Especially not on the first date. Yup, you wish this just wouldn't happen.

    10 He Has A Weird Hobby

    Since hobbies and interests are so subjective, this is one of those things that really depends on the person. Of course, it also depends on you and what you consider to be normal and weird, which is also pretty subjective. Maybe you don't like when guys do yoga or something like that because you claim it's too girly (and maybe that's unfair, but you are definitely entitled to your opinion). Or maybe there are just some other hobbies that you don't think are normal or attractive in a potential boyfriend. It really depends on what you're thinking and feeling and what kind of person you want to be with, so no one can really tell you what's right or what's wrong here. But if you hear a first date confession involving a hobby and you can tell that it's super strange and out there, that will be enough to make you hate dating.

    9 He Wants To Get Married Today

    Again, not exactly… but when a guy is super into getting married and is basically rushing to race down that aisle, it's a huge turn off. And it's one of those first dates confessions that you really don't want to be a reality. Maybe you want to get married as much as the next girl. Or maybe marriage isn't in the cards for you. Either way, it's definitely not a topic that you want to even think about on a first date, let alone actually discuss. It's just such a weird thing to confess this early on. Is he trying to say that he wants to marry you in particular? He just met you, so how could he know this? Or is he trying to say that he wants to get married in general because he figures that most women want to get married so he thinks that you want to hear this? It's super confusing and it makes you want to stay home forever.

    8 He Hates Kids

    You know that not everyone wants kids. That's fine. It really is. It's a super personal decision. So you know that when you go out with someone new, you're taking a chance that they might not want children. That's just the way that things go sometimes. The problem? Sometimes guys not only never want kids, but they hate them. Sometimes you go on a date with someone who absolutely loathes children and it's a really strange and awkward first date confession. It's enough to make you reconsider dating, that's for sure. You wish that people would just keep their opinions to themselves sometimes and that they wouldn't always feel the need to let people know what they're thinking and feeling. After all, this is a first date. It's not really the time to talk about important subjects like whether or not you want to walk down the aside someday or whether you want to raise a family of your own.

    7 He's A Partier

    Frat boys belong in college and in movies, and you don't want to date one of them when you get older. You just don't. So when you go on a first date and learn that, oh yeah, the guy sitting across from you is a huge partier, then it's enough to make you rethink the whole idea of dating forever. You just can't even when you realize that some guys never, ever grow up and they still want to drink as much beer as possible and hang out with their bros on the weekend. They play video games like they're going out of style, they throw parties on a weekly basis, and they're pretty much the opposite of mature and responsible. This is not the kind of person that you would ever consider to be boyfriend material, and it's a pretty bad first date confession to hear. To all the party boys out there: you may be cute but you're just not enough.

    6 He Has A Bad Habit

    You're not looking to date a stoner or a guy who partakes in the use of illegal substances 24/7 so you probably don't want to hear your date tell you that, oh yeah, he's pretty into the stuff. What a way to end an evening. It's pretty much impossible to want to keep dating when you hear this first date confession. You're going to start feeling pretty paranoid, wondering if everyone is on drugs and you just have no idea and if you're going to hear this confession on a whole lot of dates from now on. Sure, sometimes people say in their online dating profiles if they do drugs or not, and they can say if they always do them, sometimes, rarely or never. But sometimes guys will brag about their use on a first date or talk about how much fun it is to be under the influence with their friends on the weekends. It's definitely not something that you want to hear and soon you're going to be looking at the door, wondering when you can make a break for it.

    5 He Hates His Life

    Oh yeah, and then there's the person who is super negative, crazy cynical, and basically hates his life. Not only that but he's going to tell you all about it. Yup, he loves talking about how much he hates his job, his apartment, the city that you both live in, his family, his friends… He always blames other people for his crap and he will never take responsibility. This is not exactly the kind of person who screams boyfriend material and you can be sure about that. No one wants to date someone who complains this much and is always in a bad mood. It just seems strange that someone could really be in this negative state of mind 24/7… but spend time with someone like this and you will be a believer. If you're a positive person, which you probably are, you're going to hate finding this out about someone that you're on a date with.

    4 He's Married

    Unfortunately, a lot of married people are using dating websites and apps these days, and they are actually going on dates. Yup. Sounds nuts… until you go on a first date, hear this confession, and realize that this is now your reality. Definitely not what will make you want to keep going on dates. It is really crazy how people think that they can step out on their wives and date around. It is just so weird. Don't they want to at least think about getting divorced or separated before doing that? You are never going to date someone who is already married and that is pretty much the most obvious deal breaker that you could ever have. You want someone who is single, free, and clear, and able to start a real relationship with you. Otherwise, there is really no point. When you hear this confession, you are already out the door.

    3 He Lives In His Mom's Basement

    When a guy still lives at home, he doesn't tell you this fun fact when you're chatting online or via an app. Nope. Why would he? He knows that you would hate hearing this and that you would decide against seeing him in the first place. So, naturally, he withholds this precious information until you're sitting across from him on the first date. Pretty sneaky. Cool. You really appreciate this. It's basically a flat-out lie but instead of telling him that, you're going to sit there and grin and bear it. You're not going to say that no one is going to be attracted to someone who lives with their mom because you figure that's kind of obvious and self-explanatory anyway. But you are going to be pretty creeped out because if he's 25 or 28 or even 30 (or worse, way older), he definitely should have moved out by now. This kind of first date confession is even worse when you learn that he's got a good job and is making a good living.

    2 He's Unemployed

    It's awesome when a guy confesses that, oh yeah, he's actually got no job. Zero. None. You thought he did otherwise you might not have been so excited about the possibility of meeting him. He knows it, too, which is why he didn't tell you that he doesn't actually work for a living. This makes things all kinds of awkward since you're not really sure what to think about him after you learn this kind of information. Are you supposed to think that this means that he's lazy and doesn't have a work ethic? Are you supposed to sympathize because of the economy and all that? Then there's the fact that on a first date, talking about your jobs is pretty normal and standard, and it takes up a whole lot of time. Now you're not sure what to discuss. Do you still talk about your career like you usually do, or does that make him feel bad? Yeah, it's pretty awkward.

    1 He's Not Who You Think He Is

    When a guy confesses that he doesn't actually have the name that he told you, or he doesn't actually live in your city or town, or that he's just not who you think that he is, then he's totally catfishing you. And that's pretty much the ultimate first date confession that makes you want to run for the hills and never even think about dating ever again. Unfortunately, this happens a lot… and probably more often than you even think. Thanks to the internet, a lot of people are able to hide their true selves, and they think that no one would like them for who they really are. So they lie, they hide things, and they pretend to be someone that they're not. It's awful, it sucks, and it's the worst. There's really no other way to put it. This kind of confession will definitely make you want to give up on dating and just stay single. After all, your life isn't that bad, right? At least you don't lie on a regular basis. Sigh.