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    15 Dating Apps You Need To Try

    If you've been dabbling in the online dating world already, you've probably downloaded the basics like Tinder and Bumble. But the truth is that there are so many more dating apps out there. Some stats say that in 2013, one out of ten Americans had used a dating app, and let's be honest, things have only grown since then in the online dating world, so there are a lot of people using them out there. That's really good news if you want to try them and just haven't gotten around to it yet. Of course, using these things can be a little bit chaotic (or, okay, a lot) since you're trying to sort through the masses to find that one special someone. But it is possible to meet attractive and like-minded people, so some of these apps are definitely worth your precious time. Here are 15 different apps that you haven't tried yet. Some are more serious and others are more about meeting in real time and you know, hooking up or whatever. To each his or her own right?!

    15 Loveflutter

    The pitch for the dating app Loveflutter is “Discover People & Places To Meet Nearby." Sounds straightforward enough, right? The app has a bio section that's kind of like Twitter since it gives you 140 characters to write your opening description/greeting thing. And it's not optional, so you actually have to put something in there, which might be a bonus if you're tired of swiping past people with nothing at all written on their Tinder bio. Another way that this differs from those other apps is that it slightly blurs out the photos of people to begin with while it shows you the short bio, the idea, of course, being that you might make a decision based more on personality than on just looks alone. You can just tap the image to view it, but you also have the option of swiping along without unblurring the images if you want to go based on bios alone. If you have a mutual match then you are given the option to start chatting like other apps.

    14 Whisper

    So Whisper isn't technically a dating app. It's actually an anonymous social network which has spurred the beginnings on some relationships out there. The idea behind the app is that it gives people a safe space to share their private thoughts, as well as give and get advice when it's needed. It is completely anonymous at first, so people feel comfortable sharing their intimate thoughts and reading those from other people as well. However, people do also use it to meet other people sometimes, which can be facilitated by using the nearby feature to find people who are whispering nearby. People can heart each other's posts, and if they decide that they want to chat with someone in private they can do that too, but that feature requires that both parties in the chat reveal their age, gender, and location for safety reasons. So it's not exactly a dating app… but it is a social app that can be used for dating if you find people that sound interesting based on their thoughts.

    13 Lively

    Lively uses videos instead of photos to create profiles, which of course could be good or bad depending on how you feel that you look on camera. It's most likely a great thing when you're using it to get a feel for other people, although that's also why people tend to look up people's social media when they see them on dating sites in general. Get a real feel for what's happening with them. Anyway, when you sign up for a profile on this site it automatically offers to input videos that are already on your Facebook account. You then get to choose which ones you want to use, and it creates a collage for the other users to then look at. The app uses these photos instead of having a bio "about me" section, so it sort of depends on which way you prefer getting to know people. Bios are nice, but the videos do offer a better picture of who a person is than some actual photos. Seeing people moving around and talking can make them seem totally different.

    12 Siren

    Siren is formatted differently from a lot of apps in that it tries to avoid the swiping stuff. Each day the app posts a question and then everyone on the app has the option of responding to the question. Then users can scroll through and read other people's responses to the question, and put hearts on the answers that they like. Once a heart has been sent if the other person is open to chatting it will unlock a chat feature. Everyone has the option of having either a profile that is public at all times or keeping a profile private until they match for a chat at which point it would become visible. This is obviously another app that is trying to put some sort of focus on people's personalities and not just on their looks. The app also asks the user to take their photo from within the app to make sure that they actually look like their photo. One of the apps creator's explained that the app references "what I discern works in real life. Give women the chance to send subtle cues of interest, men to show off a little of who they are, friends to recommend good men and people to make each other smile."

    11 The League

    The League is one of these apps where you have to be approved to get into it and not just anyone can sign up. The app requires that you give your LinkdIn profile and then it checks out your level of education and work history to see what you have to offer. So it's basically for people who are ambitious about their career and looking for other people who are in the same ways that they are. Once you get approved and are accepted into the app, each day a group of bachelors are delivered to you that you can then check out and heart if you're interested. There are also different groups that you can join for private group chats, which could be anything like people who are planning to go to an upcoming event in the area. You only get matched with five people each day which again could be good or bad depending on how picky you are, but theoretically, the app is already a bit selective on who they let in. So for some people, it could be more of their type in one place than on other apps that don't vet users.

    10 Once

    Once is not one of these apps that allows you to swipe through thousands of people a day if your thumbs can handle it. Nope. The app only offers you one match per day as the name suggests. SO basically you don't do any browsing at all on the app, you just fill out your profile and information and then you wait for them to deliver your match to you. Both people who are matched get their notifications of the match at the same time, and then you have the option to chat with one another for 24 hours before it moves on to the next match. You do also have the option of asking for a different match if you don't like the one that they send you so that you don't have to wait an entire day more for a decent option. This might not be too thrilling if you're really picky, but if you're open to getting to know people you might enjoy the process since it's sort of fun to get the special alerts. Plus, it makes it more likely that both people are actually there to talk as opposed to gathering up likes like some people are rumored to do for fun on other apps.

    9 Badoo

    Badoo is another app that is listed as a social one that can be used as a dating site: “Meet New People, Chat, Socialize.” It encourages sharing your location with the intention of helping people meet up who are in the same area. It works a little differently than a lot of other apps. For one thing, it will notify you when someone checks out your profile. You can search for people in your area whether they have seen and liked your profile or not, but you can also sort it so that you only check out the people who have indeed already liked yours if you want to simplify things. This app does have some security features that others do not have, such as a selfie request feature where you can ask someone to take a real-time selfie to make sure that you aren't being catfished. When you visit a profile you also have the option to reply to something that they have written on their page, which can encourage some conversation.

    8 Adventurely

    Adventurely has a pitch that reads “This Dating App Gets You Out Of The House. ” Sounds cool so far since getting out of the house is generally preferred for a first date, right?! The app basically links people up who want to do some discovering, so it can work really well as a travel companion when you want a local to show you something fun to do in the area. Once you create a profile on the app you can then add on an itinerary and mention some things that you would like to do, such as trails you want to hike, music venues you'd like to go to, parks, cafes, restaurants, etc. You can even take it to the next step and put in dates that you would be free to do some of those things so that other people who might also be free can see what you might get into together. When people have the same adventures listed on their itinerary, the app will notify you both and then give you the option to chat and then potentially make plans to actually go and do it.

    7 helloTruly

    The app helloTruly “helps you make real, personal connections at the places you go.” And they mean that literally. The app functions as an ice breaker for those times when you're in public and feel like it would be a good time to meet someone who also happens to be wherever you might be at that moment. You can open the app wherever you are and check in at a location like a bar or a bookstore, and then if someone else on the app checks in at the same spot it will notify you as long as they meet the preferences that you have set on the app. You can also click the "get found" icon which will alert other people who might be there that you're looking to meet someone. You can also let them know some sort of defining characteristic about you such as something that you're wearing if you actually want them to walk up and find you. Of course, this would not work everywhere since there might not be users checking in everywhere.

    6 Zoosk

    Zoosk is a pretty straightforward dating app but it has more features than some of the more simple ones. For example, they're pretty tight on security, making you both verify your phone number as well as take photos of yourself from inside the app to prove that you are who you say you are. There are three different ways to browse for people, you can either use "Carousel," "Browse," or "SmartPick." Carousel shows you randomly picked profiles that you can say yes or no to, Browse shows full profiles, and SmartPick shows you other people who have listed similar interests as you in their bios. The app does, however, want people to pay for the upgrade service to be able to see who has viewed their profile, but it's kind of expensive for not being much different than a lot of the other dating apps out there. But if you're really serious about finding a date it could be worth it for sure. The app goes a little more in-depth about things like body type and whether you have kids or not.

    5 Quickflirt

    Quickflirt is a hooking up app, plain and simple, with the tagline "Speedy online dating for the restless." The app connects through Facebook and then asks you to upload a photo, and then you can filter your search results based on what you're looking for at the moment. There are a few different safety modes, giving you the option to keep your profile completely open, or you can put it onto a setting that only allows trusted users to get in touch with you. You can search for potential matches or even just look to see who's nearby on the map feature. This seems to be a total hookup concept, so it's best for people who are prepared to get some fast attention and might want to reciprocate and actually meet someone asap. It's probably not the place to look for a date to your sister's wedding but you never know what sort of sparks will fly when you get out there and meet people IRL. Or do you? Try it and report back.

    4 Cheers

    The app Cheers allows you to link up with other friends and then go out together on a group date type thing, which for some people could ease up on the pressure of going out with someone for the first time that you met online. Plus, the app pays for your first round of drinks so that's cool. When you join the app you can link up with a group of three people who you want to be your crew, and then you swipe through and check out other groups of either two or three guys. It will show you their basic information, as well as whether you have any friends in common and a variety of photos. When two groups make a mutual match, they are then presented with the option to make a plan and "pick a place." This is where the free drink thing comes into play and removes that awkward discussion over who pays for the drinks. Unless, of course, you have more than one round, which you probably will. But this app does require that you're able to link up with some of your friends on it.

    3 Sweatt

    Sweatt is “A Dating App for the Fitness Community,” or a way to meet people who love working out as much as you do. You should definitely know that this app is for people who are quite serious about working out, like people who are fitness trainers or follow a Paleo diet at all times. The app requires that you sign in through Facebook and then it asks you some fitness specific questions like how often you work out, what time of day you like to get your workouts in, and what you like to do when you do. There's also a section for a bio, as well as a section to put in what sort of food you like or if you have any dietary restrictions. Assuming that's the sort of thing that you want to share with a potential date? After you fill out all your information the app will give you five matches each day to peruse. The concept seems to be that if your life revolves around your fitness then you could potentially find someone who feels the same instead of being thrown off by your dedication to it.

    2 Just Say Hi

    Just Say Hi says that it is the app to "Chat, date, connect, and mingle with people around you now." It's another location based thing but instead of photos, it has users upload videos. You can upload a video that is a bio, or you can upload older videos that you already have on your phone from doing who knows what you were doing. It works like most other apps in the sense that you can browse around and then heart someone's profile if you like it, at which point you are given the opportunity to do some chatting. The app also has a chat room feature where you can go into themed rooms and start chatting with people from all over the place. It sounds like some of the topics are totally random and that it isn't necessarily just a dating app, you could potentially make friends or just waste some time in there doing nothing. The app is free but then you have to upgrade and pay a couple bucks to see who likes you, so that might not be the best option for everyone.

    1 Raya

    Rays is a more exclusive app which means that not everyone is going to get in, but if you do you could theoretically be looking through singles who are more your type than on some of the other apps. Raya is "An exclusive dating and networking platform for people in creative industries," and an anonymous committee votes to get you in. It supposedly helps if you have a referral, and the app gives you a spot to put who that referral might be when you go through the application process. The rest of it is basically just allowing the app to link to your Instagram account to give those judges something to judge you by. You might have heard of this app since some celebs are rumored to have used it, although those would all have to be rumors since it is against Raya rules to "out" anyone who uses the app. With exclusivity comes the promise of privacy as well. People literally get kicked off the app for leaking screenshots of other people's photos, and there is a "hide" feature if you feel unsafe for any reason. So what are you waiting for?! Your soulmate could be out there on one of these 15 apps!