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    15 Common Ways Women Deal With A Dry Spell

    Every girl goes through a dry spell at some point in her life. Maybe your boyfriend just broke up with you, and you're not ready to move on to someone new yet. Or maybe you're taking a little time to focus on yourself for a change. Or maybe you're single and totally ready to mingle, but you just can't seem to click with anyone that you would actually want to hook up with. Oh, well it happens to the best of us! The key is finding ways to pass the time when you don't have a hook up to distract you. Girls have all sorts of coping tactics when they're stuck in the midst of a dry spell. You've just got to keep yourself occupied with things that have no relation to guys. And maybe when you'll finally break the spell, you'll realize you were perfectly happy on your own the whole time!

    15 Retail Therapy

    This is a classic coping technique for getting through a long dry spell. Sure, not every girl is a huge fan of shopping, but even girls on a strict budget might feel tempted to duck into the mall when they're caught in a dry spell. There's just something about buying clothes that look great on you for no other reason than to make yourself happy that makes you forget all about guys for a little while. Plus, if you put a lot of effort in to your appearance, you might have an easier time finding someone to pull you out of that dry spell. But even if you're not into fashion and you're more of a tomboy, going on the occasional shopping spree is a ton of fun, and it will definitely help take your mind off guys. So why not hit the mall some time and just treat yourself?

    14 Ben And Jerry's

    Everyone knows that Ben and Jerry's is a girl's best friend. When you are having a chill night with your best friends, there's nothing better than enjoying it with a pint of Ben and Jerry's. When you're sad after a breakup, who's there to comfort you whenever you need them most? Why it's those two loyal guys Ben and Jerry! And when you're getting cozy for a Netflix marathon, what do you need by your side? Ben and Jerry's, of course! And when you're stuck in a dry spell with no end in sight, nothing will cheer you up like your favorite flavor of Ben and Jerry's. Really, any comfort food will do, but there's something about just dipping your spoon into a pint of delicious ice cream that really heals the soul like nothing else. So if he's still not texting you back, turn to Ben and Jerry's instead.

    13 Girl Time

    When you're in a dry spell, you might spend some time trying to find the perfect guy to end it once and for all. But sometimes, all you really want to do is spend time with your best girlfriends. After all, they'll never let you down the way that guys can. So if your latest attempt at a date was a complete flop, you'll want to call your girls immediately and spend a whole night gossiping about it. An awesome girl squad is essential when it comes to getting through a dry spell. Actually, it's essential for getting through literally anything in life. No matter what, you need your girls by your side. They'll always be there to support you and give you a shoulder to cry on when you need it. Don't hesitate to ask them for a little advice, your girlfriends love you more than anyone else, so hold on to them!

    12 Scrolling Through Tinder

    Even if you're not having any luck meeting guys, you might not stop trying just yet. In this day and age, you can always turn to online dating or a dating app to meet guys if you're not having much luck in the real world. And of all these dating platforms, Tinder is probably the most popular among young people. So what if you can't actually find any quality guys through Tinder? At least it's a fun distraction! You can just swipe through a bunch of guys and see what's out there. And who knows, maybe someday you will actually meet someone who's worth your time on Tinder. The odds are pretty unlikely, but it never hurts to look every once in a while. And you do find some pretty ridiculous guys on there. It's always funny to see what crazy pick up lines that they'll try on you and your friends.

    11 Missing Their Ex

    There comes a time in every dry spell when you just can't help but feel a little nostalgia for the past. You'll be cleaning out your room, barely even thinking about guys, when suddenly you notice your ex-boyfriend's sweater is still in the back of one of your drawers. Or you'll be going through all the papers on your desk when you notice that a note he wrote you was still in there. After you get a blast from the past, you start wondering where things went wrong and what would happen if you ever decided to try again. Whatever you do, do NOT stoop so low that you text him and tell him that you've been thinking of him. Just push through that moment of weakness and remember exactly why you broke up in the first place if you give in to those emotions, you will only come to regret it.

    10 Netflix

    It's a Friday night. Normally, you would be going out with a guy, but you can't think of a single one worth spending time with at this point in your life. The last thing that you want to do is spend hours desperately swiping through Tinder just to find someone who might not be a total waste of time and effort. And your girlfriends all happen to be busy at the same time. So, what do you do? Who do you turn to for a good time and some quality entertainment? Well, that's what Netflix is for. No one is more addicted to binge-watching shows on Netflix than girls who are going through dry spells. There's never a better time to get addicted to a TV show with ten seasons. All the time you would usually spend with a boyfriend can be spent catching up with your favorite show instead.

    9 Reality TV

    Now, Netflix is great for most shows. They have a ton of classic favorites, and they also have their own original content. Plus, there are lots of documentaries to check out if you want to learn something new. But what if you want something really mindless to watch? What if you just want to turn your brain off for a little while and get a complete distraction from your dry spell woes? Well, this is probably why reality TV was invented. There is absolutely no point to watching reality TV unless you want a distraction from everything important. You're not going to learn anything from it, it's totally scripted, and most of the people who appear on these shows have zero talent or personality but that's kind of the whole point. If you're a girl stuck in a dry spell and you catch yourself watching reality TV, just accept your fate.

    8 Studying

    There is actually some opportunity during a dry spell. Think about it-you're not focused on any particular guy. You're not planning dates or stressing out over fights. You're not spending time with a guy, so you have more free time. You're free to do other things and think about other things. Some girls might get bored by not having a guy around, but this is the wrong way to think about it. You've got to see a dry spell as a time to relax and focus on yourself. So if you're still in school, it's time to get those grades up. You have more time than ever to study, and you won't be thrown off your study schedule by some dude texting you at 3 a.m. asking what you're up to. If you want to make the most of this, it's time to hit the books and get into study mode!

    7 Hitting The Gym

    You can use this time to learn and grow your mind and you can also use it to improve your body! If you're not spending your free time hanging out with a guy that you're into, why not spend it at the gym? First of all, you'll be spending your time doing something productive that will help you in the long run. Developing good habits now will help your physical health later, so now is the perfect time to start! Plus, there's a little added bonus to spending more time working out at the gym you might get to meet some guys! So if you don't already have a gym membership, maybe you should consider getting one. When a girl doesn't have a guy around to distract her, one of the best things she can do for herself is focus on self-improvement and personal growth, so it's the best time to get in shape.

    6 Complaining About Guys

    Look, sometimes you just can't help it. You wish you had a guy in your life, but you're also so annoyed at the last guy who WAS in your life that all you can do is complain about every single guy you run into. It's okay, girl, just let it all out everyone needs to vent once in a while! It's human nature, so don't feel bad if you need to spend a little time complaining about guys every once in a while. Or all the time. They're the worst every girl knows it, but we put up with them anyway. Can't win! There's nothing wrong with calling up your girls to let loose about the latest guy who blew you off, or the guy you thought was interested in you only to find out that he had a girlfriend. It might be a while before the dry spell ends, so vent when you need to.

    5 Social Media

    When a girl is in a dry spell, you can sometimes tell by looking at her social media account. Why is that? Well, when a girl is in a relationship, she'll usually post lots of pictures of her and her boyfriend to show what a great guy he is and how happy they are until the two of them break up and suddenly all the pictures are mysteriously deleted. Funny how that happens every time! But if she's not currently hooking up with anyone, she'll still want to portray the image of a fun, happy single girl who's just doing her own thing. Expect lots of selfies, pictures with her friends at parties, and shots of her doing cool things solo. Live your life, girl but don't feel like you need to impress people on social media just because they know that you're single. Just do your own thing and chill out!

    4 Complain To Her Mom

    Who is the best person to complain to? Your mom, of course. It's literally her job to be there for you when things go wrong. That's what she pretty much signed up to do when she brought you into this world. You might not tell your mom that you're stuck in a dry spell, but girls will usually vent to their mom about guy problems every once in a while. At least once in her life, every girl asks her mom why no worthwhile guys seem to be interested in her. And the good news is that your mom has probably been there before and felt that way, too. That's why moms always give the best advice! So if your girlfriends don't always know the right thing to say, rest assured that your mom knows what's best, so don't worry no matter how old you are, she'll be there for you!

    3 Trying Out A Whole New Look

    There is something about a dry spell that inspires a makeover. Even if you're the low maintenance type and you're not a huge fan of wearing makeup, it can be tempting to try out something new when you're in a dry spell. Break out that red lipstick! Master the art of the dramatic winged eyeliner! What the heck, why not go totally off the rails and wear some bold blue eyeshadow for a night out? There are no rules when it comes to makeup and style, so take this time to experiment and find a look you really like even if it goes against the grain. You know those movies where a girl gets dumped, but then she decides to go shopping, get a wild new haircut, and walks out of the mall looking like a whole new woman? That could be you if you don't let a dry spell drag you down.

    2 Watching Romantic Comedies

    We all know that romantic comedies are pretty silly, but that doesn't ever stop us from watching them! And really, what's the harm anyway? It's fun to escape into that world for a while. And no one loves a romantic comedy more than a girl in the midst of a dry spell. If you haven't hooked up with anyone in a while and you have no idea when the next time will be, you might want to live vicariously through these movie characters. Who knows when you'll meet a guy just like the characters in your favorite movies who will come along and sweep you off your feet? You've got to be prepared, so you'll need to watch as many rom coms as possible so you'll know all the mistakes to avoid. So get ready for a long movie marathon, and stock up on the popcorn while you're at it.

    1 Consider Becoming A Crazy Cat Lady

    When you've been in a dry spell for long enough, it's tempting to just give up on men altogether. After all, what are they good for? You know what starts to sound amazing after you've been in a dry spell for too long? Retiring with a bunch of cats instead of an annoying husband. Cats will never let you down. Plus, they're very low maintenance animals who are pretty independent. They won't be nearly as demanding as a husband, so adopting a bunch of cats who will always be grateful that you gave them a forever home is probably a better use of your time than looking for a guy to settle down with. As long as you feed and pet your cat, it will show you affection. Plus, they're soft, cuddly, and downright adorable. Guys are way more complicated, so why waste your time trying to figure them out?