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    15 Cliches About Love That Make You Want To Scream

    Love makes the world go round, right? Wrong. Totally wrong. When you're in a relationship, life feels absolutely awesome and you could practically skip down the street, you're so happy. When you're single (so single you don't even want to admit it sometimes), the whole love idea is enough to drive you crazy. And it definitely has. You hate that it's taking you so long to find someone special to call your own when all your friends and family members seem to have had no trouble finding love. It's really a shame that here you are, home alone on another Friday night, watching Netflix yet again. Sorry Netflix, it's not your fault. You really love Netflix but sometimes, a girl needs more than that. The worst part about being on your own is hearing all these cliches about love that are truly annoying.

    Read on for 15 cliches about love that make you want to scream.

    15 You'll Find Love When You're Not Looking For It

    Oh really? Because you've tried that. You've said goodbye to the online dating profiles and the dating apps and you've looked to the universe and said, "Okay, bring me my perfect boyfriend." Guess what? It didn't happen. He didn't exactly magically appear in front of you or fall from the sky. You have also tried to find love by looking for it by using those sites and apps, and again, those didn't work either. Or at least they haven't worked yet. You try to stay realistic and positive, and that's a really hard combination to keep up when you're single and looking for love. It's like a workout for your brain. You don't think that you always find love when you're not looking for it because if you honestly want to fall in love, wouldn't you be actively searching? This makes no sense to you. It's definitely an annoying cliche.

    14 Love Is All You Need

    Really? You do not need a place to live and money for groceries and rent? You do not need a job or a purpose or inspiration? What about friends and family and a new Netflix show to obsess over? You really don't get this whole idea. You need some kind of love in your life, sure, but really, you just need some kind of connection in general. You need friendships and people who care about you, but they don't have to be romantic. It's okay if you're single for a period of time and the love you have comes from your friends and family, but according to this popular saying and song lyric, you're not supposed to think that's enough. Well, guess what? Sometimes it's definitely enough. Yes, you want love and someone who cares about you and only you, but you don't always need it, and that's a huge difference.

    13 Everything Happens For A Reason

    You want to laugh and scream (preferably not at the same time) when you hear this saying about love. No, everything doesn't happen for a reason. If it did, then why did you go on so many terrible dates? Why did you suffer through evenings so dull and boring you wondered if you had done something horrible in a previous life to deserve it? Sure, people tend to think that you had those awful dates and horrible experiences because now you've met someone amazing and so all that paid off. But you haven't met someone amazing. You're still as single as ever. So that theory doesn't work and you don't understand why people believe that it does. In your life at least, you're still going on first date after first date, wondering why you just can't seem to catch a break, at least when it comes to the love department.

    12 Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

    You have to love this one… as in, you really, really hate it. How can absence possibly make the heart grow fonder? All you know is that when you're in a relationship, especially in those first three months aka the honeymoon stage, you hate being away from your boyfriend. You feel like you're going absolutely crazy. It's like you could live without this person before since, of course, you never met him until now… but suddenly you're like this insane person who needs to be with them at all times. You miss them even five seconds after you say goodbye. You want to talk to them all the time. You feel like your mind and body just aren't connected and, okay, so your hormones are going a bit crazy, too. You really don't get why people think that being apart is a way to make you care about someone more. All you know is that being away from your new guy makes you miserable.

    11 It's Better To Have Loved And Lost Than Never Loved At All

    You think this one is just nuts. Sure, it's a super old-school and famous quote and all, and lots of people seem to think that it's beautiful. In theory, sure, it's pretty. In reality, it's horrible. Think about this one for a minute. If you love someone and lose them, whether they die tragically or dump you out of absolutely nowhere, then you're basically miserable. You can't believe what has happened and you are so sad. Is that really a good thing? Are you really going to think that you're glad that you had the chance to love this person, even though things didn't work out? No. No, you're not. You're going to wish you had never known them at all because the pain that you're feeling right now and the desire that you have to hide under the covers forever is just too intense and too horrible. You definitely want to scream at this saying.

    10 When You Find The One, You'll Know

    You're not sure how you're supposed to know. There are a few problems with this one. For one thing, you have lost all ability to tell a legit potential boyfriend from a jerk. So there's that unfortunate side effect of all your bad dating history. For another, you think that assuming that someone is going to be your future soulmate/husband/one and only/the most perfect person ever is kind of naive and innocent. You don't want to drive yourself crazy and you definitely don't want to get your hopes up only to get disappointed in a few weeks or months. So you hate when people tell you that you'll just know when you met the right person because so far, that hasn't happened, and you're not sure that you have that much faith in your ability to figure people out. Are you cynical? Maybe. Hey, it's not your fault. Dating totally made you this way.

    9 That Whole Love At First Sight Thing

    You want to believe in the whole love at first sight concept. You really, really do. The only problem is that whenever you swear that you're in love or at least something close to it, you're totally and completely wrong. You realize that the cute guy you met at work or at your friend's NYE party is actually in a serious relationship and, no, he wasn't actually flirting with you, he was just being nice. Major fail. You think the idea of love at first sight is a crazy annoying cliche because whenever you think about it, the less you believe in it. If it was supposed to happen, it would have already, right? Why are you still single if this is supposed to exist? You're definitely stared at enough guys in all the years that you've been alive. And yet, nope, no love at first sight. It's a sweet idea in theory but in reality, it's just not happening.

    8 You Can't Buy Love

    You can't? What about paying for an online dating site? The truth is that a lot of people meet on dating sites that they have to shell out a pretty penny for. There's honestly nothing wrong with that because honestly, you deserve to find whatever allows you to meet someone that you care about and can share your life with. It's all good. People might tell you that it's a total waste of money because you should just use the free sites or forget the digital dating universe altogether and meet people in person. You know, the way that people used to (back in the dark ages). But since lots of people pay for online dating profiles and end up meeting great people and even marrying them, you have to argue against the whole you can't buy love thing. You think that you can and that if people have found love this way, then good for them. You can't judge and you can't say what's wrong and what's right. When it comes to matters of the heart, you're going to stay neutral.

    7 Guys Love When You Cook For Them

    You know the whole "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach thing"? Sure, sometimes it's nice to cook dinner for the person that you love… But other times, you think that this is a huge cliche and that it needs to end now. Why can't you and your boyfriend make dinner together? Or why can't he make dinner for you? You just don't like the whole idea that you have to get into the kitchen and whip up a home-cooked meal just because you're the female in this situation. Maybe he doesn't even care about you cooking for him. Maybe he just wants to spend as much time with you as possible and just ordering take-out and hanging out together is enough. This saying seriously makes you want to scream, especially if you're a disaster in the kitchen and you don't think that he would appreciate if you made him anything other than cereal.

    6 Your Soulmate Is Out There

    Maybe he is. Maybe he isn't. But you think that you have better things to worry about and focus on than whether your soulmate is out there. It's not that you don't believe in this whole concept and that you don't want to find someone that you care about and can spend the rest of your life with. You totally do. Hey, you're not a total monster. You just don't think that it's healthy or a good idea to actively search for your soulmate, and so when people give you this cliche and cheesy love advice, it bugs you. You don't want to waste time daydreaming about your Prince Charming on a Wednesday afternoon when you have tons of work to do. And you don't want to zone out on dates because you're wondering if this person is finally the one that you're going to walk down the aisle with. You want to just calm down and chill out and see if a connection develops before thinking about these things.

    5 Patience Is A Virtue

    Actually, no. Not at all. Patience is literally the worst thing in the world. If you have never been a patient person and you want things right now, whether you're talking about a new Netflix season of Gilmore Girls or finally meeting a guy that you care about, you can be proud of that. You should never be ashamed of wanting good things in your life as soon as humanly possible. It's okay to have desires and goals and dreams. That's part of what being human is all about. If you can honestly sit back and be patient, then you're not living life to the fullest and that's never a good idea. People always tell you to be patient when you're single because they believe that your love is out there… as long as you can wait for it to happen. But there's nothing wrong with you if you find it difficult to be patient, so don't feel guilty about that. You're literally normal.

    4 It's All About Compromise

    Sure, you totally get that compromise is a good idea in any kind of relationship, whether you are making dinner plans with your best friend, picking a vacation destination with your family or talking about something serious with your boyfriend. You can't have a one-sided relationship and you have to let the other person do the things that he wants. It is honestly a whole give and take thing, and if you are not willing to do that, then you are not mature enough for a relationship. Sorry but it is just the truth. However, you do not think that compromise is the most important thing in a relationship, and so this cliche honestly makes you want to scream. You think that if you are in the right relationship, these things will just happen naturally and you will not have to worry so much about keeping score or what is going on.

    3 You Have To Follow Traditional Timelines

    Oh really? Since when? You don't care about timelines. The truth is that you can't live life according to what other people expect from you and that even goes for the stages of a new relationship. Sure, at a certain point you have The Talk and discuss where things are going and if this is going to be an actual thing. You kind of have to do that or you end up not being able to call him your boyfriend and it gets all kinds of weird and awkward. If you and your boyfriend don't care about following the typical stages, then why do you have to? It doesn't make you any less of a couple. Let's say you guys never want to have kids or get married. Or you want to move in together after two years which most people would claim is way too long to wait. Or you want to move in together after three months because you're just so in love and so in sync and things are going so well. Why can't you do whatever you want and whatever feels right for your relationship?

    2 Valentine's Day Is The Most Important Day Ever

    Valentine's Day is pretty much the cheesiest and most cliche day ever. Is it too harsh to say that you hate it? You don't care. You basically hate it. There is so much pressure and even saying that has become kind of a cliche at this point. You don't want your boyfriend to feel like he has to spend hours on the phone trying to make a reservation at a fancy restaurant or that he has to spend way too much money on flowers and chocolates and candy. You don't think that those things mean that he loves you and that your relationship is going somewhere great. You know that anyway and it has nothing to do with what happens on February 14th. You just hate the whole idea that whatever happens on a certain day matters a lot. It's like when people say that however, you spend New Year's Eve or New Year's Day matters. Nope. You're over this.

    1 You Never Know

    Really? You never know? People often tell you this because they want you to stop being so depressed and miserable about being single. They don't want you to give up trying to find love and a relationship and they honestly want you to keep your chin up and keep going. You understand what they mean in theory. After all, you never know what someone is like before you actually sit across from them and share a drink or a meal and have an actual conversation. This is especially true when it comes to the online dating world. Maybe the person who is writing one sentence replies just hates typing and is really a great conversationalist. You can give him the benefit of the doubt. But the majority of the time, when you go on a date based on the whole "you never know" theory, you are totally disappointed. You can usually tell some red flags from an online chat and that's just the honest truth. It's called being smart in this digital dating world. So to all these people who keep quoting cheesy love cliches to you: it's time to stop, please and thank you.