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    15 Celebs You Had No Idea Got It On

    We all have our favorite celebrity couples, past and present. Maybe you were super obsessed with Justin and Selena (RIP Jelena, you are always dearly missed), or maybe you can't get enough of Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds, or maybe you think that Kim and Kanye are absolutely perfect for each other. But for every popular celebrity relationship today, there are countless odd pairings of celebrity couples past. You might be surprised to see who some of your favorite celebs dated back in the day! The people we think of as perfect matches today may not have realized it if not for all those crazy past relationships. Some of these couples only went on one or two dates, but some of them actually stuck together for years and years. You might be shocked, but in Hollywood, anything can happen. Here are 15 celebrities who you had no idea got it on.

    15 Justin Timberlake and Fergie

    Everyone knows who Justin Timberlake and Fergie are, but not everyone knows that they actually used to date! Back in 1996, the two future pop stars dated for a while, but their relationship pretty much flew under the radar because neither was as famous then as they are today. Now, this one might not seem too weird after all, both celebs have worked in the music industry for years and had tons of pop hits during the early 2000s, so it's only natural that their paths would cross at some point, right? Well, it all seems fine and good until you find out that Fergie was 23 at the time, and Justin was only 16! Seems like Fergie was a bit of a cougar back then, and Justin was probably super flattered by the attention. The two split up long, long ago and there hasn't been any word of a romance since.

    14 Lance Armstrong and Ashley Olsen

    Are you shocked that these two dated? We don't blame you. In fact, Lance Armstrong sometimes seems a bit shocked by it himself. This couple actually faced a ton of scrutiny while they were together, and it's easy to see why first of all, they don't seem to have anything in common, and second of all, there was a pretty big age gap at the time. Lance was 42 and Ashley was 27 when they dated, and while that's totally legal, it also comes off as a bit creepy. The two were spotted leaving a hotel room together in 2007 and kissing outside, but their short-lived fling fizzled out shortly after. Since then, Lance has actually denied that the two of them dated at all, but the photos that the paparazzi snapped don't lie. One of your fave childhood actresses really did date Lance Armstrong for about five minutes, 2007 was weird.

    13 Ryan Gosling and Sandra Bullock

    It's easy to see why these two got together. After all, they're both beautiful. But considering that their relationship only lasted about a year, maybe that was all they had in common. Ryan and Sandra met on the set of the movie Murder by Numbers, and sparks flew between them. The pair began dating in 2002, but they broke up in 2003. They made a cute couple, but maybe they were doomed to failure from the start. After all, Sandra is actually sixteen years older than Ryan! You can't blame her for falling for him, but that's a pretty big age difference, and for many celebrity couples, that's a difficult obstacle to deal with. But when they did break up, Sandra seemed to take it a lot harder than Ryan. She was reportedly absolutely heartbroken by the breakup, and it took her a lot longer to get over the relationship.

    12 Christian Bale and Drew Barrymore

    Okay, maybe this one doesn't count as a real “relationship,” but yes, Christian Bale and Drew Barrymore really did go on a date over twenty years ago. Yup, just one date! Wow, how bad could that have been? Apparently it was bad enough that Drew never called Christian again! The two of them went to see a horror film together, and evidently, things were quite awkward during the date. Drew never called Christian back afterward, and the two went their separate ways. Well, clearly some things are just not meant to last. Maybe Drew just isn't a big fan of horror films some guys seem to think they're a great date idea, but this just proves them wrong. Christian should have waited until he played Batman before he asked her out. That would have been a bit more impressive, and hey, who wouldn't give Batman a call back at the very least?

    11 Tobey Maguire and Rashida Jones

    What!? Spider-Man and Ann Perkins? No way! We don't blame you if you think we're making this one up because very few people knew that they dated as they mostly stayed out of the paparazzi's way while they were together. The two of them actually began dating in 1997 and stayed together for two years, eventually breaking up sometime in 1999. It's pretty hard to imagine, but the 90s in Hollywood was a totally different era. In fact, Tobey was the one to break up with Rashida. He dumped her right before he landed the role of Spider-Man, which would eventually make him a household name. Rashida eventually went on to act in romantic comedies and the hilarious mockumentary sitcom Parks and Recreation as Ann Perkins. Both of them seem to stay out of the tabloids for the most part, so their split was not exactly seen as dramatic.

    10 Ryan Reynolds and Alanis Morissette

    Now, we know that it's physically painful to think of Ryan Reynolds dating anyone besides Blake Lively, but with a face that beautiful, he's never had any trouble picking up the ladies in Hollywood. He was married to Scarlet Johansson previously, and before he married her, he was actually engaged to Alanis Morissette. These days it seems like he's had a thing for blondes for a while, but maybe Alanis broke his heart so badly that he could never go back to brunettes. The two of them began dating in 2002, eventually got engaged, and then ending up splitting in 2007. Five years together is basically an eternity in Hollywood, and these two were reportedly quite happy together. But it's for the best after all, Ryan and Blake were clearly meant to be, and they are now happily married with adorable kids. Even in Hollywood, things work out perfectly in the end.

    9 Leonardo Dicaprio and Naomi Campbell

    Everyone knows that Leonardo Dicaprio has a thing for supermodels. Even as he gets older, he has no problem picking up Victoria's Secret models. He's dated plenty of models over the past few decades, but did you know that at one point, he actually dated Naomi Campbell? Yup, these two were actually together when Leo was pretty young. They got together in 1995, and they were dating until shortly before he landed the life-changing role of Jack in Titanic. Too bad Naomi couldn't work things out, imagine actually dating Leo while every girl on earth wanted to be in your place? But honestly, it seems like these two would not be a good match. For the most part, Leo stays out of the tabloids, but Naomi has been at the center of Hollywood drama plenty of times over the past few years. This was not a match made in Hollywood heaven.

    8 Nick Lachey and Kim Kardashian

    We all know that Kim K has had a string of failed relationships. After all, who could forget that 72-day marriage to Kris Humphries? Now, she is happily married to Kanye West, and they have two adorable kids together, so it seems that she has put her rocky dating days behind her. But we can never forget the relationships she got into before she finally ended up with Kanye. When Kim was first trying to become a household name, she dated a few other famous guys, mainly because she was hoping that she could gain a little publicity by being connecting to their names. One of these guys was Nick Lachey. They briefly dated after Nick divorced Jessica Simpson, and Nick suspects that it was only because Kim wanted to become more famous. He even thinks that she called the paparazzi to ambush one of their dates to end up in the tabloids!

    7 Josh Hutcherson and Vanessa Hudgens

    Awwww, too cute! We all remember that Vanessa Hudgens dated Zac Efron for a while after they starred in the High School Musical movies together, but did you know that at one point, she actually dated Josh Hutcherson? Makes sense they're both adorable, and they were both in films that were super popular amongst young adults. They began dating while they were filming the movie Journey 2: Mysterious Island. However, their short-lived romance didn't even last throughout the entire filming of the movie. Oh, no! Things definitely got a little awkward when they were both doing promotional events for the film after its initial release. Josh was asked about their relationship at one event, and he said that the break up wasn't a big deal and they were able to stay friends. Well, we're not sure how true that is, but we'll give Josh the benefit of the doubt on this one.

    6 Tom Cruise and Cher

    Don't lie, there's no way you could ever picture these two together. But in a weird way, you have to admit that it kind of makes sense. Yes, Tom Cruise is known for being a little on the crazy side (just think about all that weird Scientology nonsense he's involved in), but Cher definitely has a wild side too. For some reason, Tom Cruise and Cher used to have incredible chemistry, despite the sixteen year age difference. Hollywood couples seem to ignore all the normal rules of dating when it comes to age differences, don't they? This pair dated in 1987. At the time, Cher was basically at the peak of her career, but Tom was just finding his feet in the acting world. They were very much in love, and they genuinely cared for each other, even though their relationship did not last very long. Cher says she remembers it fondly.

    5 Shia LaBeouf and Hillary Duff

    So, two Disney channel stars dated, no big deal, right? This duo isn't as odd as some of the other couples on this list, but it's definitely a bit unexpected. The stars of Even Stevens and Lizzie McGuire were crushing on each other for a little while, and somehow, no one really knew that these two had a fling while they were both on Disney channel! Maybe that's because they only went on one real date! Neither will even spill the beans on where they went or what they did. Ouch, must have been pretty awkward. Shia, however, has admitted that it was the worst date that either of them have ever been on! While it's always kind of cute when two Disney stars get together, Hillary is perfectly happy with her husband now, and Shia is, well… probably putting together some weird alternative art piece somewhere. Well, to each their own!

    4 Robert Downey Jr. and Sarah Jessica Parker

    You may know Robert Downey Jr. as Ironman and Sarah Jessica Parker as Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City, but did you know that at one point these two were actually in a serious relationship? They actually dated for a few years back in the 80s, but this was not a very happy relationship. Why? Well, if you're a big fan of RDJ, you may know that he used to have some serious problems with drinking and drugs. This would put a strain on any relationship, and of course, this was a major reason why they did not last. While Sarah Jessica was very upset when RDJ couldn't pull himself together and get clean, he has only positive things to say about her. He says that she was one of the few people who really understood him and made him feel at home when he was hitting rock bottom.

    3 Anthony Kiedis and Heidi Klum

    The lead singer of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Heidi Klum? Seriously? Yup. These were her pre-Seal days, clearly. Anthony and Heidi briefly dated back in 2002. We don't know the reason behind their split, but we bet that Anthony sometimes regrets it, even if they weren't super compatible. After all, Heidi is absolutely gorgeous. The two even took a trip to Australia together, where the paparazzi caught them looking super happy and affectionate together. How romantic! While we don't know what went wrong, we have to assume that Heidi might have had her eye on someone else while they were dating. Shortly after they broke up, she went ahead and got engaged to her former husband, Seal. Well, since they've been divorced for a few years now, maybe Anthony could give her a call but he seems to have always enjoyed the single life, so he probably would never.

    2 Seal and Tyra Banks

    Seems like Seal had his share of odd relationships before Heidi Klum came along. And he clearly had a thing for models before he began dating Heidi! Did you know that Seal actually dated Tyra Banks? This was way back in 1996, so most young people today probably would not remember it. And it should come as no surprise that Seal was actually eleven years older than Tyra at the time. It seems that the reason many of these random celebrity relationships end is because the man tends to chase after a woman who is much younger than him, usually a bad move! Seal and Tyra kept their relationship pretty quiet. They did their best to stay out of the tabloids and far away from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. In fact, even though they dated for a full year, they only went on one date in public the whole time!

    1 Liam Neeson and Helen Mirren

    Out of all the relationships on this list, this one actually seems to make the most sense. Liam Neeson and Helen Mirren are both experienced actors who take their craft very seriously. They have both worked in the industry for a long time, and at times, they have worked on the same movies. In fact, that's how they originally met. They were both cast in the film Excalibur in 1980, and they ended up dating during filming. They actually stayed together for a while. The pair dated from 1980 until 1984, which is basically a whole century in Hollywood time. Apparently, the breakup was quite rough, and it was difficult for both parties. Helen has said that even when they ended their relationship, they still had some love for each other, and this made it very difficult to let go, even though they knew it would be for the best.