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    15 Benefits of A Single Lifestyle (According To Science)

    Okay ladies, this is when we start listening to science. We know science is not a subject that is loved by many people (unless we're talking about a pack of awesome chemistry nerd gals) but this time, science is on our side. Apparently, science has an explanation about the things that baffled us the most when it comes to being single. In fact, it has lots of fun facts and explanations. And no, it's not about that cliché broken heart syndrome. It's about the long list of health benefits of being single. You read that right, ladies. While it's fun to have a partner in life, it's also pretty fun to be single. And beneficial for our health, too! So sit back and relax as we try to consume scientific facts that are, uhm, difficult to consume (because science). Believe it or not, this list of science-backed information will make you fall in love with your single lifestyle.

    15 They're Stronger

    While this study was conducted for female members of the military, it also applies to most single women in general. According to a 2011 study by Dr. Bella DePaulo Ph.D., with over 2000 participants, single women tend to be more resilient. Now isn't that a great fun fact to start with? Since the beginning of time, women have been seen as weak. We're seen as incapable unless we have a man in our lives and as ugly as it sounds, women are considered lesser humans than men in more ways than one. In fact, in some countries, women still get less benefits because of what's in their pants. Or skirts. Well, it's now 2017 and it's the perfect time to acknowledge the fact that women are just as resilient as men, if not more resilient. We're strong and tough and just as capable as the other gender and preferences in this universe and in case some men forget, we can survive without them.

    14 They Have Fewer Things To Worry About

    A 2013 article from Psychology Today discusses whether or not single women have a healthier life. It also dissects the fact that single women have fewer things to worry about because they are the bosses of their life so, well, what's there to worry about? And isn't that what we all want? We all want to live a carefree life where we get stressed out but we don't get super-duper stressed out to the point that we don't want to function anymore. Nope. Nobody likes those days. And we'll do anything to avoid them. Well here's the true fact, ladies. You don't have to be married or be in a relationship to achieve those things. In fact, being single allows you to achieve the less worry lifestyle you've been dreaming of. Life is not perfect, of course, but when you're single, you are likely to find it easier to handle all kinds of worries and stress.

    13 They Exercise More Often

    This is pretty obvious but, in case you need a reminder, single women are more likely to head to the gym often because they have the time. Simple as that. But while it sounds simple, it's not. The thing about exercising is that it's so easy to skip it today and promise you'll do it tomorrow, and by tomorrow you'll skip it again. This cycle never ends and if it does, chances are it's been months already. When you're single, you have lesser priorities in life (at least priorities that are in connection to people in your life.) And that concurrently results to having more time to do the things you know you should do. Like working out. When you are your own boss, you don't need to consider someone else's time or schedule. You just have to think about your own schedule, and adding "daily workout" to that schedule won't be a problem at all.

    12 They're Healthier

    If you research heart disease and marriage, you'll find out that marriage can be the solution to lowering your risk of heart diseases and that being single puts your life at risk. Yeah, right. There's no one-size-fits-all fact about heart problems and relationship status because really, heart disease doesn't really play favorites. But being single means having more time to work out and stay healthy and so we think that translates to lower risks of having heart problems. We're not saying you're safe from this health dilemma but you are lowering your chances of having any health dilemma in general. So go celebrate your single lifestyle. Having someone to love and sleep with may have a long list of health benefits but so does single life. Besides, who would want to be in a relationship just so she can avoid certain health problems, if that's what the internet said… we all want to be in a relationship where we're happy.

    11 They're Less Stressed Financially

    This is probably one of the best science-backed fun facts about being single. According to a debt demographics from Debt.org, only 21% of single people have credit card debt. That's a lot lower compared to the 36% of married couple with children who have credit card debt, and still lower than the 27% of married couple who have no children. Now that sure means less money-related stress. Also, single women tend to have better cash flow because they're only working for themselves and if a woman knows how to take control of her cash, she will never have financial problems. Okay, maybe not never but at least not as major as the monetary dilemmas married couples have to deal with. We're not saying stay single and maintain richness, but if being single means less financial stress, we might consider it. Whatever you choose, know that stress is unavoidable. But you can lessen its chances for sure.

    10 They Have A Stronger Sense Of Self

    This is probably what most adults want. To be able to say “I know myself” and know that you're able to do so many things in life because you're experienced and have learned a lot already. We all want to know our limits and to know that we are strong enough to love, empathize, share, and be generous… but these are all easier said than done. You may be focused on your goal to “get to know yourself more” but the next thing you know, life's distractions has taken control over your life. Dr. Deborah Hecker, author of Who Am I Without My Partner: Post-Divorce Healing and Rediscovering Your Self, noted that “one of the risks of being in a close romantic relationship is that your sense of self can get merged with your partner's, to the extent that you could lose sight of who you really are.” There you have it ladies. If you want to get to know who you really are, staying single is the best way to it.

    9 They Sleep Better

    Sure, sleeping with someone sounds pretty fun. Cuddling, snuggling, planning to go to bed early but ending up doing something else. Yes, we know all about it. But if your partner has a sleeping disorder, sleeps on a different schedule, or just can't stop moving even while he's already in dreamland, you may be in trouble. We're not saying these people are meant to be all alone their entire life but don't expect to have the best sleep every single night if you're with someone else. Of course, you have the option to have separate beds or better yet, separate rooms. But is that really ideal? Most people would say no. This may sound petty but really, think of about the long-term consequences. Besides, science says single people sleep better because they don't have to worry about a partner who may have sleep problems so, isn't that enough for this issue?

    8 They Stick To Their Routines

    This is an obvious one, but just in case, science says single people tend to find it easier to create their own routines and stick with it. And by stick with it, science probably means really, really stick with it. As in for a long time. The thing about having a partner in life is that you always have to consider someone else instead of just yourself. You have to make compromises and make adjustments. If you find it tough to stick to a healthy lifestyle, then this is something that you might find pretty interesting. And believe it or not, a lot of women out there experiencing this. So if you prefer to be your own boss when it comes to your everyday schedule, and you want to be on the side of science, you would definitely consider staying single for life. It's still going to be a fun life, anyway. Because that's what this world is full of, fun and excitement.

    7 They Have Longer-Lasting Friendships

    Don't we all? Apparently not. Come to think of it, when you have a husband, you need to get to know all his friends, and he should know all your friends. And both of you will have a giant group of friends, which will grow and grow and grow until you don't know who that one special person is anymore. That one friend who you call when you're pissed off and it's the middle of the night or when you want to have an impromptu road trip or when you want to plan a small birthday party. In fact, when you're married, there's no such thing as small anymore. Everything is big from family dinners, a simple hang out, and even trips. Your Bestie Number One and Number Two and a long list of people will all come with you no matter how far you travel. But when you're single, you tend to have a closer group of friends, which results to longer-lasting and stronger friendships.

    6 They Are Fitter And Healthier

    Okay ladies, we're not saying married women tend to be fat or should expect to keep gaining weight. We know there are tons of married women out there and even those who have kids but are still fit and healthy. What we're trying to say is that when you're single, you have a much higher chance of staying in shape. You won't find it difficult to exercise, stick to a healthier diet, and so on. A UK poll in 2011 showed that married couples exercise less compared to single people. If you don't believe this, pay closer attention to your diet and workout routine when you're in a serious relationship and compare it to your diet and workout routine when you're single. Chances are, you will further understand why more and more people are choosing to go single for life. After all, being in shape is good for the inside too, not just the outside.

    5 They Have Healthier Relationships

    Aside from having healthier friendships, single people (especially single women) also tend to have better relationships with other people. And by other people, we mean strangers, co-workers, acquaintances working at their regular coffee shop, etc. You get it. Because single people have less stress in life and they are most likely to be in a good mood all the time. Or almost all the time, since there's no such thing as being in good mood all the time. While this doesn't seem to be too important, some people prefer to be forever single because they value relationships with other people instead of focusing on building a strong relationship (and basically a life) with another person. They choose to be closer to their friends and family and to the people around them. They choose to get to know this world (and its citizens) better. And really, that's not too bad of a choice. It depends on you but if you ask us, you might want to think real hard before you say yes to a proposal.

    4 They're Not Lonely

    At some point in our lives, we all feel a little lonely. Sometimes it happens in a snap in the middle of the day. Other times, it happens in between relationships when you realize you've been single for a year now and you have no idea how to cope up with things. Don't worry, this isn't something you should be ashamed of. The thing about loneliness is that it can eat us up and fast. But science says single people tend to have better ways of dealing with loneliness compared to married couples. Unlike married people, when feeling lonely, single ladies don't lock themselves in a room and whine about how their partner sucks, because, well, there is no partner in the first place. Instead, they invest in relationships towards others like their friends and family. And the next thing they know, they're not feeling lonely anymore. Sounds like it's easy to do but just like most things, this is easier said than done. Unless you are single, that is.

    3 They Take Control Of Their Happiness

    If there's one thing that most single individuals experience, that would be being stigmatized. They are branded as lonely people because the world does not understand the beauty of being single. But these people also know how to handle being stigmatized. Sure, they get affected by it. They're only human, after all. But then they get over it. Because single people are pros when it comes to being in control of their happiness. And it's not their thing to let other people, events or things take control of their happiness. This rarely happens to married couples. When sad or pissed off, they expect their partners to comfort them and be their shoulder to cry on and all that stuff. But for single people, they can rise from the pool of tears and negative emotions anytime they want. They know when it's time to move on and leave sadness behind. And believe it or not, this is not easy to do at all.

    2 They're Less Materialistic

    If you think single people are materialistic because they can spend all their money on themselves, think again. Aside from the fact that single people tend to have more passion for their jobs instead of focusing on the paycheck, they also tend to be less materialistic and more focused on experiences. They value the things that are intangible, relationships with other people (especially family), exploring (which is why there are lots of single-for-life nomads) and so on. These people know the importance of earning money from doing what you love and making wise decisions about what to do with your money. Most married couples are fixated on material things like cars, houses, home renovations and things they can brag about. Which if you think about is pretty normal, since you have to build this whole new life with someone! But all these things are basically you know, things they can show off to other people. Ugh. For single people, less is definitely more.

    1 They Don't Care What You Think

    The best part about being single for life is that you do not care what other people think. Of course, like any human being with feelings, you get affected sometimes, but compared to married people, science has discovered that those who live single tend to care less about the gossip and whispers and chitchat around them. What they care about is their happiness, their work, and their lifestyle. Basically, all the important things everyone should learn to care about and focus on. So if you think being single forever sucks, think again. Clearly, these people know how to have fun and how to value life. Of course, married people also have their share of fun and valuing of experiences, but it is different when you are single. And chances are, you will find this kind of lifestyle a lot better. So what do you think? Can you handle being single?