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    14 Ridiculous Reasons I Stopped Talking To My BFF

    Best friends are like family. They understand you even better than you understand yourself. They have a sixth sense that lets them know something's up and immediately know how to comfort you, sometimes even better than your significant other ever could. Over the years, you end up sharing the most intimate details of your lives, even those that most people would find completely gross or way too “TMI” to say the least. You do everything together, even go on to record a reality show with your bestie, like Paris Hilton and Nichole Richie did in the good old days where they couldn't seem to go anywhere without the other one.

    While some people might feel you hang out too much and you love to hide in your perfect little bubble of inner jokes, weird stories of ex-boyfriends, and crazy secrets you wouldn't tell anyone else, you don't care because you know that what you two have is unique. In a way, you feel like you've bonded for life. And while you do feel like you're both “sisters from another mister,” nothing's stopping you (or her!) from deciding to break things off… even for the silliest of reasons. Now I have to admit that some of the reasons why I stopped talking to my BFFs were rather immature, (hey, we all get to grow up and learn from our mistakes!) but you'll find that other people have decided to ditch their BFFs for reasons that'll most likely make you spit your morning coffee. No, really!

    14 She Made Me Feel Fat So I Pushed “Little Miss Perfect Hair And On Point Body” Away

    I'll be the first to say it: I was so lame. It was a totally and utterly pathetic move on my part, I know. But I swear there's a reason why I had to get away from her. First of all, I was overweight, and heavily so. I was a teen and I had zero knowledge of what carbs and sitting on the couch would do to your self-esteem and your overall health. But instead of getting rid of my eating habits, I decided to push away the people that reminded me of everything I was lacking. I stopped talking to my beautiful, healthy, skinny, adorable friend who seemed to have it all, even banging clothes to go with her sassy attitude. Still, now I know for sure that there's room for everyone and we're all incredible in our own ways. Self-esteem does a body good, I'll tell you that much!

    13 She Stopped Talking To Her Bestie Because He Couldn't Keep It Down

    Sometimes you drift apart because one of you is too immature to deal with their own inner issues, or you're both on a different page. Sometimes you simply fall apart because of the distance, or due to life's twists and turns, and ups and downs. But other times, you're completely justified to want to run for the hills, change your passwords, name, and rethink your life. Most teenagers and adults looove to talk about getting physical, but some people simply can't handle the “hard” facts, (pun intended.) It's not like you were trying to turn him on, but some people can't fight the feeling. In all seriousness, it really does tell you a lot about your friends' maturity level when they can't talk about anything related to it without getting turned on hard, (visibly) or giggle like a kid. Next time, find a gay friend. At least he won't get turned on by you!

    12 I Was Jealous Of How Much Fun She Had With Her Other Friends

    I get the feeling that most people are with me on this one. Petty? Yes. Completely justified because I was a teenager? Sort of! It's not like you're 100% aware of your actions when you're that young, but back then, I acted on impulse, and I thought I was completely justified in feeling like she was choosing other people over me. Seeing her having the time of her life while hanging out with this group of fun friends who seemed to come out of a cheesy girl movie made me green with envy. Instead of stepping up and changing our plans, joining them on their fun trips and get togethers, or coming up with different activities for us to do, I let it get to me and ended up drifting away from the one friend who, according to my teenage self, “betrayed” and “used me until she found a better group of friends.” Yup, lame. I was so, so lame.

    11 We stopped talking because he saw me as a womb

    Some people, like myself, have chosen very petty and silly reasons to drive a friend away in the past, while others were completely justified in wanting them to get lost forever and as far away from their wombs as possible. We all look for a friend to walk next to us, to grow, to share our lives with, to go on road trips together, to get angry at each other's bosses when one of us is having a rough time. We want to feel loved and appreciated, but we also want to have a friend to share everything with. Well, almost everything! Some things, like the possibility of having children, are reserved for someone else, most likely a significant other. Unless you're both heading towards the same romantic destination, you should refrain from making a pass at your best friend, or, you know… ask her to bare your children. Eww!

    10 I Let My BFF Go Because Guys Thought She Was The Cute One

    Again, ex bullied fat teen here with a quirky sense of humor, a passion for fashion, dark humor jokes, silly dad jokes, and puns used to wonder why other teenagers found "Little miss thing" so attractive and not me. While being obese, plus-sized, or overweight is in no way good enough reason to believe boys will not be attracted to you, (they are!) the 90s was a complicated era. Not only were body standards completely different than they are today, (you either looked like Britney Spears or Jennifer Lopez. There was no in between) but people, in general, were extremely judgmental, particularly when you'd prefer to stay inside, painting and drawing, instead of hooking up, going to parties and dancing like most teenagers. She was popular, well-liked and one of the hottest girls in my class. We talked about everything, but when I started to realize guys would forever compare me to her, I realized I'd always end up losing… or at least that's how it used to feel for me.

    9 Your Birthday suit was no longer an appropriate attire

    Sure dude, this is toootally normal! Relationships are like ice cream flavors. They're so varied; everyone gets to choose what they want. So if you and your bestie have the kind of relationship that entails sexy nude photos coming and going in your chats with no strings attached, who are we to judge? Talking and handling physical attraction between friends is pretty mature, particularly when there are boundaries. If you can handle an honest, transparent relationship with your bff where you discuss your desired feelings, and show off your bodies, then I say, go for it! Now when your so-called “bff” does no longer want to show you his/her birthday suit, it's time to get a new best friend. If they cared about you, they'd send you nude pics, everyone knows this. It's the basis of a healthy relationship between friends. Without any nudes, what's there for us to do? Talk about life? Support one another? Have a blast together, or giggle at our inner jokes? Do I need to keep being sarcastic or did I make my point?

    8 I once let a BFF go when I realized I was allergic to his cat

    Sometimes, relationships bring out the best of us. They teach us how to be honest, frontal, how to deal with heartbreak and allow you to view other human beings as potential family members. Often times, they offer validation, as you see yourself through your buddy's eyes, and realize just how worthy you are as a human being, boosting your self-esteem and overall health in the process. You adopted their flaws, their sense of humor, and their charisma, but you never expect to adopt your friend's cat's hairs that are stuck to everything your bestie wears and get transferred to you every time you meet or even when you hug. He may have been really cool, and a nice friend to have in your circle, but asking him to change clothes every time you meet because you're deathly allergic to his cat seems like too much work. Plus, he probably would've thought you were lying.

    7 While Other Folks Could Only Talk About One Thing: Mexican Telenovelas

    There is nothing wrong with watching your occasional telenovela or guilty-pleasure reality show. We all know there is nothing more relaxing than watching the Kardashians cry while fake fighting on-screen while you sip on some tea, a glass of wine, or munch on deep-fried snacks you know you should not be eating. But some friends simply get way too lost in the fantasy world of soap operas and cannot have a regular conversation that does not revolve around TV, celebrities, or horrible, lacking plots. Some of us simply need to talk about life, intimacy, relationships, ideas, or even politics. What can you discuss about a poorly-written soap opera where the main character dies every two weeks, some random persona fake dies in a car crash, or the romantic interest gets a brain transplant after inheriting a million dollars from his long lost uncle? Seriously, variety is the spice of life.

    6 I stopped talking to my BFF because she didn't like one of my social media posts

    Not particularly proud of this one, but back when I was younger, in a world where social media etiquette was still a “thing,” not "liking" a person's photo or vacation album on Facebook felt like superficial betrayal and a declaration of online war. While you're not forced to interact on social media, it did grind my gears to watch my ex bff like, share, and interact with everyone but me. Add the fact that I was younger and actually cared too much about these superficial issues, and you have a recipe for disaster. I hate to admit that I had to let this kid go for the silliest of reasons. In my defense, she liked, retweeted, and commented on every single post her other friends were sharing. She simply chose to ignore mine, and damn it, my posts were hilarious, or so I thought. So I ridiculously “unliked” her and hit “unsubscribe” from our friendship forever.

    5 Other Friends Smelled Something Fishy And Had To Go

    While I'm sure this person was a lovely human being, for her friend, perhaps, she was a bit too human and couldn't take the heat. Some people have health issues that cause them to be bloated and they simply cannot avoid “letting go” when they shouldn't. Other people are on meds that cause them to have an upset stomach and they cannot hold it in either. Others simply do not care enough about it that much and take it as nothing but your body's natural reaction. Her friend could've sprayed some perfume around or ignored everyone's petulant accusations, sure. But in the end, her departure wound up making her come out smelling like a bed of roses. After she left, it must've been clear who the real culprit was, as the smell was probably hanging out with them every time they went out or got together. You don't need Nancy Drew to figure this one out!

    4 He didn't believe in science, only chakras and ghosts 

    No one can judge you for your beliefs, and it's incredibly positive for your development to be surrounded by a diverse group of people. It also helps to know about other people's cultures, religion, or personal beliefs. They add perspective and help you define your own beliefs. While he may have had his reasons for believing in other worlds, chakras, energy, and even moving things with his mind (yeah, for real! He confessed it to me at Burger King,) I couldn't get over the fact that he sounded like a three-year-old trying to explain the world to me. In my defense, this guy wasn't just claiming there were two types of energies, positive and negative, but he was also implying that by riding the crazy train to Nirvana, you would one day be able to move things with your mind. I'm open minded but I think this guy was the straw that broke the camel's back.

    3 Stopped Messaging My Friend When She Told Me Wearing Makeup Is Fake

    I frowned at her with my perfectly contoured face, fierce winged eyeliner that was blacker than my soul, and bright highlighted cheeks you could see from space when she confessed she hated people who wore makeup. Ok, she didn't exactly say she “hated them” but hated the idea of putting makeup on your face. That alone would've been totally fine, to each their own, as I celebrate her disliking the ritual in the first place, but her motives behind the hatred were enough for me to say “Bye, bye, bye.” She claimed that “women wore makeup to impress boys, or because they hate themselves. They dislike their natural beauty and are ashamed of their looks.” I almost clutched my 160 MAC lipsticks in disbelief! I carefully tried to explain how wearing makeup is good for the soul, does wonders for your self-esteem, and is a very personal decision, so generalizing was a huge NO NO in my world, and she simply said she preferred “natural beauty,” while at the same time, booking a surgeon for the boob operation she was having in the upcoming months.

    2 She Stopped Talking To Her Bestie Because She Didn't Want To Shop

    Before we get all judgmental, let's explore the context, shall we? What kind of mall was she looking to go? Was it an ugly discount mall by the side of the road? Did it have A.C. and flattering light? Is there a Forever 21 store or a Victoria's Secret? It's all in the details, baby! All kidding aside, while this confession sounds like there's no depth and no layers to this girl, you do have to admit that her decision to split from her bestie isn't so shocking. Don't let the activity fool you! None of us want to hang out with people we have nothing in common with, even if what you have in common with someone sounds ridiculous to the rest of the world. The truth is, if you're into sports, you may eventually stop hanging out with your BFF who'd rather spend an entire afternoon stuck on the couch, eating and watching movies. You will, however, get closer to those wannabe athletes that have the same passion as you. Eventually, you drift off.

    1 Other Friends Drift Away Because They're Part Of a “Cult”

    Yes, a “cult.” Being hilarious, understanding double entendres, play on words and puns, all while enjoying witty social commentary could nowadays be considered a “cult.” Sadly, most people rely on superficial friendship and settle for discussions of how insanely hot the weather has been this summer, or what they had for lunch. Not everyone feels comfortable discussing intimacy, life, racism, or society's very confusing ways. Some people need more substance and depth to their conversations, and sometimes want to “let go” of the strings that tie us to political correctness. That's why they rely on TV shows like South Park, Family Guy, and The Simpsons to tackle these issues, even if it gets ridiculously offensive, or requires a certain degree of sarcasm. The truth of the matter is that some people have the sense of humor of a rock, so it's easy to see why this bestie got the chop. To each their own, I guess!