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    14 Reasons Why Men Lose Interest

    Sometimes, we think that things are going really well with a guy, only to eventually find out that things weren't as good as they seemed on the surface. It can be really heartbreaking when this happens. One minute, you two are hanging out, having a great time, and texting all night and day. The next, he's completely freezing you out, and you have no idea why. Or maybe he doesn't totally ghost you, but he tells you that he's just not into you anymore. You're left confused and alone, wondering what the heck happened. Was it something you said? Was it something you did? Whose fault is it that things ended? Is there anything you could have done to fix it, or was it a hopeless idea from the start? We might not be able to read a guy's mind and figure out why he gave up, but here are 15 possibilities.

    14 You have different values

    When you first meet a guy, you only get a small picture of his personality. You don't know everything about him just yet, and he doesn't know much about you, either. But you might feel like you have a few things in common, so you give it a try. As time goes on, though, one of you or both of you might realize that you actually value completely different things, and therefore, you're just not compatible. It's no fun, but it does happen pretty often. We build up an idea of who someone is in our heads before we really get to know them, and then we're disappointed when they reveal who they really are. So if a guy realizes that you actually care about completely different things, and your views on life are just not on the same page, he'll probably slowly begin to lose interest, even if you have fun hanging out.

    13 He has too much on his plate

    Young people these days have a lot going on. Our schedules are packed, we're always running around like crazy, and some days it feels like we barely have a spare minute to breath. It's exhausting, right? In between all our commitments, sometimes it can be hard to maintain a social life let alone a relationship. In fact, the idea of even casually dating someone when you're super busy can just seem like way too much. So if the guy you were talking to constantly seemed like he was on the go, that might be a major reason why he lost interest. If he already has a ton of responsibilities, he might feel like he has more important things to focus on than getting into a relationship. Besides, it's for the best you want a guy who can spend plenty of time with you without stressing out about his schedule all the time!

    12 He doesn't want a relationship

    Look, a lot of guys these days just don't want a relationship at all. Sure, it's sad, and yeah, they're missing out. But there's really not much that us girls can do about it. We just have to look for another guy who actually wants a commitment and yes, they're definitely out there, so don't lose hope! But if a guy suddenly loses interest, it might be because he knows that you want to be in an actual relationship and he's just not into the idea. Let's face it, some people aren't cut out for relationships anyway, so most of the time, this is for the best. Even if it's no fun to go through, you need to find someone who values the same level of commitment that you do. And yes, there are still plenty of fish in the relationship sea, you just have to be patient, and you will find one!

    11 He met someone else

    Okay, this scenario really hurts. This is the reason girls have trust issues. You meet a guy, you hit it off, things are going great! You're happy hanging out with him and sure, you haven't put a label on it yet, but that's not a big deal to you isn't that just how things go these days, anyway? But suddenly, he's not answering your texts, and you even tried calling him but he didn't pick up. You used to chill every weekend, but now he's just nowhere to be found. Then one day, you're scrolling through Instagram when you realize what happened, a picture of him comes up with his arms around another girl, and you're heartbroken. Sometimes, a guy disappears because he meets another girl. It's so difficult to accept, but in this case, the best thing to do is do everything in your power to move on don't dwell on this guy.

    10 He's actually into your friend

    So, we've established that a guy might ghost you because he meets another girl that he likes better. And maybe this girl is a total stranger. Or maybe it's a girl that you've had a class with in the past, or who you've seen a couple times in the hallways at school. But what if it's someone who you actually know pretty well? What if he's… into one of your friends? This is definitely a worst case scenario, and you shouldn't wish it on your worst enemy. When a guy starts ditching you because he likes your friend instead, it feels like your whole world is turned upside down. But the truth of the matter is that a good friend won't go for a guy that she knows you really like. If this happens to you, the best thing for your friendship is for both of you to just leave him behind.

    9 He can't accept your flaws

    When you meet a guy for the first time, you try to give a great first impression. You're fun, you're flirty, you look adorable in your favorite sundress, the whole deal. But as time goes on, you reveal deeper parts of yourself. You tell each other about your dreams, your hopes, your fears. You talk about difficult situations from your past. If you really trust him, you might even tell him things that you've never told anyone before. You might really open up to a guy who you like only for him to stop calling. Some guys decide they can't handle your flaws, so they basically run away. It's very childish and immature. no girl is perfect, and every girl has her own flaws. That doesn't make you a bad person, and it doesn't mean that no guy will ever accept you as you are. Be patient and trusting, and you'll find the right guy.

    8 He's trying to impress his friends

    Sometimes, a guy will do things that are not in his best interest just because he is trying to impress his friends. To be fair, girls will do this too. But for some reason, guys seem to go out of their way to look cool in front of their friends more often. And of course, who ends up getting hurt by this? Girls! Not fair, is it? If a guy's friends think he's acting “whipped,” he might blow you off in order to prove something to them. It's so stupid. Why would you blow off a girl that you actually like in order to impress your group of guy friends? If a guy does this to you, you're definitely better off getting rid of him. Just cut him out of your life. You do not need any of those childish games. You deserve someone who is more mature and understanding.

    7 He misses his ex

    If a guy has ever used you as a rebound, you know this feeling well. You meet someone who says he's been hurt before, but now he's finally ready to try again. He says that his ex broke his heart, but he's ready to move on. And you're ready to be a better girlfriend than his ex ever was. But then, it happens, she sees him happy with someone else, and she starts popping up everywhere. Suddenly, you notice that he's texting her again, and her name is all over his social media accounts. One day, he finally breaks down and tells the truth he misses her, and he wants to try to get back together with her. It can feel like a slap in the face, but everyone takes their own time to move on. You can't just force someone to get over someone else it's just one of life's hard truths.

    6 He's scared of commitment

    Many people these days are scared of commitment, guys and girls alike. “Hook up culture” is popular now. Many people don't want a relationship. They don't want to label someone as their boyfriend or girlfriend they want to do their own thing and hook up with whoever they please. This is probably not the healthiest approach to relationships, but whether we like it or not, this is what's popular right now especially if you're young. This generation does not seem to take dating very seriously. If a guy senses that things are actually getting serious between you two, and he doesn't think he's ready for it, he might just back off completely. And he may never give you a good explanation why, other than “I'm just not looking for anything serious right now.” This is a situation that most girls will run into in the world of modern dating, and it can be very frustrating.

    5 You came on too strong

    Some people like to take the whole “dating” thing pretty slow. They meet someone, and they become friends. They enjoy hanging out, talking, and getting to know each other as friends, and then maybe in the future, they'll want to take it a step further. But for the most part, they take things as they come, and they don't try to rush into a relationship just because someone is cute or funny. If you meet a guy like this, and you come on pretty strong, he'll probably get a little freaked out. Don't feel bad you just need to meet someone who feels the same way that you do! It might be disappointing to figure out that your honesty or your strong emotions were a turnoff for a guy that you liked, but it's not the end of the world you'll eventually find someone who approaches relationships the way that you do.

    4 His friends don't like you

    If a guy's friends don't like you, you're in deep trouble. We may think that girls are the only ones who spend a lot of time talking about guys and relationships when there are no guys around, but that's actually not true. Guys do spend a decent amount of time talking about girls. And yes, this includes girls who their friends are dating. So if you've been seeing a guy, there's a good chance that your name has come up amongst his friend group a few times. And if they don't like you, they'll probably be brutally honest with him about it. So if you thought that things were going well with a guy and he drops off the face of the earth, ask yourself what did his friends think of you? How did they act when you were around? If it seemed like they didn't like you, there's your answer.

    3 He just got bored

    Let's face it, it seems like everyone gets bored easily these days, Back in our grandparents' generation, people would get married young and stick with one person for life! Imagine being married for 50 years? Nowadays, guys will just text you at 3 a.m., expect you to come over, and think that this counts as romance. How disappointing. Yes, girls get bored with guys easily these days, but it really seems like guys are usually the first to get fed up or frustrated and dump a girl because of it. Some guys don't know how to commit to one girl and treat her right. They think that a string of hook ups will make them happier than one happy relationship, so they ditch girls who would be good girlfriend material. Look, this mistake is on them eventually, most of these guys will grow up and realize how wrong they were about relationships.

    2 You hurt him in some way

    We usually like to think that we're not at fault for the problems that occur in our relationships. It's much easier to push the blame off on someone else, right? So we would rather blame the guy that we've been talking to for problems that crop up. He wasn't being attentive enough. He was expecting too much. He didn't ask me how my day was going, and I felt ignored. Things like that. But the truth is that when problems start popping up, you have to take responsibility for your own actions. Were you rude to him at a time when he was trying to work things out calmly? Were you being bratty towards him because you were taking out your anger about another problem in your life? Did you ignore him at a time when he really needed you? If your answer is yes, you might have hurt his feelings.

    1 You're not mature enough for him

    Sometimes, we fall in love with people who are at a different place in their lives than we are. Maybe he's starting college, but you haven't graduated high school yet. Maybe he just got his first real job, but you're still finishing up your degree. Maybe he moved out when he was eighteen, but you're still in your twenties and living with your parents. Of course, this does not stop us from having feelings for a person, but it can definitely make things complicated. The important thing to consider is your maturity levels. If you have very little life experience, but he's been building his career, he might want to be with someone else on that level. It's not a good situation. If a guy does not think you're mature enough for him, he might try to let you down easily, but eventually, he will probably end up losing interest in you.