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    14 Hairstyles That Should Never Have Been

    Hair is an extension of self. It's a way to express ourselves if we can't do it with a canvas and paints, with pencil and paper, or with any other artistic medium. For many people, fashion is the only place they can express themselves for they feel that being creative in other areas of life isn't for them; or they might not feel that they are artists at heart. The average person expresses themselves in clothing, shoes, and hairstyles. Women are notorious for changing hairstyles like the wind. It's so easy these days, too. With beauty supply stores that give us all the colors of the rainbow, extensions, and wigs; with salons pushing the envelope further and further each time. Modern woman tells the world who she is by her hairstyle; it places her in certain camps. There are the hippies, the rockers, the emos, the grunge, the romantic, the tomboy, the classic; just to name a few. The list goes on and on. Hairstyles connect women to each other, too. It's like saying, You're a part of my crew, let's be friends. Hairstyles allow others to identify us. But that's not all that defines us. We are complex, remember; we are multi-layered. That being said, there are some styles that are very particular. Perhaps they should never exist in the first place, but they do. Somebody felt strongly enough about something in order to create these hairstyles. Check them out, but be warned these styles are out there, like far-far out there. To each their own, I guess.

    14 Neon Rainbow

    Ok, maybe this isn't so bad, but it's hard on the eyes, there's no denying that. Colors are all the way back. But the angle on this is all wrong. We're not going for neon, but soft pastels that conjure magical moments and mythical forest creatures. Any sherbet color is suitable and should be approached with caution as bleaching is a serious undertaking and should not be done without consulting a professional; or at the very least, some very extensive research. This neon is very 1980s which is retro and back in style, however, not for hair and not at this level. It's a bit over the top, although the rainbow concept is delightful, it can be hard to get a good look at this painted beauty for fear that the eyes will be singed. There's another trend which is glow-in-the-dark hair which is equally as eye boggling. Remember, go for pastels, colors that remind us of My Little Pony. This Rainbow Brite style should stay in the 80s where it belongs.

    13 Beyond Avant-Garde

    Here are some artistic hairstyles, cuts, and colors that conjure feelings of art galleries and very experimental artistic movements. Think impressionism, surrealism, and contemporary art and that's what you've got here. Yet, the canvas has been replaced with hair which isn't so bad, but these have taken artistic hair to new heights. It's not that they are ugly or even hideous. They are, in fact, artistic, however, they are not practical. That does not mean that all hairstyles must or should be practical, but there should be some semblance of balance. These are asymmetrical which was cool in the first decade of the 2000s, but now, things have taken a turn. Such hairstyles require upkeep and the modern woman just doesn't have time for such extravagance or color maintenance. It's best to leave these styles behind or for the runway.

    12 Veggie Delight

    We all love our veggies, right? Well, if you don't, you should. Veggies are full of fiber and vitamins and they keep your heart and brain healthy and function on high vibrations. Veggies are the best. However, and I repeat, however, no matter how much you love a vegetable, it seems a bit too bizarre to don it in a hairstyle. Sure, a t-shirt will do, but this is taking veggie love to another dimension. Clearly, though, someone is creative af to even consider such a style, so for that the hairstylist or the wearer gets some credit. But overall, this is a look that is very specific and should not be chosen for any occasion. I can see using this hairstyle if one works at a vegan restaurant, a bunny farm, or any number of locations where there are no judgments and veggie love abounds.

    11 Hands-off or Hands-on

    Let's not deny the fact that Asians be doing some crazy things. And not just with hair. They have invented the square watermelon and the white strawberry; they have time on their hands and they are wasting it on inventions that do not serve a real purpose. With all those brains and all that time to research, they could be solving world hunger or finding cures or inventing a gene that eradicates hatred, but no -they are inventing craziness and this hairstyle is just another example of the lengths they will go to. They want to be the first in many things and here's a first. This hairstyle. Not sure what sparked such an idea, but it's here. It exists in our world. So observe it, study it, stare at it even, but whatever you do, please, do not imitate this look. How does one even sleep with such a style? I shudder to think of all the sleepless nights one must endure just for a silly hairstyle.

    10 Tomato Head

    Here we go again. Veggie love on full demand; but remember tomatoes aren't vegetable, they are fruit. The seeds are the give away. Unless one is committed to a lifestyle, this look should not be attempted. It is highly specialized, as specialized as the creator. The reason this hairstyle, color and cut go too far is that it's almost impossible to see the full effect unless the wearer bends down her head or unless everyone is taller than she is. It's artistic, sure, whatever you say. It is, sort of. But I don't see investing so much time, money, and effort into a style that is not really even a style in the first place. This is very much like the pineapple do that's been floating around the internet. Most of these hairstyles look like they were created out of sheer boredom or a true love obsession with fruits and veg.

    9 Shine Bright like a Diamond

    So you want to bald. That's cool. Go for it. Bald women are beautiful. I know, I've had many friends who went bald and they were and are stunning. It takes a special woman to pull off the bald look, so if that's you, run with it, run all the way to the mountains and the hills and scream your beautiful bald head off and then rest, vibrate in your splendor, dear. However, what you should not ever do it decide to glue mirrors to your baldhead and swear it's a real look. This is for the runway, no doubt; and that's where it should stay. This is for theatre or the circus, but this is not for everyday life. Nope, sorry. This is taking things too far and even Rihanna, who apparently loves diamonds, would not approve of this hairstyle.

    8 The Slinky Do

    Lord almighty and baby Jesus, this is quite a look. It's a look that's been pulled from the dreams of an alien, the trippings of a hippie, from drugs of a druggie. So you love yarn dreads and The Slinky, you say. Well, girl, go ahead and make that into an entire hairstyle. Whoever invented this look, and it surely wasn't this chick, was high on drugs or maybe just life. Many of these bizarre styles have their roots in African hairstyles that other cultures, namely white culture, has taken, eh hem stolen, to make their own versions of the same style. This one has gone too far and whatever the cost, it was not worth it. The weight of such a hairstyle must be awfully heavy, however sleeping might not be such a challenge with a built-in pillow already attached to the head. This sewn-in look should be sewn-out.

    7 The New School Mullet

    Did you hear that mullets are back in style? Girl, anything and everything from the 80s and 90s is on and popping. And with those styles coming back, there's also the possibility to reinvent them to make them truly your own. Hence, this chick in this photo with her Goth mullet that was almost a baldhead, but she wasn't ready to let go of her dreads. It's called a new school mullet, but you can call it whatever you want because it really is so many things at the same time. Talk about an innovative look, talk about a daring attitude, talk about giving negative zero f*#$s. While this does take a special attitude, it doesn't give you special powers; and it might take away any special treatment you get at work or anywhere else. Society is cruel, it will be even crueler should you decide to go for this look. You've been advised.

    6 Easter Basket Surprise

    So you wannna take a holiday and turn it into a hairstyle. You can do that. You can totally do that. And there are places that specialize in such looks. But I'm not recommending you do it. You might wanna do it for the kids, but what happens when the kids gotta go back to school or go to bed. You'll be left with this little do all by your lonesome. Is that what you want? Is that how you envision your life, sitting around with an Easter basket on your head? This has taken weaves to a new dimension and there is should stay and not return to planet Earth. There are other imitations of such a look that give respect to one's favorite snack or candy bar. No matter how much you love a holiday or a packaged food, you should not turn any of them into a legitimate hairstyle. That is legit cray and that is legit wasting your money. Holidays are capitalist concepts and not hairstyles.

    5 The Mullet Party

    You wanna have a party you say? But you're not willing to give up the business part of yourself. You know the saying about mullets, right; business in the front, party in the back. This is what it's all about and if you're about that life, then this hairstyle is for you. Should you really consider this look, consider the stares and giggles, the points fingers, the judgements. As long as you're prepared for all of that, then you're prepared for the mullet. This one took the mullet and flipped it upside down by applying a perm to the front. This is then semi-business or playful business or creative entrepreneur -it is not full business which is good news for those who are less of the suit and tie and more of the Hawaiian shirt, casual Friday personality.

    4 Over the Top Goth

    Goth is a look that overall captures the attention of any bystander. That's just the way goth rolls. It's dark and spooky and lots of sadness in your face. How can you not notice it? It's that emo slash punk slash poet. It's impossible to look away once you've got a glimpse. It's like seeing a mythical creature in person, face-to-face; and you feel like you've been touched by the goth faeries. While The Cure and even Marilyn Manson are the gods of goth, there are some looks that might offend even them. Actually, that's not true. They wouldn't even care. But this is a bold look. And it's a lot of hair. Scene hair, while once popular, doesn't go out of style because goths never die because they are already dead and you can't question what ghosts do in public or private because that would be so very un-goth of you.

    3 The Single Dread

    You went for dreads, cool. Dreads are a popular look that has been, again, taken from traditional African roots. It's less about race than culture, although some would disagree; and those who chose to go for dreads have their personal reasons for doing so. We are not here to judge. If you want to get all dread-like-rasta, then that's your prerogative. No doubt, it's a commitment, but in the end those who chose dreadlocks are happy that they did. The matting of dreads concerns those who are new to the game, but should you just not care and want your dreads to be completely naturally, be prepared for the massive matted dread that could form under the pressure of your body. She seems fine with it, so maybe you will be, too. But at the end of the day, this one-piece dread cannot be easy to manage for so many reasons, for so, so many reasons.

    2 The Built-in Veil

    You're planning a wedding. Or you're planning an 80s themed party. Well, guess what, you can chose this look for both. The veiled, crimped rolly-do can be yours if you're feeling adventurous and a bit like a lunatic. Who created this? Like who sat down and said this goes with that or that goes with this? This is from the mind of some mad scientist and starving artist; it's from the mind of many. Whatever mind it comes from, it should not then be reproduced on your own head. Talk about getting looks on the street. Even you will be inclined to look at yourself for long periods of time should you ever be so daring as to wear this look. From where this comes from may it return. May this hairstyle rest in peace and never to be conjured by even the best of witches.

    1 The 3-in-1 Attention Grabber

    You like attention. Girl, who doesn't. And you think you're not getting enough. Well, here's a look that will give you that and more. This hairstyle is that and more. It's a combination of three styles that should not be used in this format, ever. It's the asymmetrical look or the side-head shave. This is cute. It really is; and it's punk rock and still let's a girl keep the length of her hair. It's the colored-hair craze. And while the 90s grunge look is in, this bright color not so much. It's the Dennis Rodman. That was his style and will forever be his style and no one else will be able to rock it like he did. So mixing all those three together on a single head, well, it's dangerous. Be careful when combining looks because not all things should be and can be put together. It's a staple fashion rule. But again, rules are meant to be broken. Do what you want, girl.