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    14 Emojis You've Been Using All Wrong

    Who doesn't love emojis? We spend 99% of our time on our cell phones and 98% of that time is spent sending text messages that are riddled with smileys, hearts, and dancing bunnies. Yes words are necessary and all but I think if the world could just speak in symbols we probably would, but now that I think about it, sign language already does that, so maybe scratch that idea. Emoji usage has become the way of the world, so important to mankind that if you're not using an emoji no one will understand what you're even trying to say. There are hundreds of emojis out there and even though this generation is the master of the emoji, do we really know what each one means? Using emojis can be great but there is a minor issue. The problem with our abundant emoji usage is that there are several emojis being used the wrong way. We've all seen emojis that none of us are even sure about. Do you really know what you're saying to your bestie? What about that text you just sent to your crush. Using emojis the wrong way is the real definition of a bad texter. Don't be that girl, here is a list of 14 of the most miss used emojis.

    14 Bunny Ears And Leotards

    Everyone loves using the two girls with bunny ears emoji but does anyone know how to use it correctly? The two girls are representing a fun and lively night symbolizing friendship and camaraderie. Why bunny ears and leotards? It literally could've been any other animal. But sources say that the bunny ears date back to the beginning of the playboy bunny era. These playboy bunnies are known in Japan as bunny girls, which is usually an attractive girl who wears bunny ears. However, these emojis have no sexual connotations currently so don't worry about what you might be saying with this one. These girls are all in pure fun. They're partying and having a good time, something we all can relate to, nothing wrong with that. Please don't kill their vibe.

    13 Girl With Tip

    One of my personal favorites is the girl with her hand raised with palms facing out and up at her side. I have seen this emoji used thousands of times but I don't think anyone quite knows what it means. So I took the liberty of looking it up. And she is also known as the tipping emoji indicative of someone offering a tip. She is a female information desk. So putting her at the end or the beginning of your text only signifies that either you really know your stuff or you're about to drop some serious knowledge. She doesn't have to always be loaded with book smarts though; she's there for offering any sort of advice or suggestion that may be of help to someone in need. So if you're always right and you know it then you want to make this one your best friend.

    12 Licking Lips Smiley

    Have you ever had someone tell you that they just got home and are ready for something hot, then send you a smiley with the tongue licking its own lips? The politically correct response would be to say 'that's kinky and inappropriate and I don't get down like that', but the real truth is that this emoji has nothing to do with dirty deeds. This one is licking its lips because there's food involved. This emoji is actually savoring food by licking his lips. Not as kinky as you thought it might have been, get your heads out of the gutter America. The smiley is a friendly smiling and goofy emoji with the tongue hanging out. This is reserved for an amazing dish; so do not demean this emoji by sending it while chowing down on some McDonald's chicken nuggets.

    11 The Sweating Smiley

    One that has always confused me was the smiley face that was frowning with the teardrop to the side of the face and not under the eye. The only conclusion I can come up with was that this emoji was sad because it was raining on his face, but according to the emoji encyclopedia, that interpretation isn't very accurate. This emoji isn't under rainfall. The one-drop of water is actually a bead of sweat, which is why it isn't placed under the eye (because it's not a teardrop). This emoji is both confused and relieved. This face has sweat dripping from the brow because of a stressful situation. Now what isn't specified is if there's a specific stressful situation going on causing the emoji to be confused and stressed. But if I had to guess, I would guess that this one was probably created after a math test.

    10 Cold Sweats Emoji

    This emoji is very similar to the last but the difference is that the eyes on this emoji are closed and the drop of water seems to be coming from above the brow as if it is coming from the head. One would conclude that this smiley is sweating and if so you would be correct. This emoji has a case of the cold sweats. Some people think this emoji is hard working and others think that it's nervous. The reason you might be using the emoji is left up to interpretation, but don't confuse the sweat for tears. No ones crying here. Whether the little guy is sick or nervous there's definitely a need for sweating here. Use this one to guilt someone into coming over to take care of you because you just can't handle life right now, it works every time.

    9 Confused Boomerang Eyes

    The smiley with boomerangs for eyes and a zig zag for mouth confuses most of us. Personally that's the face I make on my period and though our cycles deserve it's own face, I doubt our emoji's would be that specific. If you are dumbfounded by the emoji then you're onto something because that is exactly what this one stands for. This emoji is conveying confusion beyond repair. This emoji is of a person who is so puzzled that they are almost angry. So guys when you can't believe the amount of stupidity coming out of someone's mouth this face should appear. I think we either misuse it or don't use this one at all because I would've never got that. Regardless of the reason, clearly this emoji is underrated.

    8 Girl Getting Head Massage

    Let me just first say that the world loves the little girl (and boy) emojis. We all welcome these new faces. One of our favorites to use is the girl with hands on her head. If you're anything like me than you thought the hands on the emoji's head was a crown. That makes total sense but according to the emoji encyclopedia that's not exactly the idea. The woman with hands on her head is actually symbolizing a woman with a headache. If this emoji could be summed up in one word it would be 'relax'. It isn't specified if the hands belong to her and honestly they look like someone else's hands giving her a massage of the temples. So one could conclude that this girl has money enough to afford a personal masseuse; context clues, because sometimes you have to read between the lines.

    7 Salute

    If you are a Star Trek fan then you probably guessed what this emoji means? But if you're from this generation and the only series you know is Harry Potter then you are utterly confused by this one. Apparently the raised hand with the finger separated between the middle and the ring finger is not an L.A. gang sign but is actually something called the "Vulcan salute" popularized by the 1960s television series Star Trek. This makes me think that there's definitely room for the Hunger Games to have it's own tributes salute emoji since we are clearly doing a television/movie theme here. If you don't know anything about Star Trek then you were clearly using this one the wrong way but now that you have been informed slowly back away from the salute, it's not for you.

    6 Two Open Hands

    The two open hands that look mid-wave are actually signs of openness. The emoji is representing a hug among friends. Some people even believe it's jazz hands. But no matter what you make of it, it's definitely a friendly emoji. The hands are open to signify welcoming and home. The fingers are spread apart to convey a sense of freeness. So if you were thinking that this one was someone making shadow figures of bird feathers, then you are completely wrong and that's okay, because that is what I'm here for. I always thought there should be an emoji for hugging; little did we know there already was one. So whenever you want to reach out and touch someone send these friendly reminding hands that say 'you've got a friend in me.'

    5 Bowing Boy/Girl Emoji

    The emoji of the girl with her head hung low with hand on the table is a bowing emoji. The emoji indicates that she is bowing while deep in thought. It is not clear whether she is bowing for religious reasons or because she is in the presence of greatness also known as Beyoncé, this emoji should be used when bowing your head is most necessary. This emoji is often misinterpreted as a person doing push-ups, lying down to have a massage, or doing a cute "head resting on hands" gesture. Now I get the other two interpretations but really guys? push-ups? This emoji is known by a few other names such as cute boy emoji, Dogeza (which is a Japanese etiquette of bowing) emoji, and massage emoji.

    4 Girl With Ballerina Hands

    So is it just me or do you too think that the girl with hands raised over her head as if she was about to twirl was a ballerina from Brooklyn who couldn't afford a tutu? I looked into it and she's actually not a ballerina at all. One of the most popular emojis is actually gesturing an 'okay'. The circular gesture that she's making with her hands is actually the 'o' in okay. I don't know about you but I would've never gotten that. She is most often known as the hands on head emoji's and sometimes called the ballerina emoji though we now know better. The emoji is intended to be gender-neutral but is shown in Apple as female. Probably because girl's rock but I won't say that out loud, sorry not sorry.

    3 Japanese Goblin

    Did you know there was a goblin emoji? Don't all scroll to your messaging app and flip through your emoji's at once. But if you did you probably wouldn't guess that the goblin is the red-faced mask with pointy nose. I think when we all think goblin, that picture isn't quite it. We might not think that's a goblin, but clearly Apple does. This goblin may look a little different than the goblins we know because it's actually one from Japan. Known as the ' tengu', which is a type of creature found in Japanese folk religion. The goblin can be described as a red mask with thick hairy eyebrows and a long nose. If you're wondering about how to use this one know that he has a friend to help him out, maybe you can use them together.

    2 Japanese Ogre

    After uncovering that the hairy masked figure was actually a Japanese goblin, we can conclude that the red circular monster is yet another Japanese monster. If you thought so you would be correct. However, this monster is actually an Ogre. The Japanese Ogre emoji has crooked teeth, horns, and a lot of hair. Called 'namahage' in Japanapese folklore, the emoji is often times referred to as red monster emoji, scary emoji, or scary face emoji. The tradition of the Japanese ogre is that men dress as namahage on New Year's Eve and ward off evil spirits from people's homes. It isn't really apparent what the Japanese monsters are doing here but the more the merrier I guess. The ogre only comes out on New Years and looks like a storybook monster so I take it that he's pretty magical. This one may be our new favorite.

    1 Purple Smiley With Horns

    For most of America I think this one sums us up perfectly. Ever wondered how to correctly use the purple smiley with horns? The smiley resembles another purple little guy with horns who is frowning. This emoji is called the 'imp' which is a mythological creature described in folklore. Birthed from Germanic folklore, the imp was a smaller goblin. The imp was found to be more mischievous rather than evil or harmful. This little guy is way too cute to be scary. Besides he's purple, everyone loves purple. This one is known as the devil horns emoji, happy devil emoji, or purple devil emoji. Use this guy when you're feeling naughty. If you're actually trying to be horrifying, don't use this one I am pretty sure that people will laugh at you.