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    12 Things Guys Don't Pay Attention To At All ( Mind Blown)

    As women, it's easy and natural to care about what others think. They can range from relatives to friends to our peers. So it's not surprising that we do care a whole lot about what our partner thinks of us. Being with someone in an intimate way definitely makes us even more self-conscious about everything. We want everything to be perfect from what we wear, our hair style, our laugh, the way we carry ourselves, our personality, etc. But it's hard to control everything in order to make sure our man loves every inch of us.

    It's impossible to be perfect and have everyone love us so same goes for our partner. He might point out some of your flaws but in the end, if he loves you, he won't count them against you. Luckily though, guys don't care about the things we think they do care about. It's all in our heads. By paying too much attention on what they care about, we sabotage ourselves and our relationships which is precious time we could be spending more positively. It's also good to note that guys are careless in general so what makes you think he's really going to place a lot of importance on a lot of irrelevant things?

    It's important to learn that men do not pay attention to these things in order to pursue a healthy relationship with our loved ones. Plus, it's important to just prevent us from looking crazy when we accuse of him of something that was never true.

    So below are 12 things that guys don't pay attention to that will blow you away. You'll thank us later.

    12 Your makeup skills, unless you've contoured your chest 

    Women in general place so much importance on makeup especially today with so many styles to look up to. The more looks a girl discovers with makeup, the more there is to choose from, creating this thought that she has to pick the one that will impress him. Yes, some women have admitted they only wear makeup for themselves, not for men, which is appreciated by many. But there are still some girls who are talented with their face but think too much about which one's the right touch up for him. Does he like my long lashes? What if I go for a red lip tonight? But he'll probably think too much of it. These thoughts are most likely all in your head. Plus, it's been discovered that men love a natural glow. The less makeup the better. Some men in particular are picky about how their girl does her face but that's pretty rare. It depends on his style but for the most part, however you do your makeup is fine with him.

    11 Your weird hobbies, unless they are really weird…

    If you happen to have a hobby that is dear to you, yet, it's kind of strange, don't fret that he will be turned off by it and you'll lose your chance with him. At the end of the day, it's your hobby and your life and he can care less if you love doing that particular activity. As long as it doesn't interfere with his life, he's completely fine with you doing your own thing. Cosmopolitan author, "Cosmo Frank" states how hobbies are supposed to be “stupid” so they don't think too much of it. Men expect you to have some type of quirky hobby that isn't your job or the only thing you do in your life. So the next time you want to express your favorite hobby to your man, don't think twice and just share with him. You never know if he'll love it and if he doesn't, you already know he can care less about it.

    10 Which restaurant you choose, as long as he eats 

    It's known that one of the biggest problems that relationships face is deciding where to eat. It could seriously lead to a lot of stress and ruin a perfect date night. However, apparently guys don't care about where you end up eating. When they say “I don't care where we eat,” they really mean it. That's not to say they are not starving because after all, a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. They just don't put too much thought into the restaurant or the type of food.  Cosmo Frank says it only matters if they suggested a specific restaurant, otherwise, it's up to the girl. He says “only three things in life are certain: death; taxes; and unless we specifically suggested a restaurant, us not caring where we go to eat because we're going to order a steak or burger anyway.” Good to know because women usually put a lot of thought so that takes a way a lot of stress.

    9 If your friends like him, he is dating you not them

    As said before, guys are pretty careless and they were brought to conquer their own world. So the last thing they want is a group of people getting in their way. They were trained to only include the ones who support their journey and not pay mind to those who don't. Same goes with your friends. If your friends happen to not like your new boo, it might cause some tension but only for you because you want everyone to get along. But good news, you don't have to worry all that much because thankfully, he doesn't care if your friends like him or not. Of course, the ideal thing to happen is everyone to like each other and be best friends but that's not really possible. Men understand that they're not always going to be likable and unlike women, they don't care. They actually only care about impressing important people in their life like their parents or close friends or even you.

    8 Having every single thing in common

    Another aspect of a relationship that women place too much importance on is how many things they have in common with their man. Again, he really doesn't mind having differences with you. It's not a deal breaker if you don't like to work out as much as he does or if you don't have the same taste in music. Opposites sometimes attract, where others prefer to have more similarities. But do you have to have everything in common? Not necessarily. In fact, that would make the relationship pretty boring because there's nothing new to learn from each other. “The more I think about it, though, and think about my wife and I, it seems to me that what you have in common is not the most important thing,” Huffington Post author Matt Staudt said. “In fact, having things not in common makes for a more interesting life in the long.” Staudt states the truth.

    7 Spending a crazy amount of time with your friends 

    The truth is men like it when she has her own life going on. Clinginess is one of the biggest turn offs for men so when he sees you hanging out with your friends more than with him, he really doesn't mind unless he personally prefers you to be with him. If you're always choosing to be with him over your friends, that's a red flag in his book. At the end of the day, we all know guys love having space and freedom so women who have their own life besides the relationship, provides the flexibility men strive for. They also like keeping things exciting, so if you're always around, that just spoils the fun. He likes to know that you have something going on and not just him. So next time you feel like you're hurting your boyfriend's feelings by spending more time with your friends, remember he doesn't give a hoot.

    6 They don't care about being right

    The last thing guys want is drama. So when an argument begins, he tries to run away as fast as possible. We all know this. But sometimes women get so caught up about being right because they think the guy is also going to fight until he comes off as right. Really though, he can care less about who is in the wrong and who is right. He just wants peace with you and for everyone in the relationship to get along. If your guy comes off as stubborn and does believe he's never in the wrong, then it's probably an ego thing he's dealing with. Other than that, men in general don't want war with you nor do they care if they lose the argument, hence, why they usually just sit there while you're yelling at him so he can just get it done with. Little does he know, she wants him to fight back so he's actually doing himself a disservice by just sitting there because he's making her argue even more. But in the end, it's the girl who needs to realize he doesn't care about being right or not so she needs to relax and see if the argument is worth having.

    5 Making the first move, they want you to do it!

    Whether it's asking him out on the first date or to be your boyfriend, guys won't judge you for it. Actually, some guys have admitted that they like it when she takes initiative because it takes some pressure off of him. So next time you have the urge to make the first move in anything, including sex, do it without any fear he will judge you for it. He won't think much about it so you shouldn't think much about it, either. If there is an awkward silence after asking him out, for instance, it's most likely not because you did the asking. It's because it's natural for things like that to get a little weird and funny so don't take it personal. Although, some guys prefer to be the “man” in the relationship by always taking initiative, they don't mind it when things turn out differently. Next time you're feeling like making the first move, don't be afraid about him judging because he's not even thinking about it.

    4 Texting alllll day long 

    Yes, men actually like to talk on the phone and hear your voice more than texting all day. Women love texting each other and sending all types of messages so when their man isn't responding, almost 100% of the time it's because he doesn't like texting, not because he doesn't like you. Women will freak out when they don't hear back from him after sending him a message. “Was it something I said?” “I didn't mean to hurt him,” or “I guess that's the end,” are all sorts of things girls say to themselves when he's taking too long to respond or doesn't respond at all. The truth is, he can care less about the text messages and he rather talk on the phone when he gets home from work, or even better, in person. So women need to stop making texting a priority. Perhaps it's important between you and your girlfriends but between you and your man, you don't have to worry.

    3 If you gain weight (he actually might prefer it)

    This is one of the biggest insecurities women have and the whole world knows that. So it's understandable why they would think men care about it just as much as they do. In general, we care about how everyone looks at us in terms of our weight. Am I too overweight? Am I too thin? Should I gain more weight in this area? I hate that I don't have abs. Women think about this all the time but good thing, men don't! That's right. Guys won't make an official decision such as breaking up with you because you have love handles now. Essentially, it is up to you to have the confidence and own it, or do something about it, not rely on his opinion about it. Of course, he'll have thoughts about it but as said before, he's not going to take it into consideration to make a decision on the relationship.

    There have been stories though, where the guy tries to bring up to his girlfriend she needs to lose a few pounds but they're usually funny stories because the guy comes off as shy or scared. In other words, he DOES CARE about hurting your feelings which is a good thing because he's taking you into consideration but he DOESN'T CARE about the fact that you gained weight. So don't be embarrassed or scared he's going to judge you for being thicker than before.

    2 Talking all day every day 

    This goes hand in hand with the texting and having space. Guys don't rely on texting as much as women do for communication. He rather talk to you on the phone or in person. But sometimes, they don't want to talk at all that day and that doesn't mean anything. They do not care for communicating every single day because after all, they value their space every once in a while. It has nothing to do with the relationship or you. There are cases where yes, something is wrong and it has chased him away a little. But for the most part, if everything has been great between the two of you and suddenly, you don't hear from him for the whole day then the next day you do and then the next day you don't again, then there's really no problem. He just doesn't feel the need to talk all the time. Women on the other hand, prefer to have communication every day and all day but that doesn't mean it's the same way for men. So remember the next time you don't hear from him randomly for the whole day, chances are he's just doing something else or having his own time and it has nothing to do with you.

    1 Doing the dirty all day every day 

    This is probably a huge shocker for you. No, men don't want it all the time. But yes, if you offer them a small session, they will take it. The thing is if it's up to them, they don't NEED or WANT nookie all the time like society has made it seem. If you happen to lack some sexual desire and worry that he's going to leave you or somehow get upset that you're not giving it to him, then you need to sit back and remember it's not a big deal because it's not on his mind. The important thing here is communication because yes, men do like their sexy time and if they're not getting it, it is kind of a bummer for them. But it's not ALL the time they feel bummed about it. It's really only when he's not getting it for a long period of time. If you both haven't done it in a week or more, or at least intimacy such as caressing and making out, then it's time to bring it up in a cordial manner. But if you're having sex every other couple of days and feel like he's probably desiring more than that, then again you need to remember it doesn't matter to him as much as society has made you think. He's probably not thinking about it like you are.