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    12 Pictures Of Beyonce She Seriously Wants Removed From The Internet

    Most of the time, the award-winning singer and mega-superstar, Beyoncé, looks well-put together, on trend, and seriously sexy. She has the best hairstylists and makeup artists who travel the world with her on tour, and designers are knocking down her door for a chance that she will wear their clothing to public appearances.

    We see the alluring Bey posing seductively for the cameras for magazine photo shoots, in paparazzi snapshots, during her many concerts, out at public events, and on the red carpet at various awards shows. Usually, she is a complete stunner from head to toe with perfect hair, flawless makeup, and the most stylish of clothes imaginable. It's a rare day that you will see Beyoncé look even an ounce bad.

    But rare days do come up every once in a while, and Beyoncé, just like everyone else can have a bad one. She has actually been captured on camera looking far from her best and surely she is not pleased that these unflattering photos are out there being seen over and over again on the internet.

    Take a peek at these 12 pics of Beyoncé that were never meant to be seen - according to the queen herself, anyway. Some are laughably awkward, some are utterly embarrassing, and some certainly show Bey in her worst light. You will be surprised she could look anything but amazing, but these pics prove she's actually human just like the rest of us.

    Just know that these pics are the exception to the rule of Beyoncé beauty, but it is fun to poke at Mrs. Perfect every once in a while!

    12 Say What?

    This concert pic of Queen Bey looks like she was thrown for a loop rather than doing her “Single Ladies” dance for the crowd. Did someone say something to piss off the “Beehive” or did her backup dancer make a comment about the size of her derrière? Maybe Beyoncé saw her hubby talking a little too closely to an attractive woman in the audience… and we all know what happens when he strays (allegedly). Lemonade anyone? Whatever the reason for this “stank face,” Beyoncé surely wishes this photo never made its way to the web. Yes, her hair looks great and that costume is killer, but nothing can distract us from that crazy face Bey's got on. Next time she's questioning something, she ought to keep her thoughts on the inside, because this look is as bad as a Destiny's Child breakup.

    11 Not Bangin'

    The glamorous Beyoncé is always a show-stopping stunner, but this unfortunate haircut looks like the work of an Edward Scissorhands wannabe. That blunt cut to her bangs, to put it bluntly, is not the best 'do Beyoncé's ever sported. The unnatural color looks brassy and the irregularly cut bangs look more broomstick than slick. She seems to be OK with the style (if that's what you call it), but after paying her Hollywood hairdresser hundreds for the cut, she must have justified it somehow. Even her more fashion-forward sister, Solange, would likely put a wide-brimmed hat over this hot mess. Blondes may have more fun, but they don't always look the hottest. Where's a wig when you need one, or at least a headband? Because this bang bomb is not the way Queen Bey ought to be seen in public, or at home alone, for that matter.

    10 Caught in the Act

    Here we see the glorious Beyoncé looking otherwise totally great, but she seems like a deer caught in the headlights as she is seen texting when she should be paying attention to whatever it is she is supposed to be watching. The women behind her seem to be looking off to the side - probably where Bey ought to be looking, but she is preoccupied with trying to figure out which emoji to use to help her text along. If you are going to text when you are not supposed to, at least be a little more discreet with your smartphone habits. She has got that thing right out in the open, practically begging to get caught in the act. Let's hope that was an important message she was sending at least.

    9 Where's The Beef

    Most stars would never admit to stuffing their pie holes with anything but green salads and low-calorie smoothies, but here we have caught Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj eating a pair of hamburgers like there's no tomorrow. Beyoncé can't seem to get enough of the beefy goodness into her mouth and has already devoured half of her meal, while it looks like Minaj hadn't even gotten started on hers. Are they in a hamburger eating contest or are they just super hungry? Hopefully Beyoncé does not have a performance after this food fest because she will have a heck of a time trying to stuff herself into one of her skin-tight sequined leotards. This unladylike (some may say) photo is one Bey is surely embarrassed about, unless Burger King is offering her a deal to appear in advertisements.

    8 Diva Duel

    Beyoncé must have been beyond thrilled to have had the opportunity to perform on stage with the iconic Tina Turner who is surely one of her idols. The both of them look totally amazing in their silver getups, but that grimace Bey has on her face makes it look like she is pissed off at the “What's Love Got to Do With It” singer. Instead of singing, it looks like the two talented divas are feuding about whose shimmery outfit is nicer. This classic “Bitc# Stole My Look” moment is one for the ages, but even though Bey is a queen, Turner sits on a bedazzled throne all her own. If only Bey were smiling, this pic would be pure perfection. Hopefully Bey and Turner sounded better than their expressions look.

    7 Sitting Unpretty

    Obviously Beyoncé is in the middle of a high-energy concert routine and this chair bit is part of the act, but she probably did not realize how her private area was going to look in a close up shot. While Bey is fit and foxy, this is a little too much to see, especially for those in the first row of the concert arena! It's likely that nobody looks particularly great at this angle, but most of us are usually more covered up when we sit on chairs in public. At least it looks like she had a clean bikini wax. Bey's outfit is super sexy in this photo, but it is hard to look at anything but her lady parts. Perhaps next time she will do this routine with her legs crossed.

    6 What a 'Do

    Before Beyoncé became the solo sensation she is today, she was part of a popular girl group called Destiny's Child. They always wore coordinating outfits, put on great performances, and smiled pretty for the camera. Although Bey probably thought she looked like a total babe at the time, looking back on this curly ombre hairdo must give her PTSD. Bey always looks beautiful, but she has had far better hairstyles than this one over the years. Maybe this was her way of standing out, but all is does is make her stick out for the wrong reasons. Thankfully Bey made her way up in the world and got a decent hairstylist who now has her looking fierce every day. Bey definitely wishes this photo would disappear and so do we!

    5 Feed Me

    A girl's gotta eat, but this photo of Jay Z holding out some food for his wife to devour at what appears to be a basketball game just looks goofy. She almost looks like she hates what she's eating and he's more than happy to not have to share his snack. Those two are mega-rich - couldn't they have gotten their own grub? Nobody likes to get caught on camera eating because it never looks good. She could have been snapped mid-chew or had food dribbling down her face. At least Jay Z has his shades on to avoid being noticed as easily. Aside from Bey's mouth wide open and her tongue partly out, she happens to look pretty darn hot. Her hair looks great and her shirt is super-sexy. Next time, eat before you head out to the game.

    4 FemBot

    Well this is certainly an interesting costume choice. Who knew golden sequined nipples would be so fashion-forward? Or are they? Beyoncé may have felt fierce while trying on this unique and revealing look during her dress rehearsal, but it is really hard to imagine that she ever wore this outfit again after what was surely mixed feedback from the stunned audience. The girl behind her doesn't seem all too impressed and Bey's singing expression could use a little work. It seems like the nipples stole the show in this FemBot-inspired ensemble and Beyoncé regretted her fashion choice. Nipples are usually under your clothing for a reason, Bey. Next time, go for a smoother look. Not only will you feel more confident, but the fans will pay attention to the music and not your upper torso.

    3 Vegas Showgirl

    Beyoncé must want to crawl and hide under a big blanket when she sees this old photo of her looking ready to walk the seediest parts of the Vegas strip. Her hair (or wig) looks ridiculous when we know how great Bey is capable of looking. And that bedazzled gold jumpsuit is more appropriate for a game of dress-up rather than an actual ensemble to be worn in public, and take photos in, no less. Sure, Bey is smiling happily on the outside, but she must be ready to go home and change into comfy sweats immediately. Not only is that outfit totally tacky, but it looks pretty uncomfortable too. If she were a Vegas nightclub act, this look would be an A+, but for a star like Beyoncé, this is a major fashion miss.

    2 Car Catastrophe

    Luxury sports cars are certainly a fine way to get around, but getting out of them discreetly can be a challenge. Beyoncé, if you are going to wear a little black dress, you are going to need someone from your team to stand in front of you to block the paps from snapping an embarrassing crotch shot. Otherwise, when you travel in that type of car, wear a pair of pants for heaven's sake. Whether or not Bey was wearing any panties is unclear, but one false move and we all would have found out. There has got to be a better way to get out of the car than to reveal your entire situation to the passersby. While you do like to be sexy, nobody needs to see it all, Bey. Talk about a drive by!

    1 Wet Mess

    This is one of those unfortunate cases where Beyoncé probably thought the “wet look” would look sexy, be it wound up just looking plain wet. Her hair looks stiff and sticky, and more like spaghetti than strands. While her makeup and shirt look beautiful, this wet mop atop her head is not doing her any favors. Maybe the wet slicked back look would have worked better, but this wild mess of dampness is not good enough for Beyoncé's high standards. Nobody would want to run their fingers through that goopy scenario, and washing out whatever is in it will take hours. Hopefully this idea was a one-time look not to be repeated… ever. Soft and flowing is more Bey's style anyway. Leave the wet hair for rainy days, swimming, and showering.