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    15 Hangover Remedies That Celebs Swear By

    Surprisingly, many of the celebrity hangover cures come from common folk remedies. Not a single one of the remedies requires an expensive ingredient and nearly all of the remedies can be found in the grocery store or fast food joint. No one is eating pickled sheep eyeballs in tomato juice (a Mongolian hangover recipe) or sipping down hot tea made with rabbit poop (an American Old West remedy). Thank goodness, right? Because otherwise we might have to try out the less than savory just to be fashionable.

    Of course, as the smarty pants among us will state, the easiest way to not get a hangover is to simply not drink alcohol. Where is the fun in that? The second best method to avoiding a hangover? Drinking lots of water. Keep your body hydrated between beers and, the next day, start off with a glass of water to continue keeping your body in the best shape possible after an all-nighter.

    15 The Gwyneth Paltrow Soak

    Hungover? No problem. Just soak your ughs and aches away with some epson salts and baking soda. That is what Gwyneth Paltrow does. She instructs us to, "Just draw a bath that is as hot as you can handle it and mix in some Epsom salts and baking soda. Soak for 20 minutes and then pop into a freezing-cold shower for one minute. Get back in the hot bath and stay until you're warmed up. Then get back in the shower for one more minute." This would work great if I had a separate shower and bathtub, but I will have to wait until I win the lottery to test it out.

    14 Juice It With Kate Hudson

    The beautiful Kate Hudson told Cosmopolitan her special hangover remedy. “I'll drink lots of tomato juice, eat fresh fruit and an avocado and take loads of vitamins.” Replenishing your system after a heavy night of drinking is a great way to replace vitamin and mineral loss. The tricky part might just be keeping the acidic tomato juice down, but the fresh fruit and avocado sound positively delicious.

    13 Facing Ashley Benson

    Pretty Little Liars actress, Ashley Benson, focuses on her skincare rather than her stomach after a night of heavy drinking. She says, "I refresh my skin with a cucumber mask, followed by a lot of moisturizer." This is not a bad idea. Drinking alcohol can cause dehydration and your skin will need to be replenished. A few glasses of water will work wonders for your skin, but relaxing to a cucumber mask certainly would perk up the skin and your mood a bit more.

    12 Run, Batman!

    Christian Bale has his own cure for a hangover: run. He knows that the going is rough, but once you are off and running, you will feel better afterwards. This remedy may have some merit to it. Running will make you sweat and help remove some of the toxins from your body. The only thing you really need to add to this remedy is water. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your run to rehydrate your body and prevent dehydration.

    11 Spaghetti Bolognese

    People in the UK sing about it and people panic during outbreaks of foot and mouth disease because they just can't live without their plate of it. Spaghetti bolognese. Is it really that wonderful? Hugh Grant must think it's the bees knees, especially for hangovers. He says, "After a night out on the town, I find a plateful of spaghetti bolognese works wonders for me." To me, it sounds like a great way to purge a queasy stomach, not settle it down, but to each his own.

    10 Fast Food Paris Hilton

    Head on over to the local fast food joint if you want to cure your hangover Paris Hilton style. She told The Herald Sun that, “I can recommend a quarter pounder burger filled with cheese and accompanied by lots of fries.” The fast food cure seems to be popular among many people, but I suspect that the reason for this is because no one wants to cook their own meals while they have a hangover. Plus, you don't even have to get dressed up to do the drive-thru thing. Just roll out of bed, throw on whatever clothing is on the floor, find the car keys, and you're off for a quick, cheap hangover meal.

    9 Pink's Beer

    After a long night of partying and drinking and, possibly, praying to the porcelain god, the last thing most of us want the next day is more booze. Pink, on the other hand, suggests taking care of the next day hangover with a beer. She tells us to, "Drink a beer as soon as possible.” I don't know about that. I promised I would give up the booze last night if I lived to see the next day. Breaking my promise so soon might look bad in the greater scheme of the cosmos.

    8 Egg Sandwiches

    Eggs are loaded with proteins so it is no wonder that Kylie Minogue recommends egg sandwiches for a hangover. The common belief is that the bread will help soak up the alcohol, although there is no alcohol in your stomach come morning. Bread is more of a comfort food, as are eggs, and together they can help you feel a bit better after last night's binge.

    7 Bed and Juice With Christina Aguilera

    Christina Aguilera's hangover remedy is to stay in bed and drink fruit juice until you feel better. This isn't a bad idea if you don't have to go to work. You can rest, watch a bit of television, and drink vitamin packed juices to replenish your body. Of course, if you do have to work, pack a lunch bag full of water and fresh fruits to get you back to normal.

    6 Dannii Minogue Goes Vegemite

    What is it with Australians and their Vegemite? Singer and actress Dannii Minogue fixes herself a grilled toast and cheese topped with Vegemite sandwich for her hangover cure. For those who don't know what Vegemite is, it is a popular spread made and sold in Australia that is made from leftover brewers' yeast extract (a by-product of the beer making process), spices, and vegetables. American's tend to snub the stuff, but in Australia, Vegemite is iconic.

    5 007 Sauna

    Actor Daniel Craig tells us that we need to sweat it out to get over a hangover. He says, “You're best off sweating it out after a heavy night. I find if I really can't force myself to work out and get my body moving, a stint in the sauna is the best way to go.” Normally, the sauna sounds like a wonderful idea to me, but on a queasy stomach? If you have a super sensitive, morning after stomach like I do, you can still sweat it out in the sauna. Just bring a bucket along with you. Within minutes you will probably have the whole sauna to yourself as you grip your stomach and make strange gurgling noises.

    4 A Strange Concoction

    Some people like to mix up strange drinks to cure a hangover. One of the most popular of these concoctions is called the prairie oyster. There are numerous ways to make this hangover elixir, but Nigella Lawson shares her version. "My hangover cure is the 'prairie oyster,' which consists of an egg yolk, Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce, brandy, and vinegar. You have to swallow it down in one gulp." Yum, right? I think I will pass on this one and suffer through the day with an already queasy stomach.

    3 Colin Farrell's Water and Fried Food

    Colin Farrell is on the right path when he recommends water and fried foods as a hangover remedy. Water is essential to getting rid of a hangover because your body is reacting to the dehydration caused by drinking alcohol. The fried food, on the other hand, is an age old remedy. When you have a hangover, you should try and eat healthy foods, but if nothing else sounds good to you at the moment, it is better to eat some greasy foods than be miserable on an empty stomach.

    2 Julia Roberts' Carrot Juice

    Julia Roberts' hangover cure is to try and avoid it altogether. According to her, “The secret is to find a balance between champagne and carrot juice. It works for me when I alternate between the two.” I have heard of different variations of this method to avoid a hangover. Probably one of the best is to alternate between drinking water and alcohol. This helps you avoid dehydration caused by alcohol and, hopefully, the morning after hangover.

    1 Hair of the Dog

    Called the “Hair of the Dog,” this timeless hangover remedy calls for more of the same stuff that got you sick in the first place. Cameron Diaz said it best. "I have an Egg McMuffin and a beer. You need to drink more of the alcohol you've killed yourself with - the classic hair of the dog." Truth is, while a bit more of the same might make you feel a touch better for a short while, it isn't a long term fix. You are better off drinking water and replenishing your body with healthy food.