12 Questions Every Woman Has Had About Her Period
Whether it's society telling us not to talk about our periods or we've been taught that our periods should be kept discreet, it's apparent that menstruation taboo is happening every single day. Unfortunately, this is what prevents a woman from asking important questions about her period. Since society can make a woman feel like her period is gross and should be hidden, she often feels like she has to disguise it. The results are, women are not as open about their bodies and become afraid to ask important questions about their menstrual cycle.
It's normal for a woman to have questions about her period. If you feel like you have unanswered questions about your menstrual cycle, don't be afraid to ask. You could be the start of an important change that one day will hopefully allow women to snuff out the menstruation taboo.
12 Is it Better to Wear Tampons or Pads?
Deciding to wear tampons or pads depends on your comfort level and what you find works best for you. It also depends on the stage of life you are experiencing. For example, according to Healthy Women, women under the age of 41 are more likely to use tampons, whereas one in four women ages 45 to 54 are more likely to use both tampons and pads.
You should note that a tampon should be changed every four to eight hours, and you should wear the least absorbent type, depending on your flow. Also, you should not wear tampons in between periods. Consider wearing a panty liner or a light pad if you experience mild bleeding during ovulation.
11 Is it Supposed to Cost a lot of Money?
It's true when you add up all of the tampons, pads, Advil, birth control pills, and heating pads that the average woman purchases over the course of a lifetime, the total amount will shock you. After all, on average a woman has a period for about three to seven days and also has her period from about age 13 until age 51. According to Huffington Post, a woman spends about $18,171 on supplies for her menstrual cycle. Isn't that insane?!
So no, you're not the only one that thinks that having a period costs a lot of money because it does! So why aren't we getting a tax rebate for buying all of this stuff?!
10 Since I'm Having a Regular Period, That Means I'm Fertile, Right?
Even though you have a regular, monthly period, this still doesn't mean you're fertile. You still can get your period every month without releasing an egg during ovulation. If this takes place, it is called an anovulatory cycle, which in other words means you're having a period without ovulating.
If you'd like to confirm whether you're ovulating, you should implement a fertility awareness method so you can track your cycles and combine that with using an ovulation predictor kit. Selecting a fertility method is one of the best ways to tell when and if you are ovulating.
9 Can a Tampon get Stuck Inside me?
Never fear - a tampon would have to be really large to become stuck inside the vagina after you've inserted it. At the end of your tunnel is the opening to your cervix, which only semen and blood can pass in and out. According to the National Health Service, your cervix is too small for a tampon to pass through it. If you're feeling discomfort from the tampon, you might have inserted it wrong, or you're not bleeding enough to warrant even putting in a tampon. Remove it if you feel discomfort and wait until you're bleeding more and wear a pad in the mean time.
8 How Much Pain is Normal?
Experiencing some pain during your menstrual cycle is completely normal. However, if you start experiencing so much pain that you can't get out of bed and complete your daily activities, then you should see a doctor. Huffington Post tells us that 90 percent of women experience some pain, but they are usually mild. Only 10 to 20 percent of women will have so much discomfort that it begins to interfere with day to day activities. If you have questions as to why PMS is affecting you a lot, and you're dealing with cramps that give you intense sharp pains, don't feel shy in confiding in your Gynecologist or physician.
7 My Cycle has Changed, but I'm not Pregnant. What is Happening?
If you have missed at least two periods in a row and you're certain you're not pregnant, it is safe to assume that something is going on, on a biological level. Slow ovulation and feeling stressed out can change your period's regularity, so it's important to relax on a daily basis. For example, you can take more walks, attend yoga classes, and spend more time with loved ones to feel less stressed. Keep in mind that if you diet or work out a lot, low body-fat levels can result in you missing your period. It can also affect your reproductive health now and in the future, so it's important to get to the root of the problem.
6 Will I Experience Menopause Around the Same age my mom did?
Wondering if your menopause experience will be the same as you mom's, is one question that most women will think at one time or another while menstruating. CNN explains that genetic factors do play a role as to when you will experience menopause; however your environment will also play an important role too. For example, if you live at a high altitude this could result in you having menopause earlier in life.
If you're concerned about experiencing a lot of pain if your mom went through a difficult menopause, you needn't be. Genetics does not play a critical role in regards to the pain you will feel, which should help you feel at ease that your menopause experience could be completely different.
5 Can I get Pregnant During my Period?
Since sperm is known to live up to five days in your body, there is a possibility of getting pregnant, especially if you have a shorter cycle. For example, if your period is short you can begin to ovulate shortly after your period. If you were to have sex on the last day of your period you could get pregnant since again; sperm can live in your body for up to five days.
It's also important to educate yourself about ovulatory bleeding. If you get confused and think you're having your period when you're in fact ovulating, you could also get pregnant. If your cycle is irregular, it's best to use protection and also consult with your doctor as to when you're most fertile.
4 Does Every Woman Have Discharge a few Days After Their Period?
It's normal to assume that every woman experiences discharge (or otherwise known as pre-ovulation fluid) after their period. However, not every woman is the same. When it comes to your period, every woman has a different schedule. Having a different schedule means that some women may ovulate but not have discharge before ovulation. Whereas other women will experience a mucus-like discharge before they ovulate and then a cloudy and thick discharge near the end of ovulation. Pay attention to your body's pattern by keeping a period journal and soon you'll pick up on the patterns and know more what to expect.
3 Why do my Breasts Hurt Right Before my Period?
When you're wondering why your breasts are super tender right before your period and sometimes during ovulation, you can blame it on your hormones. Changing hormone levels can cause breast tenderness and swelling. While your hormones change through your menstrual cycle, this is when you'll experience the most tenderness. Estrogen is the hormone that results in your breast ducts to get larger, whereas progesterone results in your breast milk glands to swell. Hormones are the culprit here, but the good news is that after your period your hormones should stabilize, and you should get a little bit of a break.
2 Is it Okay to do it While I'm Menstruating?
Having sex while you're on your period is perfectly all right. In fact, having sex during this time can ease your cramps and put you in a better mood. Of course, it depends on your partner's comfort level to have sex with you during that time of the month, but another perk is most women may have an increased feeling of fullness in their genital areas. And that swelling can lead to feeling more aroused and experiencing better orgasms.
However, everyday health reminds us that it's still very important to practice safe sex during your period. The risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease or infection goes up because your cervix is opening up more to allow blood to pass through it.
1 What is the Best way to Relieve my Period Pain?
Painful periods are annoying, but if you plan ahead, you can get ahead of your pain. If you feel like your period is going to start soon, believe it or not, you can plan to take medication before your cramps even start. Over-the-counter medication can help lessen your pain and save you from dealing with those nasty cramps while at work.
You can also relieve your period pain naturally by exercising even when you don't feel like being active and making sure you are receiving enough sleep. Choosing healthy foods are also important as opposed to being tempted by sweets. (It's okay to have some chocolate but not an entire bag of chocolate!) Stay relaxed by exercising, getting enough sleep, eating right and taking medication before the menstrual pain begins and you should be in much better shape.