The world has changed. We no longer flirt in coffee shops and grocery stores. We use flirty emojis to get our points across via text. Remember when texting first became...
There are too many double standards in relationships that can ruin a good thing. Being aware of them can help you avoid your relationship's demise. Will we ever be able...
Social media has become the outlet of the generation. With all the things you can share about your relationship, which ones should you quit sharing? By Geninna Ariton With the...
The definition of a bad kisser can be quite subjective. Here are some of the signs and a couple of quick remedies to improve your kissing experience. By Danielle Anne...
Open relationships aren't for everybody. But for the few who swear by it, here are some important questions they pondered on before giving it a shot. By Lianne Choo A couple...
Are you driving yourself crazy trying to figure out why he hasn't called you after your date? We've got some insight into what may be going on. By Bennett O'Brien...
Już przeszedłeś przez pierwsze trzy daty. Co teraz? Jeśli nie masz pewności, dokąd się stąd udać, mamy Cię na czwartej randce. Jeśli już od jakiegoś czasu jesteś na scenie randkowej,...
Czy zastanawiasz się kiedyś, dlaczego ciężko jest ci umówić się na randkę lub znaleźć kogoś, kto cię lubi? Może to być kilka z tych nieodwracalnych nawyków! „Dlaczego nikt nie chce...