11 Things Couples Should Quit Doing on Social Media
Social media has become the outlet of the generation. With all the things you can share about your relationship, which ones should you quit sharing? By Geninna Ariton
With the variety of ways one can diminish privacy these days, it does not come as a surprise how much information people get to share to the whole wide world. Privacy has little or no meaning at all. Not everything can be shared to everyone and there are things that people should not even be sharing publicly to people in their social networks.
Tacky things couples do on social media
We all know that one couple that makes us feel like we are already a part of their relationship, because we are exposed to every inch of detail that they are doing. Trivial things such as waking up with their just-got-out-of-the-bed look, or what they have been feeding their dogs or each other. Here are a few of the many things that couples should stop doing on social media.
#1 They never fail to say these words to each other - But instead of saying it, they type it on each other's social media profiles. Have you ever come across posts that have too many I-love-you's or I-miss-you's? It is like they never see each other on a daily basis, and they do not have time to actually utter these words to each other. And if they get tired of typing it, they find pictures or memes with these words written on them - which is kind of worse.
Come on guys, you basically live under the same roof, it does not hurt to actually say these words out loud rather than type it on social media. The whole world already knows how much you love each other. We get it. It's okay if there's a special occasion like a birthday, Christmas or a special day, but to see it on a daily basis, it gets really annoying.
#2 It is just their faces on their profiles, and no one else is there with them. Have you ever come across a couple who never posts anything else other than their couple selfies? We get pictures of their faces, only their faces, even though they say they are having a blast at the beach, or pictures of just their faces even though they say there are experiencing a great time in Paris. Or say they are having dinner in a fancy restaurant but yet again, we never see any of the food nor the restaurant, just their faces squeezed in that 3-by-3 inch square.
It is not that the couples should stop taking photos of their faces, but perhaps they should consider that their entire social network is now getting sick of looking at their mugs.
#3 Every single detail of their day, no matter how mundane. They had sushi and maki for dinner. They forgot to buy pillows. They did not know that the girl has her period and needed to rush to the grocery store. They failed to have sexual intimacy last night, which is why the guy is in a rather bad mood. They make their social media profiles their diaries and never fail to update it - whatever they do and wherever they go.
We can practically stalk them. And worse, they just post too much private information that makes us, their followers, want to cringe. The line must be drawn with what kind of information couples share online.
#4 This account is owned by MrandMrsHopelesslyinLove. Joint social media accounts, there is no explanation as to why these couples only have one social media account. You will never know who is posting what, who will see your message or who is posting the comments.
We get that the two of you are so open to each other that you do not mind receiving messages that are not intended for you but for your partner, and well, you read it anyway. But individuality and privacy should be respected, even though you are already married. Each of you is still allowed to have your own lives.
#5 The other half of the couple oddly reacts to a tagged photo of the other with a member of the opposite sex. We've all come across this couple of times. The male gets tagged with a photo of him and another female that isn't the girlfriend or wife or vice versa. And guess who reacts or comments first with a sarcastic remark? The girlfriend or wife, of course! And after ten minutes, we would see that it has become a full online battle and both of them airing each other's dirty laundry.
The world is bad enough with impending wars and deaths, so please take your petty fights to the bedroom where none of us can be a witness to it.
#6 What happens when the fighting is over? They make up, of course! And where do they make up? Online, in the same thread. With a lot of sorrys and I-love-you's and empty promises of not fighting again. Can we just block them now?
#7 Social media seems to be the first choice when ranting these days. Where have your friends gone? What happened to those people that you can call or talk to when you have had a fight with your significant other? Did you forget them now?
Oftentimes, we see half of the couple posting rants about how their significant other has made yet another huge mistake, and they don't think they can forgive their partner this time. We are now very much aware of all the negative things his or her partner has done. Wow. Isn't this sounding more and more like a soap opera?
#8 Social media seems to still be the first choice when raving these days. But on the brighter side of things, we also see all the positive side the other half has done! As much as this person rants about the negative things, the person also raves about the positive things. Your appreciation of what your partner has done for you will go a longer way, if you directed this to them, not to your online social media profile.
#9 Post intercourse selfies. Need there be any explanation for this?
#10 As you scroll down your newsfeed, you see that one male has written a lot of sweet words on one female's profile or vice versa. You will first think that it is so sweet of this male to post his proposal to this female on her social profile. But wait. What? Shouldn't that be done in person? But then, minutes later, the female responds with an all caps YES! Talk about tacky to the n-th degree!
#11 As you scroll down your newsfeed again, you see that one individual has written really rude words to their partner, revealing at the end that they want a break-up. Not only is this embarrassing to both parties involved, but again, shouldn't this be done in person? The whole world will now know why they have broken up, and if that isn't enough, everyone's aware of the nasty reasons for the break up.
Relationship milestones are very important and each couple should be grateful for the presence of their partners in their lives. However, this appreciation should be personal, should not be done online with the whole world as their audience, and should be just between the two of them.
It's easy to fall trap to the so-called online diary that is social media. But when you really think about it, wouldn't messages delivered in person be so much sweeter than just receiving a notification on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram?