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    How to Talk to Your Crush and Make Them Fall for You!

    Use these 13 sneaky ways to initiate a conversation and talk to your crush. Before you know it, your crush would have a bigger crush on you instead!

    Talking to your crush and professing your love to them is actually the easy part.

    Building the foundation perfectly to ensure that your crush is actually just as crazy about you as you are about them, well, that's the tricky part.

    Read the first part to know about the 15 tips to make your crush notice you and like you back before you use these tips on how to talk to your crush.

    Using the tips to get your crush to notice you the right way will definitely work wonders in your effort to get them to like you.

    How to talk to your crush

    The thought of striking a conversation with your crush could make you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach.

    But if you take things slow, and focus on the three stages mentioned in the introduction, the attention stage, the chemistry stage and finally the conversation stage, you'd realize that even before you start talking to your crush, your crush would already have a crush on you!

    STAGE 3 - 8 ways to initiate a conversation

    If you followed the first two stages to the tee, your crush probably likes you already, and they'd assume they're the one who has a crush on you, and not the other way around. Now all you need to do is initiate a conversation subtly, without making it too obvious that you're looking for excuses to chat them up.

    Use these 8 ways to initiate a conversation with your crush. You can use just one of these tips, or use many of them. As long as you don't make it obvious that you're faking a meet-cute, it's all perfect for you!

    But just a word of caution to play it safe, don't stretch the first time you talk to your crush into a long conversation immediately unless there's a good opportunity to do so. It should be brief and quick, and should be just long enough to make both of you feel like acquaintances.

    #1 Ask for help. The easiest way to chat up a crush is by asking them for help. If you notice your crush standing nearby, pretend like you're looking for something, a book or a particular person. Look around dramatically and impatiently, and pretend like you're almost panicking because you're already late for something.

    And all of a sudden, lock eyes with your crush, and ask them a question, “hey… did you notice a book lying around here?” or “I'm sorry, but did you see a girl walk past here just now?”

    Once your crush answers your question, continue to look around for a few more seconds, and exchange a fleeting glance, nod or smile and walk away like you're flustered and busy. Don't start a conversation here, or it'll appear like you were just faking it to chat them up. There's always a next time to talk to your crush for longer.

    #2 Drop something. If you're walking in front of your crush or walking past them, *accidentally* drop something of little value like a pen or a piece of paper. As long as your crush sees it fall, they'd definitely use the excuse to strike a conversation with you. And even if your crush doesn't notice it falling, you have nothing to lose.

    #3 Use social media. Comment on something your crush comments on, as long as both of you have a common friend. You don't need to answer your crush directly, just be seen by them. Your crush will surely check your facebook page and try to get to know more about you.

    You need to remember that the secret behind getting a crush to like you is to make them believe they're the ones who are more curious about you!

    #4 Smile while walking past your crush. When you're walking past your crush and their friends aren't around, just smile fleetingly or say hi to your crush. Don't stop and chat though, just say hello and walk past them.

    As long as you've built the chemistry up in the earlier stages, your crush would be waiting to talk to you the very next time both of you bump into each other.

    #5 Get friendly with your crush's friends. Do both of you share any common friends? Try to get to know them better. Don't tell this friend about your crush. Instead, just try to strike up a conversation with the friend now and then. It's a great way to get to know your crush without approaching them directly.

    #6 Use your friends. If you're hanging out with your friends and your crush walks past you or sits down somewhere near you, use your friends to send the message across. When they tease you or constantly stare at your crush, it would embarrass your crush while making them fall for you harder.

    #7 Bumping into each other. If you bump into your crush, accidentally or otherwise, don't be shy. Instead of walking away or looking the other way, smile, wave or say hello. Both of you have been exchanging glances for far too long to miss out on an opportunity like this! But keep the conversation short the first time.

    #8 Send a facebook request. If both of you have been exchanging flirty glances on the streets and commenting on the same posts on facebook, that's enough of an excuse to get friendly online. After all, chatting on facebook does take a huge load of pressure off face to face conversations.

    After the first conversation - Don't overdo it

    When both of you start waving hellos and talking to each other, your crush may give you a lot of attention, but don't get clingy or fall all over your crush. Play it cool and make it seem like mutual interest rather than a one sided crush. Avoid giving too much attention all at once, and your crush will pursue you just as much as you pursue them.

    Avoid falling into the friend zone. This usually happens when you go out of your way to help your crush. Be nice and friendly, but tease your crush and leave them hanging instead of trying to please them all the time.

    Don't be jealous. Don't get jealous or rude when you find your crush talking to someone else. Remember, both of you aren't dating yet, and you have no right to tell this person who they can or can't talk to. If you show off your displeasure to your crush, they'd only get more annoyed with your behavior. Just pretend like it doesn't bother you.

    5 tips to build the romance with alone time

    The easiest way to make your crush get attracted to you is by spending time with each other when no one's around. If you notice your crush and you're with your friends, excuse yourself and walk up to your crush and start a conversation. The more alone time both of you get, the faster the attraction would build and the stronger the infatuation.

    #1 Eye contact. Make eye contact while talking to your crush. Look into their eyes while saying something, and hold your gaze. It'll seem awkward at first, but it'll send the message that you like this person.

    #2 Smile and laugh. Don't be boring when you're spending alone time with your crush. Smile, laugh and tease your crush.

    #3 Compliments. Compliments work wonders in a conversation. It'll bring both of you closer, and it would make your crush start flirting with you even if they don't realize it themselves.

    #4 Talk about common interests. Try to find common ground in conversations. Find out more about things they like, be it movies, shows or anything else. When both of you find something in common, it'll give both of you a chance to bond over common interests.

    #5 Text and call each other. Exchange phone numbers and text each other. And if you want to get flirty and naughty, text each other later in the evenings or at night.

    Asking your crush out

    You can follow all the steps here, but if you make a mistake at this point, everything you've built up to this point could come crashing down like a house of cards.

    Don't make the mistake of telling your crush you like them or want to date them too soon into the flirting. Rushing this part can ruin everything if your crush isn't ready to date you yet.

    Instead, invite your crush out to spend time with you. Ask your crush if they'd like to join you for lunch or coffee sometime. Tell them about a new place you've been waiting to check out, and that you would love to take them there.

    It may take a few dates for both of you to feel the romantic connection. But when that does happen, you'll just know that your crush is ready to answer in the affirmative when you finally ask them if they like you too!

    It's really easy to get a crush to like you as long as you use these tips on how to talk to your crush, and play it safe and slow. Don't rush in too soon, and work on building the romance first. And before you know it, your crush would have fallen for you, just as hard as you've fallen for them!