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    Zabawa - Strona 489

    10 Celebs Who Can't Stand Their Parents And 10 Who Are Super Close With Them
    Let's be perfectly honest - families are complicated. There's no such thing as a perfect parent or a perfect child, and even if there were, they would only exist in...
    10 Celebs Who Are Natural Redheads (+ 10 Who Are Regulars At The Salon)
    There are quite a few redheads in Hollywood and we have to admit that it's one of our favorite hair colors. There is something just so stunning about the shade...
    10 Celebs Who Admit Being Adventurous-And 10 Who Are Keeping A Low Profile
    Celebrity watching should be listed as a legitimate hobby for many people. It's quite entertaining and provides hours of enjoyment as we analyze what the stars wear to the red...
    10 Celebs Who 15 Minutes Of Fame Needs To End (And 10 Who's Ended Way Too Quickly)
    In the world of Hollywood with all its glitz and glamour, stars come and go faster than the speed of light. Many stick around for the long haul while some...
    10 Celebs We Didn't Know Were Gay And 10 Who Play For Both Teams
    Everybody loves and everybody wants to find that special person out there who is their meant-to-be partner-whether that person is a male or female, it does not matter. Due to...
    10 Celebs We Didn't Know Were Adopted And 10 Who Came From Broken Homes
    It's easy to forget that the celebrities we know and love weren't always famous. They had childhoods and teenage years too and were often remarkably 'normal' before their ascent to...
    10 Celebs As Bad As Harvey Weinstein & 5 Hollywood Is Trying To Protect
    In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, which saw multiple women - including major celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Jennifer Lawrence - come forward to detail their experiences...
    10 celebrytów Ariana Grande nie pasuje dobrze (i 10 razy robi)
    Kto może nazwać bardziej polaryzującą gwiazdę niż Ariana Grande? 25-letnia piosenkarka i aktorka przez lata gromadziła zaskakującą liczbę wrogów, przyjaciół i szaleńców, ale Grande była w centrum uwagi od dziecka....