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    Zabawa - Strona 488

    10 Celebs Who Look Completely Different Now (& 10 Who've Changed For The Better)
    We're gonna go ahead and right out say it: aging in Hollywood is NOT pleasant, especially if you're a woman. For some reason, actresses, models, and basically every single woman...
    10 Celebs Who Look Amazing Without Their Signature Look (And 10 Who Remained Basic)
    Everyone in Hollywood just wants to look fabulous. No one wants to be basic these days, it's all about that signature look, those pretty blond highlights, that perfect shade of...
    10 Celebs Who Live For The Paparazzi (& 10 Who Keep Their Distance)
    The paparazzi - literally the worst nightmare for some celebrities. Take TMZ - News here breaks faster than a Kardashian can rack up the likes on Instagram. The website was the first...
    10 Celebs Who Left Hollywood For Good (& 10 Who Managed To Make A Comeback)
    The entertainment industry has seen a lot of its successful stars come and go. And the majority of celebrities have always dreamed of having a successful career in Hollywood. They...
    10 celebrytów, którzy opuścili Hollywood po ich rozpadzie (i 10, którzy weszli do centrum uwagi)
    Wszyscy słyszeliśmy stare powiedzenie: „Zerwanie jest trudne do zrobienia”. Te słynne pary nie mogły tego sprawić i zostały zmuszone do stawienia czoła bardzo publicznym rozpadom. Nie jest łatwo uleczyć złamane...
    10 Celebs Who Downgraded And 10 Who Actually Upgraded
    Cheating isn't uncommon in Hollywood. It seems like every year, there's a big tabloid story about a star having an affair. After decades of celebrities cheating, the public is used...
    10 Celebs Who Ditched Their Normal Spouses After Fame And 10 Who Got With Regular People
    Fame changes people. Or, at least, it changes most people. And really, how can it not? You suddenly find yourself thrust into the spotlight, giving interviews and having people offer...
    10 Celebs Who Ditched Hollywood To Be Mamas (& 10 Who Hired Nannies)
    We never really expect celebrities to leave Hollywood because they have kids. We've seen them in many movies over the years and we assume that they will still follow their...