Between 2001 and 2004, we were blessed with Lizzie McGuire. The adventures of Lizzie, played by Hilary Duff and her best friends Gordo and Miranda as they battled against popular...
Nowadays, it seems like there are endless Disney shows on the air, all of them blending into one another, and most adults aren't really aware of which is which. However,...
It's hard to believe that Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County has been off the air for over a decade. The reality television show starring a group of teens in...
In December 2009, a reality show premiered on MTV that took the pop culture world by storm. If you weren't watching, your friends were bugging you on a daily basis...
The 90s are known for having some cult classic, goofy movies. Many movies that were released ended up getting several sequels due to their success. This kept the fans laughing...
Few movies fill us with as much nostalgia as Holes. For many of us, this movie represents a major part of our childhood, and the story really left a huge imprint on...
There just aren't as many successful musicals as there are movies, which means that often, a musical that achieved some degree of success is revamped for a few different versions....
When Glee first arrived on the scene in 2009 when it first premiered on Fox, it became a huge hit almost instantly. It was bright and quirky and full of...