We all have one - yes, all of us. It's called swipe left or that moment we "hover." Some girls go for athletic guys. Some go for the boy-next-door. For...
When Jennifer Aniston was making plans for her 50th birthday, she thought she might just go on a trip. But her friends said no, go on a trip but have...
Kilka dni po tym, jak Lady Gaga zerwała zaręczyny z Christianem Carino, nazywała swoją siostrę „bratnią duszą” Us Weekly raporty. Wszyscy wciąż walczyli z pięścią pierścienia, gdy wiadomość się załamała...
We absolutely love celebrities who are fearless when it comes to experimenting with their look. After all, they usually have an extremely talented team of experts who can help bring...
Vogue's recent releases on their YouTube channel consist of some quirky, heartwarming, hilarious, and informative makeup tutorials. The celebrities in these videos range from actors to models and even include...
If you have ever wanted to chop your hair off, all you have to do is look to the stars for some inspiration. We mean celebrity women, of course - many...
When it comes to love, its natural to assume that celebrities have it easy; they're glamorous and captivating and can get anybody they want. But that's not always entirely true....
Czy zastanawiałeś się kiedyś, jak aktorzy umawiają się na randki i zakochują się na planie? Zdarza się to częściej niż mogłoby się wydawać. Oczywiście, pod wieloma względami celebryty mają to...