Nie jest tajemnicą, że chirurgia plastyczna jest ogromna w Hollywood, świecie, w którym każdy ma pozostać młody i wspaniały na zawsze. Podczas gdy spora część męskich gwiazd decyduje się na...
It was Andy Warhol who once said: “In the future, everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes." This idea of everyone getting their “fifteen minutes of fame” has become...
Although a lot of the time we wish we could be just like the celebrities we adore and admire, the truth is, celebs get a pretty raw deal. Whereas we...
Ballet is a captivating art form, drawing together enthusiasts and admirers from all across the globe. With sky-high leaps and dizzying spins, experienced ballerinas have a magical way of making...
There are plenty of celebrities who marry other famous people because, after all, who could understand the challenges of the Hollywood lifestyle better than someone who has experienced it themselves? However, there...
So many celebrities are defined by their hair. Blake Lively, queen of our hearts and owner of the signature Californian spun-gold set of tresses, knows that. When she changes her...
Living in reality, modern individuals know all about what it's like to wear our older sibling's hand-me-down clothes. Sometimes we fought it (especially when we were really young and had...
It might be a nice day for a white wedding, but not everyone wants to go traditional when it comes to their wedding dress. In fact, white bridal gowns are a...